Intro to Computer Science(closed)

Intro to Computer Science

标签(空格分隔): Udacity


Lesson2 problem set

find last

# Define a procedure, find_last, that takes as input
# two strings, a search string and a target string,
# and returns the last position in the search string
# where the target string appears, or -1 if there
# are no occurrences.
# Example: find_last('aaaa', 'a') returns 3

# Make sure your procedure has a return statement.

#关于find()的复数用法,s.find(t, -2),意思是从s的倒数第二个字符开始找

def find_last(s, t):    # s means search, t means target
    last_pos = -1
    while True:
        pos = s.find(t, last_pos+1) //这里的+1非常重要,最关键的部分
        if pos == -1:
            return last_pos
        last_pos = pos

print find_last('aaaa', 'a')
#>>> 3

print find_last('aaaaa', 'aa')
#>>> 3

print find_last('aaaa', 'b')
#>>> -1

#print find_last("111111111", "1")
#>>> 8

#print find_last("222222222", "")
#>>> 9

#print find_last("", "3")
#>>> -1

#print find_last("", "")
#>>> 0

Lesson 2.5:how to solve problems

how old

# By Websten from forums
# Given your birthday and the current date, calculate your age in days. 
# Account for leap days. 
# Assume that the birthday and current date are correct dates (and no 
# time travel). 

def daysBetweenDates(year1, month1, day1, year2, month2, day2):
    # Your code here.
    year = year2 - year1
    if month2 < month1:
        month = month2 + 12 - month1
        year -= 1
        month = month2 - month1
    if day2 < day1:
        day = day2+30 - day1
        month -= 1
        day = day2 - day1
    return year*365 + month*30 + day + 1

# Test routine

def test():
    test_cases = [((2012,1,1,2012,2,28), 58), 
                  ((2012,1,1,2012,3,1), 60),
                  ((2011,6,30,2012,6,30), 366),
                  ((2011,1,1,2012,8,8), 585 ),
                  ((1900,1,1,1999,12,31), 36523)]
    for (args, answer) in test_cases:
        result = daysBetweenDates(*args)
        if result != answer:
            print "Test with data:", args, "failed"
            print "Test case passed!"



def nextDay(year, month, day):
    if day < 30:
        return year, month, day+1
        if month < 12:
            return year, month+1, 1
        return year+1, 1, 1



def union(a, b):
    for e in b:
        if e in a:
            a + e
# To test, uncomment all lines 
# below except those beginning with >>>.

a = [1,2,3]
b = [2,4,6]
print a 
#>>> [1,2,3,4,6]
#print b
#>>> [2,4,6]

报错说 list can't connect with list, 看来这个+ operation不能用


def union(a, b):
    for e in b:
        if e not in a: 

lesson 3 problem set

Max Pages solution


def crawl_web(see, max_pages):
    tocrawl = [seed]
    crawled = []
    while tocrawl:
        page = tocrawl.pop()
        if page not in crawled:
            union(tocrawl, get_all_links(get_page(page))) 
    return crawled


def crawl_web(see, max_pages):
    tocrawl = [seed]
    crawled = []  //len(crawled) is length of crawled
    while tocrawl:
        page = tocrawl.pop()
        if page not in crawled and len(crawled) < max_pages: // 只要爬过的crawled list数目小于max_pages即可
            union(tocrawl, get_all_links(get_page(page))) 
    return crawled

Max Depth Solution


def crawl_web(see, max_pages):
    tocrawl = [seed]
    crawled = []
    while tocrawl:
        page = tocrawl.pop()
        if page not in crawled:
            union(tocrawl, get_all_links(get_page(page))) 
    return crawled


def crawl_web(seed,max_depth):    
    tocrawl = [seed]
    crawled = []
    next_depth = []  // 用来记载下一个depth里需要crawl的页面
    depth = 0       //depth一开始的默认值是0
    while tocrawl and depth <= max_depth:   //当tocrawl为零,即没有需要crawl的网页时结束,当depth等于max_depth时也结束
        page = tocrawl.pop()
        if page not in crawled:
            union(next_depth, get_all_links(get_page(page)))    //把tocrawl变成了next_depth, 将下一个depth里的page和当前page合并
        if not tocrawl:  // 关键,只有在当前层crawl完后才会运行这段代码,进入下一层
            tocrawl, next_depth = next_depth, []  //把下一层的页面赋给tocrawl,将下一层的页面清空
            depth = depth + 1 // 此时tocrawl里全是下一层的页面,故depth+1, 
    return crawled


def crawl_web(seed,max_depth):    
    tocrawl = [seed]
    crawled = []
    next_depth = []
    depth = 0
    while tocrawl and depth <= max_depth:
        page = tocrawl.pop()
        if page not in crawled:
            union(next_depth, get_all_links(get_page(page)))
        if not tocrawl:
            tocrawl, next_depth = next_depth, []
            depth = depth + 1
    return crawled

problem set : sudoku


# A valid sudoku square satisfies these
# two properties:

#   1. Each column of the square contains
#       each of the whole numbers from 1 to n exactly once.

#   2. Each row of the square contains each
#       of the whole numbers from 1 to n exactly once.

# You may assume the the input is square and contains at
# least one row and column.


def twice(p, m):    #检查m在p中是否有两个以上的数字
    n = 0
    for i in p:
        if i == m
    if n == 1:
        return True
        return False
def check_sudoku(sudoku):
    for i in sudoku:    #检查是否是方阵n*n
        if len(i) != len(sudoku):
            return False
    for n in sudoku:     #检查数字是否是1到9内的数字,字母也不行,分数也不行
        for m in n:
            if m > num_list and m not in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]:
                return False
    for n in sudoku:    #检查行与列是否有相同数字
        // row = sudoku.index(n)
        for m in n:     # 检查每行是否有相同的数字
            if twice(n, m):
                return False
            column = n.index(m)   #得到m的index
            # 下面四行把m所在列的数字放到m_column里
            m_column = []
            i = 0
            while i <= len(sodoku):   
            if twice(m_column, m):
                return False
     return True


def check_sudoku(p):
    n = len(p) # Extract size of grid
    digit = 1 # strat with 1,从1开始逐个与每个digit比较
    while digit <= n: #Go through each digit
        i = 0
        while i < n: #Go through each row and column        
            row_count = 0
            col_count = 0
            j = 0
            while j < n: #for each entry in ith row/column
                if p[i][j] == digit: #check row count
                    row_count = row_count + 1
                if p[j][i] == digit:
                    col_count = col_count + 1
                j = j + 1
            if row_count != 1 or col_count != 1:
                return False
            i = i + 1 #newt row/column
            digit = digit + 1 #next digit
    return True #Nothing was wrong!

Symmetric Square


q = [[0, 1, 2], 
     [-1, 0, 3], 
     [-2, -3, 0]]

print zip(*q)

[(0, -1, -2), 
 (1, 0, -3), 
 (2, 3, 0)]

mutated = [list(i) for i in(zip(*q))]
print mutated

[[0, -1, -2], 
 [1, 0, -3], 
 [2, 3, 0]]


def symmetric(q):
    original = q
    mutated = [list(i) for i in(zip(*q))]
    if original==mutated:
        return True
    return False

Lesson 4 Responding to Queries

Add to Index

要求 笔记里也有写

# Define a procedure, add_to_index,
# that takes 3 inputs:

# - an index: [[,[,...]],...]
# - a keyword: String
# - a url: String

# If the keyword is already
# in the index, add the url
# to the list of urls associated
# with that keyword.

# If the keyword is not in the index,
# add an entry to the index: [keyword,[url]]

index = []

def add_to_index(index_0,keyword,url):
print index
#>>> [['udacity', ['', '']], 
#>>> ['computing', ['']]]


def check_keyword(index, keyword):   #检查keyword是否在index中
    for i in index:
        if i[0] == keyword:
            return True
            return False

def return_keyword_index(index, keyword):  
    for i in index:
        if[0] == keyword:
            return index.index(i)

def add_to_index(index,keyword,url):
    if not check_keyword(index, keyword):
        index.append([keyword, [url]])
        i = return_keyword_index(index, keyword)

The answer

def add_to_index(index, keyword, url):
    for entry in index:
        if entry[0] == keyword:
    index.append([keyword, [url]])


返回keyword的所有url,没有对应keyword的话返回empty list

# Define a procedure, lookup,
# that takes two inputs:

# - an index
# - keyword

# The procedure should return a list
# of the urls associated
# with the keyword. If the keyword
# is not in the index, the procedure
# should return an empty list.

index = [['udacity', ['', '']],
         ['computing', ['']]]
#my code
def lookup(index,keyword):
    for i in index:
        if i[0] == keyword:
           return i[1]
    return []

Add Page to Index Solution

把content(比如说一篇文章)分成每个单词,把单词作为keyword,把url放到这个keyword之后的url list。

# Define a procedure, add_page_to_index,
# that takes three inputs:

#   - index
#   - url (String)
#   - content (String)

# It should update the index to include
# all of the word occurences found in the
# page content by adding the url to the
# word's associated url list.

index = []

def add_to_index(index,keyword,url):
    for entry in index:
        if entry[0] == keyword:

def add_page_to_index(index,url,content):
    words = content.split()
    for word in words:


add_page_to_index(index,'fake.text',"This is a test")
print index

[['This', ['fake.text']], ['is', ['fake.text']], ['a', ['fake.text']], ['test', ['fake.text']]]

Finish the web crawler


def crawl_web(seed):
    tocrawl = [seed]
    crawled = []
    index = [] #update
    while tocrawl:
        page = tocrawl.pop()
        if page not in crawled:
            content = get_page(page) #update, the page is the url
            add_page_to_index(index,page,content) # update
    return index

3 The Internet


def get_page(url):
        import urllib
        return urllib.urlopen(url).read()
        return ""

Lesson 4 problem set

Better Splitting

 # The built-in .split() procedure works
# okay, but fails to find all the words on a page
# because it only uses whitespace to split the
# string. To do better, we should also use punctuation
# marks to split the page into words.

# Define a procedure, split_string, that takes two
# inputs: the string to split and a string containing
# all of the characters considered separators. The
# procedure should return a list of strings that break
# the source string up by the characters in the
# splitlist.

def split_string(source,splitlist):
    output = []
    atsplit = True
    for char in source:
        if char in splitlist:
            atsplit = True
            if atsplit:
                atsplit = False
                output[-1] = output[-1] + char
    return output

Improving the Index Solution

# The current index includes a url in the list of urls
# for a keyword multiple times if the keyword appears
# on that page more than once.

# It might be better to only include the same url
# once in the url list for a keyword, even if it appears
# many times.

# Modify add_to_index so that a given url is only
# included once in the url list for a keyword,
# no matter how many times that keyword appears.

def add_to_index(index, keyword, url):
    for entry in index:
        if entry[0] == url:
            if url not in entry[1]: # 本问题只需要加这一行即可 
    # not found, add new keyword to index
    index.append([url, [keyword]])

def get_page(url):
        if url == "":
            return '''  This is a test page for learning to crawl!

It is a good idea to learn to crawl before you try to walk or fly.

''' elif url == "": return ''' I have not learned to crawl yet, but I am quite good at kicking. ''' elif url == "": return ''' I cant get enough crawling''' elif url == "": return ''' The magic words are Squeamish Ossifrage!''' except: return "" return "" def union(a, b): for e in b: if e not in a: a.append(e) def get_next_target(page): start_link = page.find('>> ['']

Counting Clicks Solution

每用一次lookup()函数,就是一次对keyword的搜索,如果能找到url,就说明这个URL的count数+1, 用record_user_click(index, keyword, url) 将其+1. 这要改变原有的数据结构,在每一个url的后面接一个count记载搜索次数。index = [keyword, [[url, count], [url, count] ......]

#urls = [[url, count],[url,count]...]

def record_user_click(index, keyword, url):
    urls = lookup(index, keyword)
    if urls:
        for entry in urls:
            if entry[0] == url:
                entry[1] = entry[1]+1

def add_to_index(index, keyword, url):
    # format of index: [[keyword, [[url, count], [url, count],..]],...]
    for entry in index:
        if entry[0] == keyword:
            for urls in entry[1]:
                if urls[0] == url:
    # not found, add new keyword to index
    index.append([keyword, [[url,0]]])


import time #this is a Python library

def time_execution(code):
   start = time.clock()  # start the clock
   result = eval(code)  # evaluate any string as if it is a Python command
   run_time = time.clock() - start  # find difference in start and end time
   return result, run_time  # return the result of the code and time taken

eval()里面必须用string, for example:time_execution('add_to_index(1,2,3)')

Lesson 6

6.8 implemanting URank

学的page rank之后,修改之前web_crawl()的代码,并返回graph structure.

def crawl_web(seed):
    tocrawl = [seed]
    crawled = []
    index = []
    while tocrawl:
        page = tocrawl.pop()
        if page not in crawled:
            content = get_page(page)
            add_page_to_index(index, page, content)
            union(tocrawl, get_all_links(content))
    return index


def crawl_web(seed): # returns index, graph of outlinks
    tocrawl = [seed]
    crawled = []
    graph = {}  # :[list of pages it links to]
    index = {} 
    while tocrawl: 
        page = tocrawl.pop()
        if page not in crawled:
            content = get_page(page)
            add_page_to_index(index, page, content)
            outlinks = get_all_links(content) #得到content里所有的links
            #Insert Code Here
            graph[page] = outlinks
            union(tocrawl, outlinks)
    return index, graph


# Modify the crawl_web procedure so that instead of just returning the 
# index, it returns an index and a graph. The graph should be a 
# Dictionary where the key:value entries are:

#  url: [list of pages url links to] 

def crawl_web(seed): # returns index, graph of outlinks
    tocrawl = [seed]
    crawled = []
    graph = {}  # :[list of pages it links to]
    index = {} 
    while tocrawl: 
        page = tocrawl.pop()
        if page not in crawled:
            content = get_page(page)
            add_page_to_index(index, page, content)
            outlinks = get_all_links(content)
            #Insert Code Here
            if page not in graph:
                graph[page] = outlinks
            union(tocrawl, outlinks)
    return index, graph

cache = {
   '': """

Dave's Cooking Algorithms

Here are my favorite recipes:

For more expert opinions, check out the Nickel Chef and Zinc Chef. """, '': """

The Zinc Chef

I learned everything I know from the Nickel Chef.

For great hummus, try this recipe. """, '': """

The Nickel Chef

This is the best Hummus recipe! """, '': """

Kathleen's Hummus Recipe

  1. Open a can of garbanzo beans.
  2. Crush them in a blender.
  3. Add 3 tablespoons of tahini sauce.
  4. Squeeze in one lemon.
  5. Add salt, pepper, and buttercream frosting to taste.
""", '': """

The Arsenic Chef's World Famous Hummus Recipe

  1. Kidnap the Nickel Chef.
  2. Force her to make hummus for you.
""", '': """

Hummus Recipe

  1. Go to the store and buy a container of hummus.
  2. Open it.
""", } def get_page(url): if url in cache: return cache[url] else: return None def get_next_target(page): start_link = page.find('>> ['', #'', #'', #'', #'']

6.8.5 完整的page rank code

#Finishing the page ranking algorithm.

def compute_ranks(graph):
    d = 0.8 # damping factor
    numloops = 10
    ranks = {}
    npages = len(graph)
    for page in graph:
        ranks[page] = 1.0 / npages
    for i in range(0, numloops):
        newranks = {}
        for page in graph:
            newrank = (1 - d) / npages
            #Insert Code Here
            for node in graph:
                if page in graph[node]:
                    newrank = newrank + d*(rank[node] / len(graph[node]))

            newranks[page] = newrank
        ranks = newranks
    return ranks

cache = {
   '': """

Dave's Cooking Algorithms

Here are my favorite recipies:

For more expert opinions, check out the Nickel Chef and Zinc Chef. """, '': """

The Zinc Chef

I learned everything I know from the Nickel Chef.

For great hummus, try this recipe. """, '': """

The Nickel Chef

This is the best Hummus recipe! """, '': """

Kathleen's Hummus Recipe

  1. Open a can of garbonzo beans.
  2. Crush them in a blender.
  3. Add 3 tablesppons of tahini sauce.
  4. Squeeze in one lemon.
  5. Add salt, pepper, and buttercream frosting to taste.
""", '': """

The Arsenic Chef's World Famous Hummus Recipe

  1. Kidnap the Nickel Chef.
  2. Force her to make hummus for you.
""", '': """

Hummus Recipe

  1. Go to the store and buy a container of hummus.
  2. Open it.
""", } def crawl_web(seed): # returns index, graph of inlinks tocrawl = [seed] crawled = [] graph = {} # , [list of pages it links to] index = {} while tocrawl: page = tocrawl.pop() if page not in crawled: content = get_page(page) add_page_to_index(index, page, content) outlinks = get_all_links(content) graph[page] = outlinks union(tocrawl, outlinks) crawled.append(page) return index, graph def get_page(url): if url in cache: return cache[url] else: return None def get_next_target(page): start_link = page.find('>> {'': 0.11661866666666663, #'': 0.038666666666666655, #'': 0.038666666666666655, #'': 0.054133333333333325, #'': 0.033333333333333326, #'': 0.09743999999999997}
Intro to Computer Science(closed)_第2张图片
Intro to Computer Science(closed)_第3张图片
Intro to Computer Science(closed)_第4张图片
Intro to Computer Science(closed)_第5张图片

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