
According to the Java API documentation, when a thread is about to terminate due to an uncaught exception, the Java Virtual Machine will query the thread for its UncaughtExceptionHandler using Thread.getUncaughtExceptionHandler() and will invoke the handler's uncaughtException method, passing the thread and the exception as arguments. If a thread has not had its UncaughtExceptionHandler explicitly set, then its ThreadGroup object acts as its UncaughtExceptionHandler. If the ThreadGroup object has no special requirements for dealing with the exception, it can forward the invocation to the default uncaught exception handler.

Java allows you to install a default exception handler for threads, for just this very reason. You have three options in doing so:

  1. You can set it for a specific Thread
  2. You can set it for a ThreadGroup (which means for all Threads in that group)
  3. You can set it VM wide for all Threads regardless



  1. 重写系统的ExceptionHandler之前,缓存住之前的Handler

defaultHandler = Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler();

  1. 对异常进行我们的自定义处理。处理完成之后将异常抛给上层Handler。并且这个回调是在主线程执行,所以我们不用手动调用 System.exit().

public void uncaughtException(Thread thread, Throwable ex) {
if (defaultHandler != null) {
defaultHandler.uncaughtException(thread, ex);

