英英释义:someone or something that has the same size, value, importance, or meaning as someone or something else.
例句: I am from Shanxi, the Chinese geographical equivalent of Ohio. (我来自山西,在地理上相当于美国的俄亥俄州)
" equivalent " 是“等同物” “对应物”,在口语中用来介绍他人可能不熟悉的概念或事物。帮助他人快速解释一件大事,提高沟通效率,当我们想表达A是B的对应物,或者A相当于B时,就可以用到这个词。
滴滴就是“ the Chinese equivalent of Uber / Lyft."
微博就是“ the Chinese equivalent of Twitter."
京东就是” the Chinese equivalent of Amazon."
《梁祝》就是“ the Chinese equivalent of Romeo and Juliet."
深圳的南山区或者北京的中关村就是”the Chinese equivalent of Silicon Valley."
Mr. Durov, who founded VK, Russia's equivalent of Facebook, before emigrating, says Telegram has seen no significant drop in engagement. VK 就是俄罗斯的Facebook
Russia has no equivalent of China's automatic " great firewall" - it updates its blacklists manually - but such a possibility is "growing ever closer ", wrote Sarkis Darbinyan of Roskomsvoboda, a digital-rights group. 如果某物并没有对应物,就可以说“ has no equivalent of......
- 搭配Ad j. direct ~ , exact ~, nearest ~ 直接相等的事物/完全相等的事物/最近似的事物。 approximate ~, modern ~, 近似的东西/现代的对等事物;
- 搭配Verb. have / has ~, 有对应的事物;a word which has no direct equivalent in English.
- 搭配Prep : ~ for, ....的对等事物 ; There is no exact male equivalent for witches. 没有和巫婆完全对等的男性角色。
~ in,在。。。方面等同;It is the approximate equivalent in height to the Matterhorn. 这个高度与马特洪峰接近。
~ of .....的对等事物; This qualification is the equivalent of a degree. 这个资格相当于大学学位。
~ to 与。。。等同;This concert hall has been described as the American equivalent to London's Albert Hall.
1. 翻译
- Jin Yong is extensively regarded as the Chinese equivalent of Stan Lee.
- Jin Yong, a Chinese martial arts novelist, is widely regarded as the Chinese equivalent of Stan Lee, the legendary American comic book writer.
* (A martial art is one of the methods of fighting, often without weapons, that come from the Far East, for example lungful, karate, or judo.)
~场景:知乎常被人称为中国的Quora, 高质量内容信息平台
~造句 1: Zhihu is generally regarded as the Chinese equivalent of Quora.
~ 造句 2 : Zhihu, a knowledge sharing platform, is comprehensively regarded as Chinese equivalent of Quora, a place to share and grow the world's knowledge.