The GSM Community Edition is a derivate of the GSM ONE and allows a quick and easy option on Windows, Linux or Mac to give the solution a trial. No particular know-how is needed.
In contrast to the commercial solution the Community Feed instead of the Greenbone Security Feed is used. Also some management functions like for TLS certificates are not included. Feed updates happen on a regular basis, but the system itself can not be updated. The commercial version can be updated seamless and also includes access to the Greenbone Support.
The Community Edition as well as the GSM ONE are designed for use with a laptop. The full feature set for a vulnerability management process (schedules, alarms, sensors) are only available with the bigger GSM models ( see here for an overview) and can be obtained from Greenbone as an evaluation unit.
1. OpenVAS / GreenBone Installation Video
GSM Download Link: (356 MByte)
2. VMware WorkStation Installation Steps
2.1 Change RAM to at least 2GB,2 CPU core,and assign downloaded ISO file as connect at power on.
2.2 Start your Virtual Machine with ISO image
2.3 Warning for your hard disk to be formatted:
2.4 Installation in progress… It will be a while but should not last too long.
2.5 Default admin user account: admin
2.6 set up your admin password:
2.7 Successfully setup your GSM. Reboot is required.
2.8 Warning you to eject CD-ROM before rebooting:
2.9 After rebooted, System GRUB menu comes up:
2.10 Enter your admin username and password to continue
2.11 GSM is warning you the setup is not completed:
2.12 Web-Admin will be needed. Create a web-admin now.
2.13 Create a new Web-Admin account
2.14 Created a new web-admin account:
2.15 It is asking you to upload or enter a Subscription key。Skip should be fine. You will just use community feed for this installation.
2.16 It will notify you to download a feed.
2.17 System notify you there is a background system operation. Only one system operation allowed and you can check it from About dialog
2.18 Greenbone OS Setup menu
2.19 Maintenance Menu to control feed update and system reboot / shutdown. Notes: GSM VM has to be use this menu to do reboot / shutdown.
2.20 Advanced Menu
2.21 Enter your Virtual Machine’s ip address to get Web GUI in your browser. You will need previously created web-user account and password.
2.22 After enter into WebGui, if you click SecInfo, the system will warn you SecInfo Database Missing. That is because system operation (feed update) is still running at Background.
2.23 Scans-Task
2.24 Use Purple wizard icon to quick start a scan:
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