

rayleighchan   Construct a Rayleigh fading channel object.

   CHAN = rayleighchan(TS, FD) constructs a frequency-flat ("singlepath")

   Rayleigh fading channel object. TS is the sample time of the input

   signal, in seconds.  FD is themaximum Doppler shift, in Hertz. You

   can model the effect of the channel CHAN on a signal X by using the

   syntax Y = FILTER(CHAN, X).  Type'help channel/filter' for more



   CHAN = rayleighchan(TS, FD, TAU, PDB) constructs a frequency-selective

   ("multiple path") fading channel object that models eachdiscrete path

   as an independent Rayleigh fading process.  TAU is a row vector of path

   delays, each specified in seconds. PDB is a row vector of average path

   gains, each specified in dB.


   CHAN = rayleighchan sets the maximum Doppler shift to zero.  This is a

   static frequency-flat channel (see below).  In this trivial case, the

   sample time of the signal is unimportant.


    The Rayleigh fading channel object has thefollowing properties:

              ChannelType: 'Rayleigh'

       InputSamplePeriod: Input signal sample period (s)

         DopplerSpectrum: Doppler spectrum object(s)

         MaxDopplerShift: Maximum Doppler shift (Hz)

               PathDelays: Discrete path delayvector (s)

           AvgPathGaindB: Average path gain vector (dB)

      NormalizePathGains: Normalize path gains (0 or 1)

            StoreHistory: Store channel state information (0 or 1)

           StorePathGains: Store current complexpath gain vector (0 or 1)

                PathGains: Current complex pathgain vector

      ChannelFilterDelay: Channel filter delay (samples)

    ResetBeforeFiltering: Resets channel state every call (0 or 1)

     NumSamplesProcessed: Number of samples processed


   To access or set the properties of the object CHAN, use the syntaxCHAN.Prop, where 'Prop' is the property name (for example, CHAN.MaxDopplerShift= 50).  To view the properties of anobject CHAN, type CHAN.


   DopplerSpectrum must be assigned either a single object from the

   DOPPLER package, or a vector of such objects. If DopplerSpectrum is

   assigned a single Doppler object, all paths will have the same

   specified Doppler spectrum. The possible choices are:

       CHAN.DopplerSpectrum = DOPPLER.JAKES   (default)

       CHAN.DopplerSpectrum = DOPPLER.FLAT

       CHAN.DopplerSpectrum = DOPPLER.RJAKES(...)

       CHAN.DopplerSpectrum = DOPPLER.AJAKES(...)

       CHAN.DopplerSpectrum = DOPPLER.ROUNDED(...)

       CHAN.DopplerSpectrum = DOPPLER.GAUSSIAN(...)

       CHAN.DopplerSpectrum = DOPPLER.BIGAUSSIAN(...)

    If DopplerSpectrum is assigned a vector of Doppler objects (which can
    be chosen from any of those listed above), each path will have the
    Doppler spectrum specified by the corresponding Doppler object in the
    vector. In this case the length of DopplerSpectrum must be equal to
    the length of the PathDelays vector property.
    The maximum Doppler shift value necessary to specify the DOPPLER
    object(s) is given by the MaxDopplerShift property of the CHAN object.



    If MaxDopplerShift is 0 (the default), the channel object CHAN models a
    static channel that comes from a Rayleigh distribution.  Use the syntax
    RESET(CHAN) to generate a new channel realization.  Type 'help
    channel/reset' for more information.
    如果MaxDopplerShift为0(默认值),则信道对象CHAN将模拟来自瑞利分布的静态通道。使用语法RESET(CHAN)生成新的信道实现。输入'help channel / reset'获取更多信息。 
    If NormalizePathGains is 1 (the default), the fading processes are
    normalized such that the total power of the path gains, averaged over
    time, is 1.
    If StoreHistory is 1 (the default value is 0), CHAN stores channel state
    information as the channel filter function processes the signal.  You
    can then visualize this state information via a graphical user interface by
    using the syntax PLOT(CHAN).  Type 'help channel/plot' for more


   如果StoreHistory为1(默认值为0),则随着信道滤波器函数处理该信号,CHAN存储信道状态信息。然后,您可以使用PLOT(CHAN)语句通过图形用户借口可视化该状态信息。输入'help channel /plot'获取更多信息。

    Note that setting StoreHistory to 1 will result in a slower simulation.
    If you do not wish to visualize channel state information using the
    PLOT method, but you still wish to access the complex path gains, then
    set StorePathGains to 1, while keeping StoreHistory as 0.
    PathGains is initialized to a random channel realization.  After the
    channel filter function processes a signal, PathGains holds the complex
    path gains of the underlying fading process.  If both StoreHistory and
    StorePathGains are 0, PathGains holds the last complex path gains.  If
    either of StoreHistory or StorePathGains is 1, PathGains holds a matrix
    of complex path gains.  Each row of this matrix corresponds to a sample
    of the input signal.
    For frequency-selective fading, the channel is implemented as a finite
    impulse response (FIR) filter with uniformly spaced taps and an
    automatically computed delay given by ChannelFilterDelay.  Note,
    however, that the underlying complex path gains may introduce
    additional delay.
    If ResetBeforeFiltering is 1 (the default), the channel state is reset
    each time you call the channel filter function.  Otherwise, the fading
    process maintains continuity over calls (type 'help channel/filter' for
    more information).  For instance, PathGains and NumSamplesProcessed are
    reset every call if ResetBeforeFiltering is 1; otherwise they begin
    with their previous values.
    如果ResetBeforeFiltering为1(默认值),则每次调用信道滤波器函数时都会重置信道状态。否则,衰落过程保持调用的持续性(键入'help channel / filter'获取更多信息)。 例如,如果ResetBeforeFiltering为1,则每次调用都会重置PathGains和NumSamplesProcessed; 否则他们以他们先前的值开始。
    If the values of the properties InputSamplePeriod, MaxDopplerShift, or
    PathDelays are changed, or if DopplerSpectrum is set to any DOPPLER
    object(s), the channel state is reset.   如果属性InputSamplePeriod,MaxDopplerShift或PathDelays的值发生更改,或者DopplerSpectrum设置为任何DOPPLER对象,则会重置信道状态。
