获取数组中所有的子数组-Swift3.0 实现


//1 2 3 12 13 23 123

let a = [1, 2, 3]
var subArray = [Any]()

for i in 1...a.count {
    print("list \(i) length sub array")
    for left in 0..

Terminal运行swift ListSubArray.swift可得到:

list 1 length sub array

left is 0 and right is 1
left is 1 and right is 2
left is 2 and right is 3

list 2 length sub array

left is 0 and right is 2
[1, 2]
left is 1 and right is 3
[2, 3]

list 3 length sub array

left is 0 and right is 3
[1, 2, 3]

count is 6 All subArray is [ArraySlice([1]), ArraySlice([2]), ArraySlice([3]), ArraySlice([1, 2]), ArraySlice([2, 3]), ArraySlice([1, 2, 3])]

你可能感兴趣的:(获取数组中所有的子数组-Swift3.0 实现)