《Lateral Thinking》翻译1

A father is busy putting decorations on the Christmas tree, but as quickly as he puts them on his two-year-old son pulls them off. He is about to put the child in a play-pen when his wife suggests that it might make more sense to put the tree in the play-pen and leave the child outside. Instead of keeping the child away from the tree one can keep the tree away from the child. Lateral thinking involves moving sideways to look at things in a different way. Instead of fixing on one particular approach and then working forward from that the lateral thinker tries to find other approaches.

You cannot dig a hole in a different place by digging the same hole deeper. A committee that is convinced that parking meters are the only way to control city parking will spend its time deciding what meters to use, where to put them and how to patrol them. A lateral thinker would look at other approaches: letting people park anywhere they liked so long as they left their headlights on; giving people licences which would allow them to park free in town only one day a week and so encouraging car sharing; visible licences that the motorist would pay for if he wanted to park anywhere in his town.





父亲忙着往圣诞树上挂装饰品,刚挂上,两岁的儿子就给扯了下来。他正要把孩子放进游戏围栏里, 他的妻子却建议说,也许圣诞树放在围栏里而孩子在外面更好些。不让孩子靠近树,倒不如把树放到孩子够不着的地方。横向思维就是从侧面换个角度看问题。进行这种思维的人不是把注意力固定在某一方向上并进行行动而是试试是否还有其他方法。


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