Elon Musk-(10)The Revenge Of The Electric Car 3/3


1. exude: if you exude a particular quality, it is easy to see that you have a lot of it

原文:that he didn’t really exude that “playboy drinking scotch while zooming through Afghanistan in an army convoy” vibe.

造句:This character in the novel exudes foolishness..

2.savor: to fully enjoy a time or experience 

原文:he savored the moment.

造句:These soldiers savor the time with their families.


1. hype up=psych up

2. herald: be a sign of something that is about to  come or happen soon

3. strapped: have little or no money at the moment

4. at odds with: 与...不合,与...不一致

5. struck(strike) a handshake deal for google to acquire(收购) Tesla

6. a handful of, a huge volume of

7. cringe:畏缩 unleash:放纵;解除…的束缚;发泄 dub:给...起绰号,戏称为


I have done everything I said I was going to do.



今天在群里提到曾经信仰的“一命二运三努力”,其实主要来源于同学考研的境遇。我们专业(通信工程)考外校的主要考上交和北邮两大学校,17年上交该专业扩招80+,全院(少说20+)只要报的全都扩进去了,而16年上交没有扩招,我们院只有5-6个考上;北邮相反,16年分低17年(学硕)缩招很多被破调剂到冷门专业甚至普本。时也?命也?不管时也命也,现在想想或许Eric说的“当你还不能舞刀弄枪的时候,扎稳马步打好拳吧。提升自己的实力,做点自己能做的。成长也需要行动、失措和修正,我倒觉得没什么“白努力了”,可能发生在身上的一切都是财富吧。”是对这最好的解释。再比如今天文章中提到的short sellers,或许这是个常识,但是我是在当年痴迷外汇时才第一次接触到的。

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