WebRTC学习进阶之路 --- 十七、源码分析之WebRTC的数据流水线详解&模块机制核心ProcessThread与ProcessThreadImpl






在本系列的第一篇---WebRTC学习进阶之路 --- 一、概述、原理、源码目录结构与整体架构介绍:https://blog.csdn.net/xiaomucgwlmx/article/details/103210223中我们介绍原理的时候已经讲过WebRTC的具体模块划分和每个模块的功能特性,不清楚的可以回去再看下哈。这里简单的贴个图:


namespace webrtc {

class ProcessThread;

class Module {
  // Returns the number of milliseconds until the module wants a worker
  // thread to call Process.
  // This method is called on the same worker thread as Process will
  // be called on.
  // TODO(tommi): Almost all implementations of this function, need to know
  // the current tick count.  Consider passing it as an argument.  It could
  // also improve the accuracy of when the next callback occurs since the
  // thread that calls Process() will also have it's tick count reference
  // which might not match with what the implementations use.
  virtual int64_t TimeUntilNextProcess() = 0;

  // Process any pending tasks such as timeouts.
  // Called on a worker thread.
  virtual void Process() = 0;

  // This method is called when the module is attached to a *running* process
  // thread or detached from one.  In the case of detaching, |process_thread|
  // will be nullptr.
  // This method will be called in the following cases:
  // * Non-null process_thread:
  //   * ProcessThread::RegisterModule() is called while the thread is running.
  //   * ProcessThread::Start() is called and RegisterModule has previously
  //     been called.  The thread will be started immediately after notifying
  //     all modules.
  // * Null process_thread:
  //   * ProcessThread::DeRegisterModule() is called while the thread is
  //     running.
  //   * ProcessThread::Stop() was called and the thread has been stopped.
  // NOTE: This method is not called from the worker thread itself, but from
  //       the thread that registers/deregisters the module or calls Start/Stop.
  virtual void ProcessThreadAttached(ProcessThread* process_thread) {}

  virtual ~Module() {}
}  // namespace webrtc


  • TimeUntilNextProcess()用来计算距下次调用处理函数Process()的时间间隔,Called on a worker thread;
  • Process()是模块的处理函数,负责模块内部运行监控、状态更新和模块间通信,Called on a worker thread;
  • ProcessThreadAttached()用来把模块挂载到模块处理线程,或者从模块处理线程分离出来,不是从worker thread本身调用此方法,而是从注册/注销模块或调用启动/停止的线程调用该方法。







namespace webrtc {
class Module;

// TODO(tommi): ProcessThread probably doesn't need to be a virtual
// interface.  There exists one override besides ProcessThreadImpl,
// MockProcessThread, but when looking at how it is used, it seems
// a nullptr might suffice (or simply an actual ProcessThread instance).
class ProcessThread {
  virtual ~ProcessThread();

  static std::unique_ptr Create(const char* thread_name);

  // Starts the worker thread.  Must be called from the construction thread.
  virtual void Start() = 0;

  // Stops the worker thread.  Must be called from the construction thread.
  virtual void Stop() = 0;

  // Wakes the thread up to give a module a chance to do processing right
  // away.  This causes the worker thread to wake up and requery the specified
  // module for when it should be called back. (Typically the module should
  // return 0 from TimeUntilNextProcess on the worker thread at that point).
  // Can be called on any thread.
  virtual void WakeUp(Module* module) = 0;

  // Queues a task object to run on the worker thread.  Ownership of the
  // task object is transferred to the ProcessThread and the object will
  // either be deleted after running on the worker thread, or on the
  // construction thread of the ProcessThread instance, if the task did not
  // get a chance to run (e.g. posting the task while shutting down or when
  // the thread never runs).
  virtual void PostTask(std::unique_ptr task) = 0;

  // Adds a module that will start to receive callbacks on the worker thread.
  // Can be called from any thread.
  virtual void RegisterModule(Module* module, const rtc::Location& from) = 0;

  // Removes a previously registered module.
  // Can be called from any thread.
  virtual void DeRegisterModule(Module* module) = 0;

}  // namespace webrtc


  • Start()/Stop()函数用来启动和结束线程,必须从构造线程中调用;
  • WakeUp()函数用来唤醒挂载在本线程下的某个模块,使得该模块有机会马上执行其Process()处理函数;
  • PostTask()函数用来邮递一个任务给本线程,任务对象的所有权已转移到ProcessThread,如果该任务没有运行的机会(例如,在关闭或线程永不运行时),则该对象将在工作线程被删除;
  • RegisterModule()和DeRegisterModule()用来向线程注册/注销模块,可以被任何线程调用。



namespace webrtc {

class ProcessThreadImpl : public ProcessThread {
  explicit ProcessThreadImpl(const char* thread_name);
  ~ProcessThreadImpl() override;

  void Start() override;
  void Stop() override;

  void WakeUp(Module* module) override;
  void PostTask(std::unique_ptr task) override;

  void RegisterModule(Module* module, const rtc::Location& from) override;
  void DeRegisterModule(Module* module) override;

  static void Run(void* obj);
  bool Process();

  struct ModuleCallback {
    ModuleCallback() = delete;
    ModuleCallback(ModuleCallback&& cb) = default;
    ModuleCallback(const ModuleCallback& cb) = default;
    ModuleCallback(Module* module, const rtc::Location& location)
        : module(module), location(location) {}
    bool operator==(const ModuleCallback& cb) const {
      return cb.module == module;

    Module* const module;
    int64_t next_callback = 0;  // Absolute timestamp.
    const rtc::Location location;

    ModuleCallback& operator=(ModuleCallback&);

  typedef std::list ModuleList;

  // Warning: For some reason, if |lock_| comes immediately before |modules_|
  // with the current class layout, we will  start to have mysterious crashes
  // on Mac 10.9 debug.  I (Tommi) suspect we're hitting some obscure alignemnt
  // issues, but I haven't figured out what they are, if there are alignment
  // requirements for mutexes on Mac or if there's something else to it.
  // So be careful with changing the layout.
  rtc::CriticalSection lock_;  // Used to guard modules_, tasks_ and stop_.

  rtc::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
  rtc::Event wake_up_;
  // TODO(pbos): Remove unique_ptr and stop recreating the thread.
  std::unique_ptr thread_;

  ModuleList modules_;
  std::queue queue_;
  bool stop_;
  const char* thread_name_;

}  // namespace webrtc


  • rtc::Event wake_up_:用来唤醒处于等待状态的线程;
  • ModuleList modules_:注册在本线程下的模块集合;
  • std::queue queue_:邮递给本线程的任务集合;
  • const char* thread_name_:线程名称;


bool ProcessThreadImpl::Process() {
  TRACE_EVENT1("webrtc", "ProcessThreadImpl", "name", thread_name_);
  int64_t now = rtc::TimeMillis();
  int64_t next_checkpoint = now + (1000 * 60);

    rtc::CritScope lock(&lock_);
    if (stop_)
      return false;
    for (ModuleCallback& m : modules_) {
      // TODO(tommi): Would be good to measure the time TimeUntilNextProcess
      // takes and dcheck if it takes too long (e.g. >=10ms).  Ideally this
      // operation should not require taking a lock, so querying all modules
      // should run in a matter of nanoseconds.
      if (m.next_callback == 0)
        m.next_callback = GetNextCallbackTime(m.module, now);

      if (m.next_callback <= now ||
          m.next_callback == kCallProcessImmediately) {
          TRACE_EVENT2("webrtc", "ModuleProcess", "function",
                       m.location.function_name(), "file",
        // Use a new 'now' reference to calculate when the next callback
        // should occur.  We'll continue to use 'now' above for the baseline
        // of calculating how long we should wait, to reduce variance.
        int64_t new_now = rtc::TimeMillis();
        m.next_callback = GetNextCallbackTime(m.module, new_now);

      if (m.next_callback < next_checkpoint)
        next_checkpoint = m.next_callback;

    while (!queue_.empty()) {
      QueuedTask* task = queue_.front();
      delete task;

  int64_t time_to_wait = next_checkpoint - rtc::TimeMillis();
  if (time_to_wait > 0)

  return true;




WebRTC学习进阶之路 --- 十七、源码分析之WebRTC的数据流水线详解&模块机制核心ProcessThread与ProcessThreadImpl_第1张图片



                        WebRTC学习进阶之路 --- 十七、源码分析之WebRTC的数据流水线详解&模块机制核心ProcessThread与ProcessThreadImpl_第2张图片

音视频数据首先从采集端进行采集,一般来说音频数据来自麦克风,视频数据来自摄像头。在某些应用场景下,音频数据来自扬声器,视频数据来自桌面共享。采集端的输出是音视频Raw Data。然后Raw Data到达编码模块,数据被编码器编码成符合语法规则的NAL单元,到达发送端缓冲区PacedSender处。接下来PacedSender把NAL单元发送到RTP模块打包为RTP数据包,最后经过网络模块发送到网络。

在接收端,RTP数据包经过网络模块接收后进行解包得到NAL单元,接下来NAL单元到达接收端缓冲区(JitterBuffer或者NetEQ)进行乱序重排和组帧。一帧完整的数据接收并组帧之后,调用解码模块进行解码,得到该帧数据的Raw Data。最后Raw Data交给渲染模块进行播放/显示。






