ImeMode (输入法模式枚举值)

ImeMode (输入法模式枚举值)

  1 namespace System.Windows.Forms
  2 {
  3     using System.Diagnostics;
  4     using System;
  5     using System.Drawing;
  6     using System.ComponentModel;
  7     using Microsoft.Win32;
  9     /// 
 10     ///    
 11     ///       Specifies a value that determines the IME (Input Method Editor) status of the 
 12     ///       object when that object is selected.
 13     ///       指定一个值,该值确定选择对象时对象的 IME (输入法编辑器) 状态。
 14     ///    
 15     /// 
 16     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(true)]
 17     public enum ImeMode
 18     {
 19         /// 
 20         ///    
 21         ///       Inherit (Default). This value indicates inherit the ImeMode from the parent control. For controls with no parent,
 22         ///       the ImeMode will default to NoControl.
 23         ///       继承 (默认)。此值表示从父控件继承 ImeMode。对于没有父级的控件,ImeMode 将默认为 NoControl。
 24         ///    
 25         /// 
 26         Inherit = -1,
 28         /// 
 29         ///    
 30         ///       None. This value indicates "No control to IME". When the IMEMode property is set to 0, you can use the 
 31         ///       IMEStatus function to determine the current IME status. 
 32         ///       没有。该值表示 “对 IME 没有控制”。当 IMEMode 属性设置为 0 时,可以使用 IMEStatus 函数确定当前的 IME 状态。
 33         ///    
 34         /// 
 35         NoControl = 0,
 37         /// 
 38         ///    
 39         ///       IME on. This value indicates that the IME is on and characters specific to Chinese or Japanese can be entered. 
 40         ///       This setting is valid for Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese IME only. 
 41         ///       IME on。此值表示 IME 处于打开状态,并且可以输入特定于中文或日语的字符。此设置仅对日语、简体中文和繁体中文 IME 有效。
 42         ///    
 43         /// 
 44         On = 1,
 46         /// 
 47         ///    
 48         ///       IME off. This mode indicates that the IME is off, meaning that the object behaves the same as English entry mode. 
 49         ///       This setting is valid for Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese IME only. 
 50         ///       关闭。此模式表示 IME 关闭,这意味着该对象的行为与英语输入模式相同。此设置仅对日语、简体中文和繁体中文 IME 有效。
 51         ///    
 52         /// 
 53         Off = 2,
 55         /// 
 56         ///    
 57         ///       IME disabled. This mode is similar to IMEMode = 2, except the value 3 disables IME. With this setting, the users 
 58         ///       cannot turn the IME on from the keyboard, and the IME floating window is hidden. This setting is valid for Japanese IME only. 
 59         ///       IME 禁用。此模式类似于 IMEMode = 2,除了值 3 禁用 IME。使用此设置,用户无法从键盘打开 IME,并且 IME 浮动窗口被隐藏。此
 60         ///       设置仅对日语 IME 有效。
 61         ///    
 62         /// 
 63         Disable = 3,
 65         /// 
 66         ///    
 67         ///       Hiragana double-byte characters (DBC). This setting is valid for Japanese IME only. 
 68         ///       平假名双字节字符 (DBC)。此设置仅对日语 IME 有效。
 69         ///    
 70         /// 
 71         Hiragana = 4,
 73         /// 
 74         ///    
 75         ///       Katakana DBC. This setting is valid for Japanese IME only. 
 76         ///       片假名 DBC。此设置仅对日语 IME 有效。
 77         ///    
 78         /// 
 79         Katakana = 5,
 81         /// 
 82         ///    
 83         ///       Katakana single-byte characters (SBC). This setting is valid for Japanese IME only. 
 84         ///       片假名单字节字符 (SBC)。此设置仅对日语 IME 有效。
 85         ///    
 86         /// 
 87         KatakanaHalf = 6,
 89         /// 
 90         ///    
 91         ///       Alphanumeric DBC. This setting is valid for Japanese IME only. 
 92         ///       字母数字 DBC。此设置仅对日语 IME 有效。
 93         ///    
 94         /// 
 95         AlphaFull = 7,
 97         /// 
 98         ///    
 99         ///       Alphanumeric SBC. This setting is valid for Japanese IME only. 
100         ///       字母数字 SBC。此设置仅对日语 IME 有效。
101         ///    
102         /// 
103         Alpha = 8,
105         /// 
106         ///    
107         ///       Hangeul DBC. This setting is valid for Korean IME only. 
108         ///       Hangeul DBC。此设置仅对韩国 IME 有效。
109         ///    
110         /// 
111         HangulFull = 9,
113         /// 
114         ///    
115         ///       Hangeul SBC. This setting is valid for Korean IME only.
116         ///       Hangeul SBC。此设置仅对韩国 IME 有效。
117         ///    
118         /// 
119         Hangul = 10,
121         /// 
122         ///    
123         ///       Ime Closed. This setting is valid for Chinese IME only.
124         ///       Ime 关闭。此设置仅对中文 IME 有效。
125         ///    
126         /// 
127         Close = 11,
129         /// 
130         ///    
131         ///       Ime On HalfShape. This setting is valid for Chinese IME only.
132         ///       Note: This value is for internal use only - See QFE 4448.
133         ///       半形状的 Ime。此设置仅对中文 IME 有效。注意: 此值仅供内部使用-参见 QFE 4448。
134         ///    
135         /// 
136         OnHalf = 12,
137     }
138 }


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