Imbalanced-learn for NSL-KDD

from Tools.Plot import plot_confusion_matrix,macro_roc
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report,confusion_matrix,log_loss,auc
from sklearn.preprocessing import (
    MinMaxScaler, label_binarize, OneHotEncoder, LabelEncoder)
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold, GridSearchCV,train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier,RandomForestClassifier,AdaBoostClassifier
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from itertools import cycle, product
import datetime
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from itertools import cycle
import seaborn as sns
import warnings
from tqdm import tqdm_notebook
%matplotlib inline


##################### 加载数据 ##########################
train = pd.read_csv('data/train_all.csv')
test = pd.read_csv('data/test_all.csv')
# label encoding
label_dict = {'Normal': 0,
              'Probe': 1,
              'DoS': 2,
              'U2R': 3,
              'R2L': 4}
X_train = train.drop(['label_num'],axis=1)
X_test = test.drop(['label_num'],axis=1)
y_train = train['label_num']
y_test = test['label_num']
print('Shape of training set:', X_train.shape)
print('Shape of testing set:', X_test.shape)
# print('Columns: \n', list(X_train.columns))

labels = [key for i in sorted(label_dict.values()) for key,val in label_dict.items() if val==i]
labels_number = sorted(label_dict.values()) # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

train_set_dict = {}
train_set_dict['RawData'] = (X_train,y_train)
Shape of training set: (125973, 15)
Shape of testing set: (22544, 15)
0    67343
2    45927
1    11656
4      995
3       52
Name: label_num, dtype: int64



# 简单的复制样本
from imblearn.over_sampling import RandomOverSampler
ros = RandomOverSampler(random_state=0,return_indices=True)
X_resampled ,y_resampled,indx= ros.fit_resample(X_train,y_train)
from collections import Counter
train_set_dict['RandomOverSampler'] = (X_resampled ,y_resampled)
[(0, 67343), (1, 67343), (2, 67343), (3, 67343), (4, 67343)]


from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE, ADASYN
X_resampled, y_resampled = SMOTE().fit_resample(X_train, y_train)
train_set_dict['SMOTE'] = (X_resampled ,y_resampled)
[(0, 67343), (1, 67343), (2, 67343), (3, 67343), (4, 67343)]


from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE, ADASYN
X_resampled, y_resampled = ADASYN().fit_resample(X_train, y_train)
train_set_dict['ADASYN'] = (X_resampled ,y_resampled)
[(0, 67343), (1, 67348), (2, 67312), (3, 67344), (4, 67304)]


from imblearn.over_sampling import BorderlineSMOTE
X_resampled, y_resampled = BorderlineSMOTE(kind='borderline-1').fit_resample(X_train, y_train)
train_set_dict['BorderlineSMOTE-1'] = (X_resampled ,y_resampled)
[(0, 67343), (1, 67343), (2, 67343), (3, 67343), (4, 67343)]
from imblearn.over_sampling import BorderlineSMOTE
X_resampled, y_resampled = BorderlineSMOTE(kind='borderline-2').fit_resample(X_train, y_train)
train_set_dict['BorderlineSMOTE-2'] = (X_resampled ,y_resampled)
[(0, 67343), (1, 67343), (2, 67342), (3, 67342), (4, 67342)]



from imblearn.under_sampling import ClusterCentroids
cc = ClusterCentroids(random_state=0)
X_resampled, y_resampled = cc.fit_resample(X_train, y_train)
train_set_dict['ClusterCentroids'] = (X_resampled ,y_resampled)
[(0, 52), (1, 52), (2, 52), (3, 52), (4, 52)]


from imblearn.under_sampling import RandomUnderSampler
rus = RandomUnderSampler(random_state=0)
X_resampled, y_resampled = rus.fit_resample(X_train, y_train)
train_set_dict['RandomUnderSampler'] = (X_resampled ,y_resampled)
[(0, 52), (1, 52), (2, 52), (3, 52), (4, 52)]


from imblearn.under_sampling import NearMiss
nm1 = NearMiss(version=1)
X_resampled_nm1, y_resampled = nm1.fit_resample(X_train, y_train)
train_set_dict['NearMiss-1'] = (X_resampled ,y_resampled)
[(0, 52), (1, 52), (2, 52), (3, 52), (4, 52)]
from imblearn.under_sampling import NearMiss
nm1 = NearMiss(version=2)
X_resampled_nm1, y_resampled = nm1.fit_resample(X_train, y_train)
train_set_dict['NearMiss-2'] = (X_resampled ,y_resampled)
[(0, 52), (1, 52), (2, 52), (3, 52), (4, 52)]
# from imblearn.under_sampling import NearMiss
# nm1 = NearMiss(version=3)
# X_resampled_nm1, y_resampled = nm1.fit_resample(X_train, y_train)
# print(sorted(Counter(y_resampled).items()))
# train_set_dict['NearMiss-3'] = (X_resampled ,y_resampled)


from imblearn.under_sampling import EditedNearestNeighbours
enn = EditedNearestNeighbours()
X_resampled, y_resampled = enn.fit_resample(X_train, y_train)
train_set_dict['EditedNearestNeighbours'] = (X_resampled ,y_resampled)
[(0, 66485), (1, 11314), (2, 45818), (3, 52), (4, 898)]


from imblearn.under_sampling import RepeatedEditedNearestNeighbours
renn = RepeatedEditedNearestNeighbours()
X_resampled, y_resampled = renn.fit_resample(X_train, y_train)
train_set_dict['RepeatedEditedNearestNeighbours'] = (X_resampled ,y_resampled)
[(0, 66419), (1, 11256), (2, 45806), (3, 52), (4, 898)]


from imblearn.under_sampling import AllKNN
allknn = AllKNN()
X_resampled, y_resampled = allknn.fit_resample(X_train, y_train)
train_set_dict['AllKNN'] = (X_resampled ,y_resampled)
[(0, 66695), (1, 11360), (2, 45808), (3, 52), (4, 902)]


from imblearn.under_sampling import CondensedNearestNeighbour
cnn = CondensedNearestNeighbour(random_state=0)
X_resampled, y_resampled = cnn.fit_resample(X_train, y_train)
train_set_dict['CondensedNearestNeighbour'] = (X_resampled ,y_resampled)
[(0, 139), (1, 43), (2, 20), (3, 52), (4, 33)]


from imblearn.under_sampling import OneSidedSelection
oss = OneSidedSelection(random_state=0)
X_resampled, y_resampled = oss.fit_resample(X_train, y_train)
train_set_dict['OneSidedSelection'] = (X_resampled ,y_resampled)
[(0, 29210), (1, 8530), (2, 11655), (3, 52), (4, 713)]


from imblearn.under_sampling import NeighbourhoodCleaningRule
ncr = NeighbourhoodCleaningRule()
X_resampled, y_resampled = ncr.fit_resample(X_train, y_train)
train_set_dict['NeighbourhoodCleaningRule'] = (X_resampled ,y_resampled)
[(0, 66968), (1, 11470), (2, 45859), (3, 52), (4, 909)]


from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from imblearn.under_sampling import InstanceHardnessThreshold
iht = InstanceHardnessThreshold(random_state=0,
                                    solver='lbfgs', multi_class='auto'))
X_resampled, y_resampled = iht.fit_resample(X_train, y_train)
train_set_dict['InstanceHardnessThreshold'] = (X_resampled ,y_resampled)
[(0, 62), (1, 52), (2, 52), (3, 52), (4, 52)]

Over- and under-sampling


from imblearn.combine import SMOTEENN
smote_enn = SMOTEENN(random_state=0)
X_resampled, y_resampled = smote_enn.fit_resample(X_train, y_train)
train_set_dict['SMOTEENN'] = (X_resampled ,y_resampled)
[(0, 66114), (1, 67013), (2, 67212), (3, 67194), (4, 66959)]


from imblearn.combine import SMOTETomek
smote_tomek = SMOTETomek(random_state=0)
X_resampled, y_resampled = smote_tomek.fit_resample(X_train, y_train)
train_set_dict['SMOTETomek'] = (X_resampled ,y_resampled)
[(0, 67231), (1, 67289), (2, 67323), (3, 67323), (4, 67289)]



train_set_dict['Bagging'] = (X_train ,y_train)
[(0, 67343), (1, 11656), (2, 45927), (3, 52), (4, 995)]


train_set_dict['BalancedBagging'] = (X_train ,y_train)
[(0, 67343), (1, 11656), (2, 45927), (3, 52), (4, 995)]


train_set_dict['BalancedRandomForest'] = (X_train ,y_train)
[(0, 67343), (1, 11656), (2, 45927), (3, 52), (4, 995)]



train_set_dict['RUSBoost'] = (X_train ,y_train)
[(0, 67343), (1, 11656), (2, 45927), (3, 52), (4, 995)]


train_set_dict['EasyEnsemble'] = (X_train ,y_train)
[(0, 67343), (1, 11656), (2, 45927), (3, 52), (4, 995)]


from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from imblearn.metrics import classification_report_imbalanced
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
################### train #####################################
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
cm = []
clf_report_list = []
for name, (X, y) in tqdm_notebook(list(train_set_dict.items())):
    RANDOM_STATE = 2019
    if name in ['Bagging']:
        from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingClassifier
        from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
        clf = BaggingClassifier(base_estimator=DecisionTreeClassifier(),
    elif name in ['BalancedBagging']:
        from imblearn.ensemble import BalancedBaggingClassifier
        clf = BalancedBaggingClassifier(base_estimator=DecisionTreeClassifier(),
    elif name in ['BalancedRandomForest']:
        from imblearn.ensemble import BalancedRandomForestClassifier
        clf = BalancedRandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, random_state=0)
    elif name in ['RUSBoost']:
        from imblearn.ensemble import RUSBoostClassifier
        clf = RUSBoostClassifier(random_state=0)
    elif name in ['EasyEnsemble']:
        from imblearn.ensemble import EasyEnsembleClassifier
        clf = EasyEnsembleClassifier(random_state=0)
        # 模型
        clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=161,
                                     random_state=RANDOM_STATE), y)
    y_test_pred = clf.predict(X_test)
    y_test_score = clf.predict_proba(X_test)  # valid score
######################### 测试集评估 ########################

    # 分类报告
    clf_report = classification_report_imbalanced(
        y_test, y_test_pred, digits=4, target_names=labels)
    # 混淆矩阵
    cnf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_test_pred)
    cm.append((name, cnf_matrix))
    # ROC
    all_fpr, mean_tpr = macro_roc(
        y_test, y_test_score, labels_number)
    roc_auc = auc(all_fpr, mean_tpr)

#     plt.figure(figsize=(5,4))
    plt.plot(all_fpr, mean_tpr, lw=1,
             label='{0} (auc = {1:0.4f})'.format(name, roc_auc))
plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--', lw=1)
plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0])
plt.ylim([0.0, 1.01])
plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate')
plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
plt.title('ROC curve')
plt.legend(loc=(1.1, 0))
Imbalanced-learn for NSL-KDD_第1张图片
fig,axes = plt.subplots(6,4,figsize=(20,20))
for ax,(name,cnf_matrix) in zip(axes.ravel(),cm): 
    plot_confusion_matrix(cnf_matrix, labels,ax=ax,
Imbalanced-learn for NSL-KDD_第2张图片
for clf_report,name in zip(clf_report_list,train_set_dict.keys()):
                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.6489    0.9712    0.6024    0.7780    0.7648    0.6066      9711
      Probe     0.8700    0.5808    0.9896    0.6966    0.7581    0.5512      2421
        DoS     0.9616    0.7995    0.9842    0.8731    0.8871    0.7724      7458
        U2R     0.8000    0.0200    1.0000    0.0390    0.1414    0.0180       200
        R2L     0.8936    0.0610    0.9990    0.1142    0.2469    0.0552      2754

avg / total     0.8073    0.7528    0.8222    0.7131    0.7358    0.5829     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.6482    0.9683    0.6023    0.7765    0.7637    0.6045      9711
      Probe     0.8523    0.5865    0.9878    0.6949    0.7612    0.5561      2421
        DoS     0.9615    0.7900    0.9844    0.8674    0.8819    0.7626      7458
        U2R     0.2143    0.0300    0.9990    0.0526    0.1731    0.0271       200
        R2L     0.8930    0.0697    0.9988    0.1293    0.2639    0.0632      2754

avg / total     0.7998    0.7502    0.8220    0.7123    0.7362    0.5803     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.6606    0.9679    0.6238    0.7853    0.7770    0.6245      9711
      Probe     0.8471    0.5857    0.9873    0.6926    0.7604    0.5550      2421
        DoS     0.9620    0.8081    0.9842    0.8784    0.8918    0.7814      7458
        U2R     0.1818    0.0500    0.9980    0.0784    0.2234    0.0452       200
        R2L     0.9102    0.1068    0.9985    0.1911    0.3265    0.0971      2754

avg / total     0.8066    0.7606    0.8312    0.7273    0.7533    0.5994     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.6537    0.9683    0.6118    0.7805    0.7697    0.6135      9711
      Probe     0.8411    0.5989    0.9864    0.6996    0.7686    0.5679      2421
        DoS     0.9610    0.7800    0.9844    0.8611    0.8762    0.7521      7458
        U2R     0.0838    0.0750    0.9927    0.0792    0.2729    0.0676       200
        R2L     0.9113    0.0672    0.9991    0.1251    0.2591    0.0609      2754

avg / total     0.8019    0.7483    0.8260    0.7122    0.7380    0.5821     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.6443    0.9700    0.5948    0.7743    0.7596    0.5986      9711
      Probe     0.8586    0.5869    0.9884    0.6973    0.7617    0.5568      2421
        DoS     0.9603    0.7721    0.9842    0.8560    0.8717    0.7438      7458
        U2R     0.0694    0.0500    0.9940    0.0581    0.2229    0.0450       200
        R2L     0.8915    0.0418    0.9993    0.0798    0.2043    0.0377      2754

avg / total     0.7970    0.7418    0.8188    0.7019    0.7243    0.5687     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.6613    0.9694    0.6243    0.7863    0.7780    0.6261      9711
      Probe     0.8431    0.6258    0.9860    0.7183    0.7855    0.5948      2421
        DoS     0.9623    0.8018    0.9845    0.8748    0.8885    0.7750      7458
        U2R     0.0694    0.0500    0.9940    0.0581    0.2229    0.0450       200
        R2L     0.8961    0.0501    0.9992    0.0949    0.2238    0.0453      2754

avg / total     0.8039    0.7566    0.8314    0.7173    0.7427    0.5959     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.6393    0.3194    0.8636    0.4260    0.5252    0.2609      9711
      Probe     0.6794    0.4936    0.9720    0.5718    0.6926    0.4568      2421
        DoS     0.9756    0.6652    0.9918    0.7910    0.8122    0.6382      7458
        U2R     0.0175    0.7250    0.6356    0.0342    0.6788    0.4649       200
        R2L     0.2496    0.2320    0.9029    0.2405    0.4577    0.1954      2754

avg / total     0.7018    0.4454    0.9204    0.5363    0.6313    0.4005     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.6559    0.9543    0.6211    0.7774    0.7699    0.6125      9711
      Probe     0.8116    0.6316    0.9824    0.7103    0.7877    0.5987      2421
        DoS     0.9697    0.7212    0.9889    0.8272    0.8445    0.6941      7458
        U2R     0.1129    0.4200    0.9705    0.1780    0.6384    0.3852       200
        R2L     0.6458    0.0563    0.9957    0.1035    0.2367    0.0508      2754

avg / total     0.7704    0.7281    0.8304    0.6991    0.7302    0.5674     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.6559    0.9543    0.6211    0.7774    0.7699    0.6125      9711
      Probe     0.8116    0.6316    0.9824    0.7103    0.7877    0.5987      2421
        DoS     0.9697    0.7212    0.9889    0.8272    0.8445    0.6941      7458
        U2R     0.1129    0.4200    0.9705    0.1780    0.6384    0.3852       200
        R2L     0.6458    0.0563    0.9957    0.1035    0.2367    0.0508      2754

avg / total     0.7704    0.7281    0.8304    0.6991    0.7302    0.5674     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.6559    0.9543    0.6211    0.7774    0.7699    0.6125      9711
      Probe     0.8116    0.6316    0.9824    0.7103    0.7877    0.5987      2421
        DoS     0.9697    0.7212    0.9889    0.8272    0.8445    0.6941      7458
        U2R     0.1129    0.4200    0.9705    0.1780    0.6384    0.3852       200
        R2L     0.6458    0.0563    0.9957    0.1035    0.2367    0.0508      2754

avg / total     0.7704    0.7281    0.8304    0.6991    0.7302    0.5674     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.6375    0.9712    0.5821    0.7697    0.7519    0.5873      9711
      Probe     0.8703    0.5820    0.9896    0.6975    0.7589    0.5524      2421
        DoS     0.9608    0.7664    0.9846    0.8527    0.8687    0.7381      7458
        U2R     0.5000    0.0200    0.9998    0.0385    0.1414    0.0180       200
        R2L     0.9023    0.0570    0.9991    0.1072    0.2387    0.0516      2754

avg / total     0.8006    0.7415    0.8136    0.7020    0.7232    0.5630     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.6395    0.9708    0.5859    0.7711    0.7542    0.5907      9711
      Probe     0.8699    0.5799    0.9896    0.6959    0.7575    0.5504      2421
        DoS     0.9603    0.7723    0.9842    0.8561    0.8719    0.7440      7458
        U2R     0.4444    0.0200    0.9998    0.0383    0.1414    0.0180       200
        R2L     0.9066    0.0599    0.9991    0.1124    0.2447    0.0542      2754

avg / total     0.8013    0.7434    0.8152    0.7042    0.7258    0.5665     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.6394    0.9712    0.5855    0.7711    0.7541    0.5906      9711
      Probe     0.8719    0.5849    0.9897    0.7001    0.7608    0.5554      2421
        DoS     0.9609    0.7706    0.9845    0.8553    0.8710    0.7424      7458
        U2R     0.4444    0.0200    0.9998    0.0383    0.1414    0.0180       200
        R2L     0.8944    0.0585    0.9990    0.1097    0.2417    0.0529      2754

avg / total     0.8001    0.7434    0.8151    0.7040    0.7254    0.5663     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.5797    0.7469    0.5902    0.6527    0.6639    0.4477      9711
      Probe     0.7732    0.5324    0.9812    0.6306    0.7228    0.4990      2421
        DoS     0.8747    0.7675    0.9456    0.8176    0.8519    0.7129      7458
        U2R     0.0036    0.0300    0.9252    0.0064    0.1666    0.0253       200
        R2L     0.7972    0.0414    0.9985    0.0787    0.2033    0.0374      2754

avg / total     0.7195    0.6381    0.8026    0.6290    0.6718    0.4871     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.5274    0.6492    0.5597    0.5820    0.6028    0.3666      9711
      Probe     0.8380    0.5514    0.9872    0.6652    0.7378    0.5206      2421
        DoS     0.6400    0.7647    0.7874    0.6968    0.7759    0.6007      7458
        U2R     0.6667    0.0200    0.9999    0.0388    0.1414    0.0180       200
        R2L     0.8250    0.0240    0.9993    0.0466    0.1548    0.0216      2754

avg / total     0.6356    0.5949    0.7385    0.5587    0.6157    0.4154     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.6363    0.9712    0.5800    0.7689    0.7505    0.5853      9711
      Probe     0.8666    0.5795    0.9893    0.6946    0.7572    0.5498      2421
        DoS     0.9605    0.7624    0.9845    0.8501    0.8664    0.7339      7458
        U2R     0.5000    0.0200    0.9998    0.0385    0.1414    0.0180       200
        R2L     0.8920    0.0570    0.9990    0.1072    0.2386    0.0516      2754

avg / total     0.7983    0.7399    0.8127    0.7004    0.7216    0.5604     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.8535    0.6872    0.9108    0.7614    0.7911    0.6119      9711
      Probe     0.3513    0.5316    0.8819    0.4230    0.6847    0.4524      2421
        DoS     0.9386    0.1947    0.9937    0.3225    0.4398    0.1780      7458
        U2R     0.0224    0.9800    0.6177    0.0439    0.7780    0.6273       200
        R2L     0.2162    0.0610    0.9692    0.0952    0.2432    0.0538      2754

avg / total     0.7425    0.4336    0.9396    0.4921    0.5964    0.3832     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.6473    0.9682    0.6008    0.7759    0.7627    0.6030      9711
      Probe     0.8378    0.5890    0.9863    0.6917    0.7622    0.5579      2421
        DoS     0.9634    0.7654    0.9856    0.8530    0.8685    0.7377      7458
        U2R     0.2188    0.0700    0.9978    0.1061    0.2643    0.0634       200
        R2L     0.8841    0.1053    0.9981    0.1882    0.3242    0.0957      2754

avg / total     0.7975    0.7470    0.8216    0.7146    0.7397    0.5760     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.6505    0.9681    0.6063    0.7781    0.7661    0.6082      9711
      Probe     0.8449    0.5849    0.9871    0.6912    0.7598    0.5541      2421
        DoS     0.9610    0.7761    0.9844    0.8587    0.8741    0.7481      7458
        U2R     0.2034    0.0600    0.9979    0.0927    0.2447    0.0543       200
        R2L     0.9159    0.1107    0.9986    0.1976    0.3326    0.1008      2754

avg / total     0.8025    0.7506    0.8237    0.7184    0.7436    0.5818     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.6558    0.9707    0.6145    0.7828    0.7723    0.6177      9711
      Probe     0.8632    0.5993    0.9886    0.7075    0.7697    0.5694      2421
        DoS     0.9640    0.8013    0.9852    0.8752    0.8885    0.7749      7458
        U2R     0.5000    0.0200    0.9998    0.0385    0.1414    0.0180       200
        R2L     0.9046    0.0930    0.9986    0.1686    0.3047    0.0844      2754

avg / total     0.8091    0.7591    0.8277    0.7236    0.7478    0.5941     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.6632    0.9445    0.6370    0.7792    0.7757    0.6202      9711
      Probe     0.7238    0.6105    0.9720    0.6623    0.7703    0.5719      2421
        DoS     0.9530    0.7224    0.9824    0.8218    0.8424    0.6913      7458
        U2R     0.1089    0.4150    0.9696    0.1726    0.6343    0.3801       200
        R2L     0.6445    0.0599    0.9954    0.1096    0.2442    0.0541      2754

avg / total     0.7584    0.7224    0.8340    0.6936    0.7310    0.5672     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.6765    0.9377    0.6606    0.7859    0.7871    0.6366      9711
      Probe     0.7515    0.7084    0.9718    0.7293    0.8297    0.6703      2421
        DoS     0.9683    0.6912    0.9888    0.8066    0.8267    0.6631      7458
        U2R     0.1284    0.4950    0.9699    0.2039    0.6929    0.4573       200
        R2L     0.6671    0.1710    0.9881    0.2723    0.4111    0.1552      2754

avg / total     0.7751    0.7339    0.8454    0.7188    0.7580    0.5886     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.5100    0.8751    0.3637    0.6444    0.5641    0.3345      9711
      Probe     0.2858    0.3073    0.9076    0.2962    0.5281    0.2622      2421
        DoS     0.9864    0.2241    0.9985    0.3652    0.4730    0.2064      7458
        U2R     0.0359    0.0450    0.9892    0.0399    0.2110    0.0403       200
        R2L     0.5165    0.2498    0.9675    0.3368    0.4916    0.2243      2754

avg / total     0.6401    0.5150    0.7114    0.4717    0.5181    0.2683     22544

                    pre       rec       spe        f1       geo       iba       sup

     Normal     0.7402    0.8738    0.7679    0.8015    0.8191    0.6781      9711
      Probe     0.2319    0.3792    0.8489    0.2878    0.5674    0.3068      2421
        DoS     0.7588    0.3623    0.9431    0.4904    0.5845    0.3218      7458
        U2R     0.0578    0.5550    0.9191    0.1048    0.7142    0.4915       200
        R2L     0.4072    0.2429    0.9508    0.3043    0.4806    0.2146      2754

avg / total     0.6450    0.5715    0.8582    0.5765    0.6722    0.4621     22544

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