默认返回 templates 目录下的 string.html 页面内容。
在方法中加上 @ResponseBody 注解,可以返回JSON、XML或自定义mediaType的内容
直接返回内容,会自动将对象实体转换为JSON格式,视图解析器 InternalResourceViewResolver 不起作用。
@RestController = @Controller + @ResponseBody
接收请求体中的 JSON 数据,通过实体类的setter方法赋值给属性。
json 的 "" => 实体 String 为 ""
json 的 "" => 实体 Integer、Double 为 null
json 的 null => 实体为 null
@RequestBody 可以与 @RequestParam() 同时使用,@RequestBody 最多只能有一个,@RequestParam() 可以有多个。
以 String 接收数据
public String indexMapping(@RequestBody String jsonStr) {
return jsonStr;
// {"name":"hanmeimei","age":12}
public String indexMapping(@RequestBody User user) {
return user.toString();
public class Team {
private Integer id;
private String name;
private List honors;
private List members;
// {
// "id": 1,
// "name": "good",
// "honors": ["very good", "very fast"],
// "members": [{"name":"hanmeimei","age":12},
// {"name":"lilei","age":13}],
// }
public String indexMapping(@RequestBody Team team) {
return team.toString();
将对象实体转换为JSON、XML或自定义mediaType的内容,并在 HTTP response body 中返回
public class IndexController {
String indexMapping() {
return "Hello from index mapping.";
public class IndexController {
@RequestMapping(value = {
String indexMultipleMapping() {
return "Hello from index multiple mapping.";
默认是 HTTP GET 类型的。
@RequestMapping(value = "/home", method = RequestMethod.GET)
String get() {}
@RequestMapping(value = "/home", method = RequestMethod.DELETE)
String delete() {}
@RequestMapping(value = "/home", method = RequestMethod.POST)
String post() {}
@RequestMapping(value = "/home", method = RequestMethod.PUT)
String put() {}
@RequestMapping(value = "/home", method = RequestMethod.PATCH)
String patch() {}
@GetMapping(value = "/home")
String get() {}
@DeleteMapping(value = "/home")
String delete() {}
@PostMapping(value = "/home")
String post() {}
@PutMapping(value = "/home")
String put() {}
@PatchMapping(value = "/home")
String patch() {}
public class IndexController {
// 生产 application/JSON 响应
@RequestMapping(value = "/prod", produces = {
String getProduces() {
return "Produces attribute";
// 消费 application/JSON & application/XML 请求
@RequestMapping(value = "/cons", consumes = {
String getConsumes() {
return "Consumes attribute";
public class IndexController {
// 处理 Content-Type=application/json 的请求
@RequestMapping(value = "/head", headers = {
String head() {
return "Mapping applied along with headers";
public class IndexController {
@RequestMapping(value = "/head", headers = {
String head() {
return "Mapping applied along with headers";
public class IndexController {
@RequestMapping(value = "/fetch", params = {
String getParams10(@RequestParam("personId") String id) {
return "Fetched parameter using params attribute = " + id;
@RequestMapping(value = "/fetch", params = {
String getParams20(@RequestParam("personId") String id) {
return "Fetched parameter using params attribute = " + id;
处理动态 URI
public class IndexController {
@RequestMapping(value = "/fetch/{id}")
String getDynamicUriValue(@PathVariable String id) {
return "Dynamic URI parameter fetched";
@RequestMapping(value = "/fetch/{id:\d+}/{name}")
String getDynamicUriValueRegex(
@PathVariable("id") int id, @PathVariable("name") String name
) {
return "Dynamic URI parameter fetched using regex";
public class IndexController {
String default () {
return "This is a default method for the class";
参考 RequestBody的使用