【论文研读】SimCLR Google2020.2提出最新自监督方法

TitleA Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations

AuthorTing ChenGeoffrey Hinton... (Google Research)




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Data augmentation

1. Composition of data augmentation operations is crucial for learning good representations

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2. No single transformation suffices to learn good representations

3. it is critical to compose cropping with color distortion

4. data augmentation that does not yield accuracy benefits for supervised learning can still help considerably with

contrastive learning.

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Architectures for Encoder and Head

1. Unsupervised contrastive learning benefits (more) from bigger models

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2. G(*):A nonlinear projection is better than a linear projection

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3. Contrastive learning benefits (more) from larger batch sizes and longer training

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