
Day 9翻译段落

Is the new urbanism all it is cracked up to be? It is easy to find counter-trends, given America’s size and variety: many CEOs continue to see a future in the suburbs of the sunbelt. ExxonMobil is building a headquarters for 10,000 people in the outskirts of Houston. Toyota is moving its North American headquarters from Torrance, California, to suburban Dallas. There is also tax-and-benefits arbitrage going on: over the past decades, the suburbs have become complacent and downtowns have got hungrier. GE’s affection for its old home in Connecticut was no doubt weakened by the state’s decision in 2015 to raise business taxes by $750m. Boston provided an estimated $145m in incentives to secure the deal.所有企业都热衷于新型城市主义吗?相反的趋势也并不罕见。考虑到美国社会的大规模和多样性:许多首席执行官依然看好阳光地带郊区的前景。美孚石油正在休斯顿市郊建立一个可容纳一万人的总公司。丰田正在把它在北美的总部从加利福尼亚的Torrance迁往郊区的Dallas,税收和收益的套利交易也在继续:近十年来,郊区变得富裕了起来,市区的需求不再饱和。通用对老家康涅迪格州的喜爱无疑被其2015年提高的七亿五千万商业税的决定大大削弱了。波士顿为确保交易,预计会提供一亿四千五百万的保证。

Still, something isclearly changing in America’s older cities. They are much less crime-ridden thanbefore, thanks to a combination of better policing and demographic change. Thehomicide rate fell by16.8% from 2000 to 2010 in big cities. Now these urbancentres are magnets for millennials fresh from university and with fewresponsibilities. Young professionals are reconquering former no-go areas andshifting the problem of urban blight into the suburbs. Hiring such people inBoston, GE reckons, will help it shift its focus from hardware to software andfrom selling things to offering services over the internet.

