SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces function (转)


DeviceInfoSet [in]

A pointer to a device information set that contains the device interfaces for which to return information. This handle is typically returned bySetupDiGetClassDevs.

DeviceInfoData [in, optional]

A pointer to an SP_DEVINFO_DATA structure that specifies a device information element inDeviceInfoSet. This parameter is optional and can be NULL. If this parameter is specified,SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces constrains the enumeration to the interfaces that are supported by the specified device. If this parameter isNULL, repeated calls to SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces return information about the interfaces that are associated with all the device information elements inDeviceInfoSet. This pointer is typically returned by SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo.

InterfaceClassGuid [in]

A pointer to a GUID that specifies the device interface class for the requested interface.

MemberIndex [in]

A zero-based index into the list of interfaces in the device information set. The caller should call this function first withMemberIndex set to zero to obtain the first interface. Then, repeatedly incrementMemberIndex and retrieve an interface until this function fails and GetLastError returns ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS.

If DeviceInfoData specifies a particular device, the MemberIndex is relative to only the interfaces exposed by that device.

DeviceInterfaceData [out]

A pointer to a caller-allocated buffer that contains, on successful return, a completedSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA structure that identifies an interface that meets the search parameters. The caller must setDeviceInterfaceData.cbSize to sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA) before calling this function.

Return value

SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces returns TRUE if the function completed without error. If the function completed with an error,FALSE is returned and the error code for the failure can be retrieved by callingGetLastError.


Repeated calls to this function return an SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA structure for a different device interface. This function can be called repeatedly to get information about interfaces in a device information set that are associated with a particular device information element or that are associated with all device information elements.

DeviceInterfaceData points to a structure that identifies a requested device interface. To get detailed information about an interface, callSetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail. The detailed information includes the name of the device interface that can be passed to a Win32 function such asCreateFile (described in Microsoft Windows SDK documentation) to get a handle to the interface.

See System Defined Device Interface Classes for a list of available device interface classes.



Available in Microsoft Windows 2000 and later versions of Windows.


Setupapi.h (include Setupapi.h)


