

---- 一件美丽的花裙子
Family Education is actually Education of Love
-- A beautiful dress hidden somewhere


On April 1, 2011, a student studying in Japan surnamed “Wang” had a quarrel with his mom for tuition fees at Shanghai Pudong Airport and stabbed and wounded his mom. After the event, many people have doubts as to why a 23-year-old guy should stab his mother.


There appears a string of similar events from Yao Jiaxin to Lu Gang, a Ph.D in the US, involved with a murder case, to this student studying in Japan who stabbed his mother, from which we can nose out a common factor: The family education lays the one-sided emphasis on knowledge and scores but emotionally separates the parents from their children.


Parents are excessively concerned about the knowledge and scores to be mastered by their child but they are emotionally isolated from their child so that the child is turned into a scoring machine. But now danger is imminent (即将到来的).

On the surface (表面上), they may have better grades with a good command of many a skill. However, he is turned into a person who shows no emotion or personality just like a cold fish. His goal is only to get the upper hand over anyone else.
In essence, there is no doubt that family education greatly affects the physical and mental growth of a child and nurtures or reshapes his or her moral outlook and life attitude, so each family should be highly concerned about this problem and tries hard to pay more attention to their children’s moral and physical growth.


Even the Good Book says, “Spare the rod and spoil the child”, which is quite similar to the Chinese saying that “Gems unwrought can do nothing useful”.


So Chinese people are used to this way of disciplining or ruling from ancient times: to rule the inferiors with a rod of iron or by resorting to forces, which takes on overtones of "Those who submit will prosper, those who resist shall perish."

Actually, this point of view is beyond all reason(毫无道理). It stands to reason that each child should be decently and morally disciplined but should not be cruelly tamed out of shape physically or mentally in his or her growth.

**Family education is to be more open and flexible without staying in a rut or following a stereotyped pattern in spite of no regular rules. **


However, parents should communicate with competent educators and experts to draw on valuable experience and efficiently know the ropes as to how to educate and discipline their kids back at home.

Or we may put it this way: a child is a flower that needs meticulous nursing, polishing, trimming, or even the instructively enlightening taming.

It goes without saying that family education can exert the greatest influence on every one of us.


Here is a story which may offer us much food for thought:

My neighbor’s eight-year-old daughter used to stay in the countryside, her native place.Wild and uneducated, she would swear or use dirty words when she was displeased. Her parents tried to tame her by beating and kicking, only to result in more violent outbursts.


One day their next-door neighbor gave the girl a snow-white dress, which was very beautiful. The girl put on the dress and became quite another person. She no longer abused or hit others, she knew running wild was beneath her in such a beautiful dress.

The story set me thinking a lot. Perhaps everyone has a beautiful dress hidden somewhere in his or her heart.

Love is like air, which we breathe every day with a steady stream of oxygen to nourish our body and mind, but air is impalpable (难以触觉的) and invisible, thus often ignored by us.

All people can be emotionally touched by love which is so pure and transparent. How great love is! The healthy and unhealthy grow of a child depends to a greater extent on parents’ education methods.

Improper and insufficient education methods render it possible for children to be disobedient and difficult to discipline.

It follows that (由此断定;由此得出结论) parents are supposed to seek and identify a proper education method for the sake of the child's healthy growth! May all our children be elite talents with a brighter future! Let’s join hands to make greater efforts and make the world fully blessed with (有幸得到) love so that we and our children can have the better and better life.

1. Suppose you are a parent, what will you do in face of a wild and uneducated kid?

2. Everyone knows that it is wrong to spoil or indulge a child. However, how can we reshape our child into a well-behaved one instead of a docile or obedient poppet?

3. If you are not married and currently have no kid, would you please tell us a story about your dissatisfactory growth or your happy growth in your childhood? Or you may say something about your own way to educate your own child in the near future.

★ 作者:**Andrew**** **
