系统:CentOS 6.4x64 最小化安装
首先用x-shell 工具链接centos 系统
[root@nginx ~]#yum install curl-devel expat-devel gettext-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel perl-devel -y
[root@bogon ~]# yum -y install git
[root@bogon git-2.2.0]#tar xf git-2.2.0.tar.gz [root@bogon git-2.2.0]#cd git-2.2.0/ [root@bogon git-2.2.0]#make prefix=/usr/local/git all [root@bogon git-2.2.0]#make prefix=/usr/local/git install 增加软连接 [root@bogon git-2.2.0]#ln -s /usr/local/git/bin/* /usr/bin/ 验证结果,显示出版本号,表示安装成功 [root@bogon git-2.2.0]#git --version git version 2.2.0
[root@bogon ~]# useradd git
# 切换到git用户
[root@bogon ~]# su - git
[git@bogon ~]$ pwd #查看当前位置
/home/git # 确认.ssh/authorized_key是否存在 [git@bogon ~]$ ls -a . .. .bash_logout .bash_profile .bashrc .gnome2 .mozilla
[git@bogon ~]$ git clone https://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite
然后创建bin目录并安装gitolite 到bin目录($ 表示普通用户)
[git@bogon ~]$ mkdir $HOME/bin
[git@bogon ~]$ gitolite/install -to $HOME/bin
[git@bogon ~]$ cd bin/
[git@bogon bin]$ ls commands gitolite gitolite-shell lib syntactic-sugar triggers VERSION VREF
gitolite 使用特殊的版本库gitolite-admin 来管理用户和版本库,所以需要创建一个管理员来管理所有的用户和版本库
7.1 用git用户生成公钥(注:如果你是接着上面一直做下来的,那么只需要输入cd ,然后回车,则就进入了该用户的目录,如果不是git用户,则需要输入su – git,来切换到git用户)
[git@bogon ~]cd
[git@bogon ~]$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
7.2 修改.ssh/id_rsa.pub 为admin.pub(为什么要改成admin.pub 因为gitolite根据这个文件名来设立帐号.我这里用admin
[git@bogon ~]$ mv .ssh/id_rsa.pub admin.pub
7.3 使用管理员公钥安装gitolite(然后去/home/git/repositories 里面,可以看见仓库文件.gitolite-admin.git 和test.git 一个是管理仓库的,一个是测试用)
[git@bogon ~]$ $HOME/bin/gitolite setup -pk admin.pub
7.4 生成管理员管理仓库(不需要输密码)
[git@bogon ~]$ git clone git@
进入仓库后可以看到conf 和keydir ,conf/gitolite.conf 是添加用户/仓库的配置, keydir 是放对应用户的公想·x钥.并且此时,admin.pub这个公钥可以删除了
7.5 编辑gitolite.conf
[git@bogon ~]$ vim gitolite-admin/conf/gitolite.conf
定义两个用户组: admin 和 user
定义两个版本库: gitolite-admin 和 project
用户admin 对 这两个版本库有(读 写 删除)RW+ 权限
user组对project 有 (读 写)RW 权限
7.6 然后提交修改(注:修改用户或者增加版本库后在下图中的目录中提交修改,否则会提示修改失败)
[git@bogon conf]$ git add keydir/test.pub conf/gitolite.conf
[git@bogon conf]$ git add . [git@bogon conf]$ git commit -am "new project"
[git@bogon conf]$ git push origin master
# 注:所有的提交修改都是这三条命令,在客户端上提交文件也是这三个命令第二条命令后面引号中的 可以是任意,最好是能体现是做了什么修改
7.7 提交完后,查看管理仓库中多了一个project.git
[git@bogon ~]$ cd repositories/
[git@bogon repositories]$ ls
gitolite-admin.git project.git
7.8 权限控制
[root@nginx gitolite-admin]# git status #查看git库状态
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: conf/gitolite.conf #表示该文件被修改 Untracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) keydir/test.pub #增加的文件 no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") #将有改动的文件添加到git库 [root@nginx gitolite-admin]# git add keydir/test.pub conf/gitolite.conf [root@nginx gitolite-admin]# git status On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. Changes to be committed: (use "git reset HEAD ..." to unstage) modified: conf/gitolite.conf new file: keydir/test.pub #这里表示已添加#在第一次执行git commit命令时会有以下提示,需要使用者表明身份 [root@nginx gitolite-admin]# git commit -m "add repo mytest; add user test" *** Please tell me who you are.Run git config --global user.email "[email protected]" git config --global user.name "Your Name"to set your account's default identity. Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository. fatal: unable to auto-detect email address (got 'root@nginx.(none)') #在这里我们执行以下2条命令 [root@nginx gitolite-admin]# git config --global user.email "[email protected]" [root@nginx gitolite-admin]# git config --global user.name "lyao" #再重新执行git commit命令 [root@nginx gitolite-admin]# git commit -m "add repo mytest; add user test" [master 7b877e7] add repo mytest; add user test 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+) create mode 100644 keydir/test.pub #执行完以上命令后,修改的文件只是提交在本地了,并没有提交到git server中,还需要执行git push命令 [root@nginx gitolite-admin]# git push origin master #推送到远端的master分支 Counting objects: 6, done.Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done. Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 817 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done. Total 6 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) remote: Initialized empty Git repository in /home/git/repositories/mytest.git /To git@ 3554f3d..7b877e7 master -> maste
8.1 centos客户端验证
[root@ipython ~]# git clone git@
Initialized empty Git repository in /root/mytest/.git/
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
[root@ipython ~]# ll total 3240 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Apr 17 14:45 mytest [root@ipython ~]# cd mytest/ [root@ipython mytest]# git status # On branch master# # Initial commit #nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track) #创建1个文件1.txt并添加到git [root@ipython mytest]# touch 1.txt [root@ipython mytest]# git add 1.txt [root@ipython mytest]# git commit "add file 1.txt" #第一次使用需要表明身份 [root@ipython mytest]# git commit -m "add file 1.txt" [master (root-commit) 08e9a37] add file 1.txt Committer: root Your name and email address were configured automatically based on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate. You can suppress this message by setting them explicitly: git config --global user.name "Your Name" git config --global user.email [email protected] If the identity used for this commit is wrong, you can fix it with: git commit --amend --author='Your Name ' 0 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 1.txt [root@ipython mytest]# git config --global user.email [email protected] [root@ipython mytest]# git config --global user.name test [root@ipython mytest]# git commit -m "add file 1.txt" # On branch masternothing to commit (working directory clean) [root@ipython mytest]# git status # On branch masternothing to commit (working directory clean) [root@ipython mytest]# ll total 0-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 14:47 1.txt [root@ipython mytest]# git push origin master Counting objects: 3, done.Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 206 bytes, done. Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)To git@ * [new branch] master -> master
8.2 windows客户端验证
1)在客户机上安装安正的git程序,在D盘新建一个文件夹 test ,右键选择Git Bash
2)打开一个DOS栏,输入 ssh-keygen.exe。这里可以用Tab键补全,然后有提示输入y后一直回车到结束
3)然后打开客户机用户目录下的 .ssh 中能看到id_rsa 私钥
4)然后把id_rsa 这个私钥文件上传到服务器的/home/git/gitolite-admin/keydir 目录中
[git@bogon conf]$ vi gitolite.conf
这里表示test用户对project.git 版本库有读写的权限。也可以直接在版本库下面添加用户权限
[git@bogon conf]$ git add .
[git@bogon conf]$ git commit -am "new project"
[git@bogon conf]$ git push origin master
打开Bash 窗口,输入
git clone [email protected]:project.git
链接服务器中的project.git 版本库,其中IP地址是自己服务器的IP地址,冒号后面需要访问也是刚刚给该用户有权限访问的版本库
然后会同步下来一个文件夹名为project 的文件,这个就是版本库,打开这个文件夹,创建一个任意文件
打开project文件夹,创建一个任意文件,然后打开Bash 窗口,输入提交修改命令
[git@bogon conf]$ git add .
[git@bogon conf]$ git commit -am "new project"
[git@bogon conf]$ git push origin master
git pull