【每日英语听力】20180823 English Pod 口语精讲 D05-New Guy in Town # Monster


New Guy in Town




A: Oh, I don’t know if you’ve heard, but someone moved into that old house down the road.

B: Yeah, I know. I met the owner of the house yesterday as he was moving in. His name is Armand.

A: Really? What’s he like? You have to fill me in.

B: Actually, he’s a bit strange. I don’t know... I’ve just got a bad feeling about him.

A: Really? Why?

B: Well, yesterday I brought over a housewarming gift,but Armand started acting really weird, and then he practically kicked me out! I tried to, sort of, peek into his house, but everything was so dark inside that I couldn’t really get a good look. The whole thing really creeped me out.

A: Well, you’ll never guess what I saw this morning. A delivery truck pulled into his driveway, and it dropped off a long, rectangular box. It almost looked like a coffin!

B: You see! Why would he...

C: Hello ladies...

B: Ah, Armand! You scared the heck out of me! This is my friend Doris.

C: A pleasure to meet you...If you are not doing anything tonight, I’d like to have you both for dinner.I mean...I’d like to have you both over for dinner.

1.、I don't know if you've heard.我不知道你有没有听说过

I don't know if you've heard he had sexual change.我不知道你有没有听说他变性了。

I don't know if you've heard what happened to him.我不知道你有没有听说他发生了什么事情

I don't know if you've heard what he did last night.不知道你是否知道昨晚他发生了什么事情

2.、down the road:在路的那一边,在路的不远处;沿着马路...

They were arguing last night l could heard down the road.昨天晚上他们在吵架我在马路对过也能听到。

3、 owner 房主

move into 搬进去,搬入

move away 搬走

I hope you can move into our house and we have a spare room.我希望你搬过来我们还有一间空房。

He moved into a rantal room/house. 他已经搬到了一间租赁屋/房。

4、You have to fill me in = You must tell me all the details.你得告诉我所有的细节

I don't know how to operate computer system, you have to fill me in.

You have to fill me in on how to operate computer system.


You have to fill me in on what had happened. 你的告诉我发生了什么事情。

I missed the conference this morning you have to fill me in.我错过了今早的会议你的告诉我所有的细节。

5、have a bad feeling about someone对某人感觉不是很好,不舒服…

I feel bad feeling about this project/work.我对这个项目/工作有不祥的预感。

I get a bad feeling about this travel. Let's go home.这次旅行我有不祥的预感,我们回家吧。

6、brought over 原型 bring over,意思是“带过来”。

Can you please bring flowers/planets over ? 你可以把这些花/盆栽带过来么?

bring over 也可以表示“把某人接过来”

So, are you going to bring the rest of your family members over?你准备把剩下的家庭成员接过来么?

housing gift 意思是“乔迁礼物”,act weird 在这里可以译为“表现得奇怪”。英国人使用odd较多。

I got a weird feeling.我有种奇怪的感觉。

Oh, that's odd. 哦,太奇怪了。

7、 practically 指的是“几乎,实际上的”,类似的有almost,barely,hardly,nearly的意思。

It rained practically last night. 昨天晚上几乎都在下雨。

I step on the scales practically every morning.我每一天早上几乎都会去秤一下体重。

The theater was practically empty.这个剧院几乎都是空的。

8、 ① kicked me out 踢我出去 (force sb out 把某人赶出去)

I was kicked out.我被撵出去了。

he kick me out.他把我撵出去。

② got kick out of /get kick out of(一个人)很快乐,很兴奋,很享受…

I get kick out of comic books. 我对连环画册特别喜欢。

I got kick of being around her.在她身边我感觉很快乐。

9、peek into 偷窥,偷看

get a good look 好好的看一看,好好的看一眼

That star move so quickly,so I didn't get a good look.那位明星走太快了我都没能好好看一眼。

10、① creep out 偷偷的溜出去(sneak out of…)

He was creeping out of his house, kind of like ghost at midnight.在子夜的时候他会偷偷溜出去像鬼魂一样。

② creep sb out 把某人吓得不轻,吓死了

11、 You'll never guess what I saw. 你不会相信我看到的

You'll never guess what I heard.你不会相信我听到的

12、delivery truck 快递的车子,运货卡车

delivery guy 快递小哥

13、pull into 停,驶向...地方,靠边停...在...

在很多国外,别墅(自建的房子)里面会有个私人车道(drive away)。

we pull into road side restaurant. 我们就停在路边的餐馆。

14、drop off 从车子上面卸下来,掉下来

He drop off a book. 他掉下来一本书。

15、scared the heck of sb 把某人吓得半死,吓得灵魂出窍

你可能感兴趣的:(【每日英语听力】20180823 English Pod 口语精讲 D05-New Guy in Town # Monster)