由于项目工作的需要,我们团队阅读了清华在文件系统方面的一个比较新颖的工作:Octopus。Octopus是一个基于持久内存 NVM 和远程直接内存访问 RDMA 技术的分布式内存文件系统。清华的陆游游老师现已将代码开源,可 点击此处 阅读。
这一工作中的是 ATC-17 (CCF A类),可 点击此处 阅读论文。
系列分析总共包括 个部分。第一部分是 论文摘要,相当于Octopus系统的一个简介;第二部分是 设计框架,在这一部分我们会宏观地介绍Octopus的组成体系及各部分的功能及相互间的联系;第三部分是 代码分析,也是本博客的重中之重。在这一部分我们首先介绍头文件体系(在include文件夹中),了解Octopus的存储结构,表结构,主要数据结构,内存池划分等等。接下来我们介绍方法实现代码(在src文件夹中),我们会通过比对头文件内的函数名称来看每一个方法是采用何种方式实现,好处是什么,取舍考虑是什么。进一步地,我们会通过代码文件间的依赖关系,函数依赖关系去深入探讨Octopus的创新性、局限性并留出进一步讨论的空间。
这个代码文件是对照 bitmap.hpp 所做的位图功能实现。我们知道,在文件系统中,位图的主要作用是记录 inode 块与数据块的空闲状态,以便于新的数据分配时不发生冲突。
首先,我们来看 Bitmap 的构造函数实现,代码段如下所示:
/* Constructor of bitmap. Here use existed buffer as bitmap and initialize other parameter based on buffer.
(If fail in constructing, error information will be printed in standard error output.)
@param count The count of total bits in the bitmap.
@param buffer The buffer to contain bitmap. */
Bitmap::Bitmap(uint64_t count, char *buffer) /* Constructor of bitmap. */
if (count % 8 == 0) {
if (buffer != NULL) { /* Judge if buffer is null or not. */
bytes = (uint8_t *)buffer; /* Assign byte array of bitmap. */
varCountTotal = count; /* Initialize count of total bits. */
varCountFree = 0; /* Initialize count of free bits. */
for (unsigned int index = 0; index < varCountTotal / 8; index++) { /* Search in all bytes in array. */
for (int offset = 0; offset <= 7; offset++) { /* Search in all offsets in byte. */
if ((bytes[index] & (1 << (7 - offset))) == 0) { /* Judge if bit is cleared. */
varCountFree++; /* Increment of free bit. */
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Bitmap: buffer pointer is null.\n");
exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* Fail due to null buffer pointer. */
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Bitmap: count should be times of eight.\n");
exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* Fail due to count alignment. */
是用来存储具体位图信息的结构,bytes = (uint8_t *)buffer
是将 bytes
的地址强制转义成 buffer
首地址 。注意,bytes
初始化过程值得注意的是 for循环的内容,index
if ((bytes[index] & (1 << (7 - offset))) == 0)
这行代码是用来判断某一比特位是否为0,如果是就对 varCountFree
当前值为1,offset当前值为2,bytes[1] = 10
bytes[1]=10 & (1 << 5)
等价于 00001010 & 00100000
,按位与的结果当然是0,因此 varCountFree
应当自增。需要注意的是,对于每一个 bytes
其他函数,诸如 get, set, clear, findFree
这个代码文件是对照 lock.h 所实现的读写锁功能。首先,我们来简单看看构造函数,代码如下所示:
extern RPCServer *server; // 外部全局变量声明
LockService::LockService(uint64_t _MetaDataBaseAddress)
: MetaDataBaseAddress(_MetaDataBaseAddress){}
可以看出,该构造函数所做的事情仅仅是将元数据基地址赋值到 LockService
/* 写上锁参数:节点号,锁地址偏移(相对元数据基地址)
* 基本流程:
* 1. 获取线程ID
* 2. 计算锁地址(=元数据基地址+锁地址偏移)
* 3. 计算key值
* 4. 比较LockAddress与旧值(0ULL)
* 5. 如果上一步返回false,则server执行requestPoller动作
uint64_t LockService::WriteLock(uint16_t NodeID, uint64_t Address) {
int workerid = server->getIDbyTID();
uint16_t ID = __sync_fetch_and_add(&WriteID, 1ULL);
uint64_t key = (uint64_t)NodeID;
uint64_t LockAddress = MetaDataBaseAddress + Address;
key = key << 16;
key += ID;
key = key << 32;
while (true) {
if (__sync_bool_compare_and_swap((uint64_t *)LockAddress, 0ULL, key))
//if (workerid == 0) {
return key;
, __sync_bool_compare_and_swap
type __sync_fetch_and_add(type *ptr, type value, …); // m+n
bool __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (type *ptr, type oldval, type newval, …);
/* 对应的伪代码 */
{ if (*ptr == oldval) { *ptr = newval; return true; } else { return false; } }
等于旧值(0ULL,可以理解为初值),则将新的 key
;否则服务器执行 RequestPoller
key的计算看起来复杂,但实际上我们明白其根本是由 NodeID
(节点号) 和 WriteID
(线程号) 唯一指定即可。
bool LockService::WriteUnlock(uint64_t key, uint16_t NodeID, uint64_t Address) {
uint64_t LockAddress = MetaDataBaseAddress + Address;
uint32_t *p = (uint32_t *)(LockAddress + 4);
*p = 0;
return true;
uint64_t LockService::ReadLock(uint16_t NodeID, uint64_t Address) {
uint64_t LockAddress = MetaDataBaseAddress + Address;
uint64_t preNumber = __sync_fetch_and_add((uint64_t*)LockAddress, 1ULL);
preNumber = preNumber >> 32;
if (preNumber == 0) {
return 1;
} else {
while (true) {
if (__sync_bool_compare_and_swap((uint32_t*)(LockAddress + 4), 0, 0))
return 1;
bool LockService::ReadUnlock(uint64_t key, uint16_t NodeID, uint64_t Address) {
uint64_t LockAddress = MetaDataBaseAddress + Address;
__sync_fetch_and_sub((uint64_t *)LockAddress, 1);
return true;
这几处代码,我个人认为不值得分析,毫无逻辑可言(或者我才疏学浅,不懂大义,还望高人指点)。比如说,写解锁的 p 变量赋值有任何的意义吗,它又不作为返回值?读上锁中的 usleep(1)
有任何的意义吗,让系统睡眠有什么好处呢?读解锁中的 __sync_fetch_and_sub((uint64_t *)LockAddress, 1)
是让LockAddress自减1,are you serious?
由于 Octopus 采用将元术/数据分布式存储的方式,至少应用了两层哈希映射(外部哈希选节点,内部哈希选偏移)。那么我们就来看看这段代码实现了哪些哈希功能。
/* Constructor of hash table.
@param buffer Buffer of whole table.
@param count Max count of chained items. Can be divided by 8. No check here. */
HashTable::HashTable(char *buffer, uint64_t count)
if (buffer == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "HashTable: buffer is null.\n");
} else {
itemsHash = (HashItem *)buffer; /* Hash items pointer. */
bitmapChainedItems = new Bitmap( /* Bitmap for chained items. */
count, buffer + HASH_ITEMS_SIZE /* Need to be divided by 8 in bitmap class. */
itemsChained = (ChainedItem *)(buffer + HASH_ITEMS_SIZE + count / 8); /* Chained items pointer. Size of bitmap is count / 8. */
if (bitmapChainedItems->set(0) == false) { /* Disable position 0 in bitmap due to reserved use. */
fprintf(stderr, "HashTable: bitmap set error.\n");
sizeBufferUsed = HASH_ITEMS_SIZE + count / 8 + sizeof(ChainedItem) * count; /* Calculate size of used bytes in buffer. */
// Debug::debugItem("itemsChainedAddress = %lx, sizeBufferUsed = %x", itemsChained, sizeBufferUsed);
headFreeBit = NULL;
FreeBit *currentFreeBit;
for (uint64_t i = 1; i < bitmapChainedItems->countTotal(); i++) { /* Traverse all chained items to initialize free bits. Start from 1. */
currentFreeBit = (FreeBit *)malloc(sizeof(FreeBit));
currentFreeBit->position = i; /* Assign position. */
currentFreeBit->nextFreeBit = headFreeBit; /* Push current free bit before head. */
headFreeBit = currentFreeBit; /* Update head free bit. */
bitmapChainedItems = new Bitmap(count, buffer + HASH_ITEMS_SIZE);
告诉我们,位图结构是在哈希结构之后(因为加上了 HASH_ITEMS_SIZE
);itemsChained = (ChainedItem *)(buffer + HASH_ITEMS_SIZE + count / 8);
初始化时,所有的比特位都是0,最后加入的节点成为 headFreeBit
接下来我们介绍三个关键的哈希操作:get, put 和 del
/* Get a chained item. Check unique hash to judge if chained item is right or not.
@param path Path.
@param indexMeta Buffer of meta index.
@param isDirectory Buffer to judge if item is directory or not.
@return If item does not exist or other error occurs, then return false. Otherwise return true. */
bool HashTable::get(const char *path, uint64_t *indexMeta, bool *isDirectory)
if ((path == NULL) || (indexMeta == NULL) || (isDirectory == NULL)) {
return false; /* Fail due to null parameters. */
} else {
UniqueHash hashUnique;
HashTable::getUniqueHash(path, strlen(path), &hashUnique); /* Get unique hash. */
// printf("%016x%016x%016x%016x\n", hashUnique.value[3], hashUnique.value[2], hashUnique.value[1], hashUnique.value[0]);
AddressHash hashAddress = HashTable::getAddressHash(&hashUnique); /* Get address hash by unique hash. */
// getAddressHash(path, strlen(path), &hashAddress); /* Get address hash. */
bool result;
mutexBitmapChainedItems.lock(); /* Though currently there is no bitmap reading or writing, other operations such as delete might affect hash item reading. */
uint64_t indexHead = itemsHash[hashAddress].indexHead;
if (indexHead == 0) {
result = false; /* Fail due to no hash item. */
} else {
// UniqueHash hashUnique;
// getUniqueHash(path, strlen(path), &hashUnique); /* Get unique hash. */
uint64_t indexCurrent = indexHead; /* Index of current chained item. */
bool found = false;
do { /* Traverse every chained item. */
if (memcmp(&(itemsChained[indexCurrent].hashUnique), &(hashUnique), sizeof(UniqueHash)) == 0) {
*indexMeta = itemsChained[indexCurrent].indexMeta; /* Save meta index. */
*isDirectory = itemsChained[indexCurrent].isDirectory; /* Save state of directory. */
found = true; /* Found one matched. */
break; /* Jump out. */
} else {
indexCurrent = itemsChained[indexCurrent].indexNext; /* Move to next chained item. */
} while (indexCurrent != 0); /* If current item is over last chained item then jump out. */
if (found == true) {
result = true; /* Succeed. Find one matched. */
} else {
result = false; /* Fail due to no chained item matched. */
mutexBitmapChainedItems.unlock(); /* Unlock hash table bitmap. */
return result; /* Return specific result. */
我觉得 hashUnique 和 hashAddress 的两步哈希过程不是非常必要,而且整个遍历过程开销很大,存在很大的优化空间。此处mark。
/* Put a chained item. If item has already existed, old meta index will be replaced by the new one.
@param path Path.
@param indexMeta Meta index to put in.
@param isDirectory Judge if item is directory.
@return If error occurs return false, otherwise return true. */
bool HashTable::put(const char *path, uint64_t indexMeta, bool isDirectory)
if (path == NULL) {
return false; /* Fail due to null path. */
} else {
AddressHash hashAddress;
HashTable::getAddressHash(path, strlen(path), &hashAddress); /* Get address hash. */
bool result;
mutexBitmapChainedItems.lock(); /* Lock hash table bitmap. */
uint64_t indexHead = itemsHash[hashAddress].indexHead;
if (indexHead == 0) { /* If there is no item currently. */
// Debug::debugItem("No item currently.");
uint64_t index;
// if (bitmapChainedItems->findFree(&index) == false) { /* Method of bitmap search.
if (headFreeBit == NULL) { /* Method of free bit chain. */
result = false; /* Fail due to no free bit in bitmap. */
} else {
index = headFreeBit->position; /* Get free bit index. */
FreeBit *currentFreeBit = headFreeBit; /* Get current free bit. */
headFreeBit = (FreeBit *)(headFreeBit->nextFreeBit); /* Move current free bit out of free bit chain. */
free(currentFreeBit); /* Release current free bit as used. */
if (bitmapChainedItems->set(index) == false) { /* Occupy the position first. Need not to roll back. */
result = false; /* Fail due to bitmap set error. */
} else {
itemsChained[index].indexNext = 0; /* Next item does not exist. */
itemsChained[index].indexMeta = indexMeta; /* Assign specific meta index. */
itemsChained[index].isDirectory = isDirectory; /* Assign state of directory. */
UniqueHash hashUnique;
HashTable::getUniqueHash(path, strlen(path), &hashUnique); /* Get unique hash. */
itemsChained[index].hashUnique = hashUnique; /* Assign unique hash of specific path. */
itemsHash[hashAddress].indexHead = index; /* Finally fill the chained item into hash table. */
result = true; /* Succeed. */
} else { /* If there is already a chain here. */
UniqueHash hashUnique;
getUniqueHash(path, strlen(path), &hashUnique); /* Get unique hash. */
uint64_t indexCurrent = indexHead; /* Index of current chained item. */
uint64_t indexBeforeCurrent = 0; /* Index of item before current chained item. Initial value 0. */
bool found = false;
do { /* Traverse every chained item. */
if (memcmp(&(itemsChained[indexCurrent].hashUnique), &hashUnique, sizeof(UniqueHash)) == 0) {
itemsChained[indexCurrent].indexMeta = indexMeta; /* Update meta index. */
itemsChained[indexCurrent].isDirectory = isDirectory; /* Update state of directory. */
found = true; /* Found one matched. */
break; /* Jump out. */
} else {
indexBeforeCurrent = indexCurrent; /* Must be assigned at least once. */
indexCurrent = itemsChained[indexCurrent].indexNext; /* Move to next chained item. */
} while (indexCurrent != 0); /* If current item is over last chained item then jump out (indexBeforeCurrent will point to last chained item). */
if (found == true) { /* If chained item has been found and updated. */
result = true; /* Succeed. Updated meta index. */
} else { /* If there is no matched chained item, a new one need to be created. */
uint64_t index;
// if (bitmapChainedItems->findFree(&index) == false) { /* Method of bitmap search. */
if (headFreeBit == NULL) { /* Method of free bit chain. */
result = false; /* Fail due to no free bit in bitmap. */
} else {
index = headFreeBit->position; /* Get free bit index. */
FreeBit *currentFreeBit = headFreeBit; /* Get current free bit. */
headFreeBit = (FreeBit *)(headFreeBit->nextFreeBit); /* Move current free bit out of free bit chain. */
free(currentFreeBit); /* Release current free bit as used. */
if (bitmapChainedItems->set(index) == false) { /* Occupy the position first. Need not to roll back. */
result = false; /* Fail due to bitmap set error. */
} else {
itemsChained[index].indexNext = 0; /* Next item does not exist. */
itemsChained[index].indexMeta = indexMeta; /* Assign specific meta index. */
itemsChained[index].isDirectory = isDirectory; /* Assign state of directory. */
UniqueHash hashUnique;
HashTable::getUniqueHash(path, strlen(path), &hashUnique); /* Get unique hash. */
itemsChained[index].hashUnique = hashUnique; /* Assign unique hash of specific path. */
itemsChained[indexBeforeCurrent].indexNext = index; /* Finally fill the chained item into current last chained item. */
result = true; /* Succeed. Created chained item. */
mutexBitmapChainedItems.unlock(); /* Unlock hash table bitmap. */
return result; /* Return specific result. */
/* Delete a hash item.
@param path Path.
@return If error occurs return false, otherwise return true. */
bool HashTable::del(const char *path)
if (path == NULL) {
return false; /* Fail due to null path. */
} else {
AddressHash hashAddress;
HashTable::getAddressHash(path, strlen(path), &hashAddress); /* Get address hash. */
bool result;
mutexBitmapChainedItems.lock(); /* Lock hash table bitmap. */
uint64_t indexHead = itemsHash[hashAddress].indexHead;
if (indexHead == 0) {
result = false; /* Fail due to no hash item. */
} else {
UniqueHash hashUnique;
HashTable::getUniqueHash(path, strlen(path), &hashUnique); /* Get unique hash. */
if (memcmp(&(itemsChained[indexHead].hashUnique), &hashUnique, sizeof(UniqueHash)) == 0) { /* If head chained item is matched. */
if (bitmapChainedItems->clear(indexHead) == false) {
result = false; /* Fail due to bitmap clear error. */
} else { /* Remove chained item. Currently do not clear data of chained item. Data will be renew in put operation. */
FreeBit *currentFreeBit = (FreeBit *)malloc(sizeof(FreeBit)); /* New free bit. */
currentFreeBit->nextFreeBit = headFreeBit; /* Add current free bit to free bit chain. */
currentFreeBit->position = indexHead; /* Head index of chained items. */
headFreeBit = currentFreeBit; /* Update head free bit. */
itemsHash[hashAddress].indexHead = itemsChained[indexHead].indexNext; /* Might be 0 if head is the last. */
result = true; /* Succeed. Removed head chained item. */
} else { /* If not head chained item. */
uint64_t indexBeforeCurrent = indexHead;
uint64_t indexCurrent = itemsChained[indexHead].indexNext;
bool found = false;
while (indexCurrent != 0) { /* indexCurrent might be 0 because head chained index has been examined. */
if (memcmp(&(itemsChained[indexCurrent].hashUnique), &hashUnique, sizeof(UniqueHash)) == 0) {
found = true;
} else {
indexBeforeCurrent = indexCurrent; /* Assign indexBeforeCurrent. */
indexCurrent = itemsChained[indexCurrent].indexNext; /* Move to next chained item. */
if (found == false) {
result = true; /* Succeed. No matched item is found. Here indexCurrent equals 0. */
} else {
if (bitmapChainedItems->clear(indexCurrent) == false) {
result = false; /* Fail due to bitmap clear error. */
} else {
FreeBit *currentFreeBit = (FreeBit *)malloc(sizeof(FreeBit)); /* New free bit. */
currentFreeBit->nextFreeBit = headFreeBit; /* Add current free bit to free bit chain. */
currentFreeBit->position = indexCurrent; /* Current index of chained items. */
headFreeBit = currentFreeBit; /* Update head free bit. */
itemsChained[indexBeforeCurrent].indexNext = itemsChained[indexCurrent].indexNext;
result = true; /* Succeed. Removed the chained item. */
mutexBitmapChainedItems.unlock(); /* Unlock hash table bitmap. */
return result; /* Return specific result. */
这个代码文件是对照 storage.hpp 所实现的存储结构,代码量相对来说较少,我们先来看构造函数的实现,代码如下所示:
/* Constructor. Mainly allocate memory.
@param countFile Max count of files.
@param countDirectory Max count of directories.
@param countBlock Max count of blocks.
@param countNode Count of nodes. */
Storage::Storage(char *buffer, char* bufferBlock, uint64_t countFile, uint64_t countDirectory, uint64_t countBlock, uint64_t countNode)
if ((buffer == NULL) || (bufferBlock == NULL) || (countFile == 0) || (countDirectory == 0) ||
(countBlock == 0) || (countNode == 0)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Storage::Storage: parameter error.\n");
exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* Exit due to parameter error. */
} else {
hashtable = new HashTable(buffer, countDirectory + countFile); /* Initialize hash table. */
Debug::notifyInfo("sizeof Hash Table = %d MB", hashtable->sizeBufferUsed / 1024 / 1024);
tableFileMeta = new Table<FileMeta>(buffer + hashtable->sizeBufferUsed, countFile); /* Initialize file meta table. */
Debug::notifyInfo("sizeof File Meta Size = %d MB", tableFileMeta->sizeBufferUsed / 1024 / 1024);
tableDirectoryMeta = new Table<DirectoryMeta>(buffer + hashtable->sizeBufferUsed + tableFileMeta->sizeBufferUsed, countDirectory); /* Initialize directory meta table. */
Debug::notifyInfo("sizeof Directory Meta Size = %d MB", tableDirectoryMeta->sizeBufferUsed / 1024 / 1024);
tableBlock = new Table<Block>(bufferBlock, countBlock); /* Initialize block table. */
this->countNode = countNode; /* Assign count of nodes. */
sizeBufferUsed = hashtable->sizeBufferUsed + tableFileMeta->sizeBufferUsed + tableDirectoryMeta->sizeBufferUsed + tableBlock->sizeBufferUsed; /* Size of used bytes in buffer. */
hashtable = new HashTable(buffer, countDirectory + countFile);
新建了一个哈希表,注意哈希项目数量=文件数+目录数;template class Table
Bitmap *bitmapItems; /* Bitmap for items. */
std::mutex mutexBitmapItems; /* Mutex for bitmap for items. */
T *items; /* Items of table. */
FreeBit *headFreeBit; /* Head free bit in the chain. */
FreeBit *tailFreeBit; /* Tail free bit in the chain. */
uint64_t sizeBufferUsed; /* Size of used bytes in buffer. */
bool create(uint64_t *index, T *item); /* Create an item. */
bool create(uint64_t *index); /* Create an item. No item will be assigned. */
bool get(uint64_t index, T *item); /* Get an item. */
bool get(uint64_t index, T *item, uint64_t *address);
bool put(uint64_t index, T *item); /* Put an item. */
bool put(uint64_t index, T *item, uint64_t *address);
bool remove(uint64_t index); /* Remove an item. */
uint64_t countSavedItems(); /* Saved items count. */
uint64_t countTotalItems(); /* Total items count. */
Table(char *buffer, uint64_t count); /* Constructor of table. */
~Table(); /* Destructor of table. */
NodeHash Storage::getNodeHash(UniqueHash *hashUnique)
if (hashUnique == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Storage::getNodeHash: buffer is null.\n");
exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* Exit due to null unique hash. */
} else {
return ((hashUnique->value[3] % countNode) + 1); /* Return node hash. From 1 to countNode. */