[用英文思考] Seeing Solar in a New Light 换个角度看太阳能_TheThreshold播客10 2019-07-13

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逐分钟详细内容,中英双语(非逐字,因为口语和书面表达有点不同)。Fiona独家观点,打开你的思路。 双语文章帮你提高英语,让你建立英文思考。(这里有一个之前一期免费的例子:  https://www.jianshu.com/p/5ec99be5b2c1 )

[用英文思考] Seeing Solar in a New Light 换个角度看太阳能_TheThreshold播客10 2019-07-13_第1张图片


This week I want to talk about solar power. It is an ancient topic for innovation talks. However I recently realized something about it that maybe many people in the market haven't realized.


你可能感兴趣的:([用英文思考] Seeing Solar in a New Light 换个角度看太阳能_TheThreshold播客10 2019-07-13)