

(1)At Last: Bob Dylan to Receive Nobel Prize in Stockholm最终:鲍勃 迪伦 于斯德哥尔摩 接受诺贝尔文学奖

Nobel Prize

receive prize受奖


Nobel Literature Prize diploma and medal诺贝尔文学奖的证书和奖牌

Nobel Literature Prize

Nobel Price in Literature诺贝尔文学奖

in the next few days

the secretary of the Swedish Academy瑞典学会的秘书

a decision to do sth一个做什么的决定

Blowing in the Wind在风中飘扬

cause controversy造成争议

deepened by 被加深了

his no-show at the annual banquet 他没有去年会

congratulate sb on sth为 而恭喜某人

(2)Sumsung looks to rebound with new Galaxy S8s 三星有望凭借全新Galaxy S8s卷土重来

burst into flame突然起火

deal with fallout 善后处理

fallout from... ...带来的影响

Life is too short to waste your time on people who don't respect,appreciate,and value you.生命宝贵又短暂。就不要为那些不尊重你、不欣赏你、不珍惜你的人而浪费光阴了。
