1 import configparser
2 4 def getConfigInfo(_ini_nm): 5 6 # Open Ini File 7 config = configparser.ConfigParser() 8 if not config.read(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), _ini_nm + r'.ini')): 9 printLog('E', 'Read Ini file fail.') 10 11 while True: 12 sysCode = input(r'Please input the system code : (Press [Enter] to quit):').strip() 13 if 0 == len(sysCode.strip()): 14 exit() 15 16 # Init ConnectionSettings 17 if sysCode in config.sections(): 18 return dict(config[sysCode]) 19 else: 20 print('Ini info of System [%s] is blank.\n' % sysCode)
1 def _main(): 2 3 path = '' 4 keyWord = '' 5 6 while True: 7 para = input(r'Please input the PDF directory and Key Word: (Press [Enter] to quit):').strip().split() 8 9 if 0 == len(para): 10 exit() 11 12 if 2 != len(para): 13 print('Two para -> [PDF directory and Key Word] is needed .' + '\n') 14 continue 15 16 path = para[0] 17 keyWord = para[1] 18 19 if not os.path.exists(path): 20 print('input path is not a exists path.' + '\n') 21 continue 22 23 flg = True 24 for char in keyWord.strip(): 25 if char <= u'\u4e00' or char >= u'\u9fa5': 26 flg = False 27 break 28 if not flg: 29 print('Please input the Chinese Key Word for search.(Such as \'物流\').' + '\n') 30 continue 31 32 break
1 import psycopg2
4 import traceback 5 6 def connDB(_cfg): 7 try: 8 conn = psycopg2.connect(database=_cfg['servicename'], 9 user=_cfg['dbuser'], 10 password=_cfg['dbpw'], 11 host=_cfg['host'], 12 port=_cfg['port']) 13 return conn 14 except Exception: 15 printLog('E', 'Exception occur at DB Connection.' + '\n' + traceback.format_exc()) 16 17 def executeSql(_cfg, _sql): 18 try: 19 conn = connDB(_cfg) 20 cur = conn.cursor() 21 cur.execute(_sql) 22 23 results = cur.fetchall() 24 return list(map(lambda x: x[0], results)) 25 except Exception: 26 printLog('E', 'Exception occur at Execute SQL.' + '\n' + traceback.format_exc()) 27 finally: 28 cur.close() 29 conn.rollback() 30 conn.close()
1 logging.basicConfig(filename='log_' + datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d') + '.txt', 2 level=logging.INFO, 3 format=' %(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') 4 5 logLevel = {'D': logging.DEBUG, 6 'I': logging.INFO, 7 'W': logging.WARNING, 8 'E': logging.ERROR, 9 'C': logging.CRITICAL} 10 11 def printLog(_lvl, _msg): 12 logging.log(logLevel[_lvl], _msg) 13 if logging.ERROR == logLevel[_lvl]: 14 print(_msg) 15 exit() 16 17 18 printLog('E', 'srcpath is not a exists path.') 19 printLog('I', 'Get Src Path : %s' % srcPath)
1 def getPreOfNm(x): 2 if 1 < x.count('_'): 3 return x[0:x.find('_', x.find('_') + 1)] 4 else: 5 return x 6 7 # Get prefix of CRUD object name 8 prefixObjNm = list(set(map(getPreOfNm, lstTb))) 9 prefixObjNm.sort()
1 # Check the srcPath 2 fullFilePaths = [] 3 if os.path.isdir(srcPath): 4 for folderName, subFolders, fileNames in os.walk(srcPath): 5 if os.path.split(folderName)[1] in ['tcs', 'doc']: continue 6 for fn in fileNames: 7 # Get src file 8 mObj = fileNmReg.search(fn) 9 if mObj: 10 fullFilePaths.append(os.path.join(folderName, fn)) 11 elif os.path.isfile(srcPath): 12 # Get src file 13 fn = os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(srcPath)) 14 mObj = fileNmReg.search(fn) 15 if mObj: 16 fullFilePaths.append(srcPath)
1 from pdfminer.converter import TextConverter 2 from pdfminer.layout import LAParams 3 from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFResourceManager, process_pdf 4 import os 5 6 7 def read_pdf(pdf): 8 # resource manager 9 rsrcmgr = PDFResourceManager() 10 retstr = StringIO() 11 laparams = LAParams() 12 # device 13 device = TextConverter(rsrcmgr, retstr, laparams=laparams) 14 process_pdf(rsrcmgr, device, pdf) 15 device.close() 16 content = retstr.getvalue() 17 retstr.close() 18 # 获取所有行 19 contents = str(content).split("\n") 20 21 return contents
1 # Init result file 2 rstFile = open(os.path.join(srcPath, '[CRUD]' + datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + '.csv'), 'w', newline='') 3 rstWtr = csv.writer(rstFile, delimiter='\t', lineterminator='\n') 4 # Write head 5 rstWtr.writerow(['TYPE', 'CI', 'ENCODE', 'LINE NUM', 'CRUD', 'TABLE NM', 'FULL PATH'])
1 import os, openpyxl 2 3 # Init file path 4 srcPath = r'.\newDocs' 5 6 # Start Search 7 for folderName, subFolders, fileNames in os.walk(srcPath): 8 9 for fileName in fileNames: 10 11 filePath = os.path.join(folderName, fileName) 12 13 try: 14 wb_WorkBook = openpyxl.load_workbook(filePath) 15 except openpyxl.utils.exceptions.InvalidFileException: 16 print(fileName + '\t' + 'xls read failed') 17 wb_WorkBook.close() 18 continue 19 20 # _履歴 21 st_Rireki = wb_WorkBook['_履歴'] 22 if None is st_Rireki: 23 print(fileName + '\t' + '_履歴 is not exist') 24 continue 25 26 cl_Version = st_Rireki['AQ10'] 27 while True: 28 if None is cl_Version.value or \ 29 0 == len(str(cl_Version.value).strip()): 30 cl_Version.value = '' 31 32 cl_JobNo = st_Rireki.cell(row=cl_Version.row - 1, column=cl_Version.column) 33 cl_JobNo.value = '123' 34 35 wb_WorkBook.save(filePath) 36 37 break 38 39 else: 40 cl_Version = st_Rireki.cell(row=cl_Version.row + 5, column=cl_Version.column) 41 42 wb_WorkBook.close()