root@kali:~/w3af-master# ./w3af_console
w3af>>> help #help命令列出当前命令提示符下的可用指令
| start | Start the scan. 开始扫描 |
| plugins | Enable and configure plugins. 选择和配置插件 |
| exploit | Exploit the vulnerability. 使用该模块进行攻击漏洞 |
| profiles | List and use scan profiles. 列出可以用来扫描的文件 |
| cleanup | Cleanup before starting a new scan. 在开始新扫描之前进行清理 |
| help | Display help. Issuing: help [command] , prints more specific help |
| | about "command" |
| version | Show w3af version information. 显示w3af版本信息 |
| keys | Display key shortcuts. 显示关键快捷方式。 |
| http-settings | Configure the HTTP settings of the framework. 配置框架的HTTP设置。 |
| misc-settings | Configure w3af misc settings. 配置w3af misc设置 |
| target | Configure the target URL. 配置目标URL |
| back | Go to the previous menu. 返回前一目录 |
| exit | Exit w3af. 退出 |
| kb | Browse the vulnerabilities stored in the Knowledge Base 浏览存储在知识库中的漏洞 |
w3af>>> plugins #输入plugins,进入插件目录的内,
w3af/plugins>>> help #输入help显示当前可使用的命令
| list | List available plugins. |
| back | Go to the previous menu. |
| exit | Exit w3af. |
| output | View, configure and enable output plugins |
| grep | View, configure and enable grep plugins |
| evasion | View, configure and enable evasion plugins |
| audit | View, configure and enable audit plugins |
| infrastructure | View, configure and enable infrastructure plugins |
| crawl | View, configure and enable crawl plugins |
| auth | View, configure and enable auth plugins |
| mangle | View, configure and enable mangle plugins |
| bruteforce | View, configure and enable bruteforce plugins |
w3af/plugins>>> list audit 或者audit #列出audit插件类中的小插件
w3af/plugins>>> audit xss sqli lfi
w3af/plugins>>> audit all
w3af/plugins>>> crawl
genexus_xml wordpress_fingerprint dot_listing content_negotiation robots_txt archive_dot_org ria_enumerator wordnet user_dir sitemap_xml bing_spider dir_file_bruter phpinfo find_dvcs import_results urllist_txt google_spider url_fuzzer find_backdoors web_spider spider_man find_captchas oracle_discovery wsdl_finder wordpress_enumerate_users web_diff dwsync_xml pykto wordpress_fullpathdisclosure phishtank digit_sum open_api dot_ds_store ghdb all config desc
w3af/plugins>>> crawl web_spider #选择该模块下的web爬虫模块
w3af>>> profiles #进入profiles模块,这个模块用于自定义组合插件,当然w3af自定义了一些组合插件
w3af/profiles>>> help
| use | Use a profile. |
| list | List available profiles. |
| save_as | Save the current configuration to a profile. |
| back | Go to the previous menu. |
| exit | Exit w3af. |
w3af/profiles>>> list #列出在profiles模块下的插件
w3af/profiles>>> help
| use | Use a profile. |
| list | List available profiles. |
| save_as | Save the current configuration to a profile. #保存当前配置到一个文件内 |
| back | Go to the previous menu. |
| exit | Exit w3af. |
w3af/profiles>>> save_as test #使用save_as后面自定义一个文件名,表示将刚刚的配置存放在test文件内
Profile saved.
w3af/profiles>>> save_as test self-contained
w3af/profiles>>> use test #使用自定义的test文件中的配置进行扫描
The plugins configured by the scan profile have been enabled, and their options configured.
Please set the target URL(s) and start the scan.
w3af/profiles>>> back #返回上一级
w3af>>> http-settings #进入http-settings,设置全局参数
w3af/config:http-settings>>> help
| view | List the available options and their values. |
| set | Set a parameter value. #设置参数值 |
| save | Save the configured settings. #保存配置 |
| back | Go to the previous menu. #返回上一目录 |
| exit | Exit w3af. |
w3af/config:http-settings>>> view #列出可用的操作和其值
w3af/config:http-settings>>> set rand_user_agent True
w3af/config:http-settings>>> back
The configuration has been saved.
w3af>>> misc-settings #进入misc-setting全局设置选项中
w3af/config:misc-settings>>> view #查看需要配置的参数
w3af/config:misc-settings>>> set fuzz_url_filenames True #设置对URL中的文件名进行模糊测试(Fuzz)
w3af/config:misc-settings>>> back
The configuration has been saved.
w3af>>> target #进入target模块,设置目标信息
w3af/config:target>>> help #查看在此模块下可以使用的命令
| view | List the available options and their values. |
| set | Set a parameter value. |
| save | Save the configured settings. |
| back | Go to the previous menu. |
| exit | Exit w3af. |
w3af/config:target>>> view #列出可用的操作
| Setting | Value | Modified | Description |
| target_framework | unknown | | Target programming framework |
| | | | (unknown/php/asp/asp.net/java/jsp/cfm/ruby/perl) |
| target | | | A comma separated list of URLs |
| target_os | unknown | | Target operating system (unknown/unix/windows) |
w3af/config:target>>> set target
w3af/config:target>>> set target_os unix #设置目标系统为unix
w3af/config:target>>> back #返回上一级目录
w3af>>>start #开始扫描
root@kali:~/w3af-master# cd scripts/
root@kali:~/w3af-master/scripts# ls
allowed_methods.w3af login_brute_form_GET.w3af
all.w3af login_brute_password_only.w3af
auth_detailed.w3af mangle_request.w3af
bing_spider.w3af mangle_response.w3af
blind_sqli_detection.w3af os_commanding-lnx-vdaemon.w3af
cookie_fuzzing.w3af os_commanding-lnx-w3afAgent.w3af
cross_domain.w3af os_commanding_shell.w3af
csrf.w3af os_commanding.w3af
dav_shell.w3af php_sca-payload.w3af
detect_transparent_proxy.w3af profile-fast_scan.w3af
digit_sum.w3af remote_file_include_local_ws.w3af
dvwa.w3af remote_file_include_proxy.w3af
eval_shell.w3af remote_file_include_shell.w3af
eval.w3af remote_file_include_shell-xss.w3af
exploit_all.w3af remote_file_include_w3af_site.w3af
exploit_fast.w3af spider_man.w3af
filename_xss.w3af sqli.w3af
file_upload_shell.w3af sqlmap_exploit_int.w3af
frontpage_version.w3af targets_from_file.w3af
header_fuzzing.w3af web_spider-ignore_regex.w3af
html_output.w3af web_spider-only_forward.w3af
list_all_plugins.w3af web_spider.w3af
local_file_include-payload.w3af xss_simple.w3af
local_file_include.w3af xss_stored.w3af
root@kali:~/w3af-master# ./w3af_console -s scripts/sqli.w3af