Day 4 Levelling the paying field


1.has the potential to shake up the banks   具有震撼银行的潜力

2.make formal complaints each year about their banks   每年都会开正式会议抱怨银行

3.founder of   创始人、创办人   抵押借款

5.predetermined account   预算

6.overdrawn account   透支账户 date据记载

8.has been remarkably unscathed by technology-driven disruption   在技术驱动破坏下并未受到明显损伤

9.mount a challenge   遇到、应对挑战 industry   网上支付企业

11.Kick-start competition   启动竞争

12.explicitconsent   明确同意

13.Budgeting advice   保守意见

14.Such concerns are legitimate but arguefintech supporters, offer a convenient excuse for banks to block competition.   这些担忧是合情合理的,但是又会争论金融科技拥护者们为银行提供一个可靠的借口阻碍竞争。

15.Robust   强健的

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