edx 4G Network Essentials Week 3: Radio Interface 5 - RLC Protocol

We saw in the last video that the MAC layer enables
several applications to share the same radio connection.


But what if, these applications don’t have the same
requirements in terms of latency or reliability?
Or, in other words, different requirements
of Quality of Service.

In L. T. E, it is the R. L. C layer’s role
to provide such features.

R. L. C, or Radio Link Control is
just above the MAC layer.

Let’s see how it works.

What is the definition of the quality of service, or QoS in short?
It is the capability of the network to give applications
a level of service corresponding to their needs, based on
different criteria such as delay,
throughput, or error rate.

The thing to understand about QoS is that it is a compromise.

For example, it is possible to
increase the reliability, by re-transmitting lost messages.

But, of course, it increases the delay.

The right balance depends on the application.

For a voice communication, we prefer to have a short
delay even if we have some losses.

Whereas, for bank transaction, we do not
tolerate error and the delay is not that important.

In the previous lesson, we saw some limitations of the MAC layer.

For example, after a certain number of failures, the MAC
layer gives up retransmitting messages.

We also saw that H. A. R. Q
can introduce de-sequencing in messages.
我们还看到H. A. R. Q可以在消息中引入解序。

Also, the MAC layer does not take care of the message segmentation.

That is to say, chopping the messages into smaller blocks
that can be inserted into transport blocks.

The R. L. C layer offers services to increase the reliability
of exchanges, to re-order messages, and
to manage segmentation.
R. L. C层提供服务以增加交换的可靠性,重新排序消息和管理分段。

But this is done at the expense of latency.

This is why these services are optional.

They can be used for certain data
streams and de-activated for others.

R. L. C proposes 3 modes.
R. L. C提出了3种模式。

The simplest is transparent mode or TM.

In this case, R. L. C does nothing.


Because there is no segmentation,
this mode is reserved for short messages.

It is mainly used to transport signalling messages of L. T. E.
The second mode is un-acknowledged Mode or UM.

It takes care of re-sequencing received blocks as
well as segmenting and concatenating messages
depending on the needs of the MAC layer.

The impact of this mode on latency is low
but it does not improve reliability.

It is therefore adapted to real time applications such as
voice or video communication.

The third mode is Acknowledged Mode or AM.
第三种模式是Acknowledged Mode或AM。

It offers the same services as UM
and adds a system to retransmit lost packets
which increases reliability.

But, of course, this is done at the cost of latency.

It is therefore best adapted to applications such as file
transfer and Web browsing.


In terms of architecture, several R. L. C
instances can run in parallel for a given link.

For example, a Voice communication over IP
can use an R. L. C instance in UM
while files are being transferred with another instance in AM.

As discussed previously, the MAC layer picks up
packets on both instances depending on the parametrized
priorities and throughput targets.

How does the un-acknowledged mode work?
When it receives a packet from the upper layer,
R. L. C saves it in a buffer
while waiting for the MAC layer to request a MAC-SDU.
未确认模式如何工作?当它从上层接收数据包时,R。 L. C将其保存在缓冲区中,同时等待MAC层请求MAC-SDU。

When the MAC layer requests a MAC-SDU,
it specifies the size of the MAC-SDU it is expecting.

R. L. C then assembles the stored packets to make
an R. L. C-PDU of the requested size.


To do that, it can concatenate packets,
or split them to reach
the specified size.

R. L. C also adds headers to tell the receiver where to
find the different fragments and which
R. L. C instance they belong to.
R. L. C还添加标题以告诉接收者在哪里找到不同的片段以及它们属于哪个R.L.C实例。

These headers also contain sequence numbers
that will enable putting blocks in the correct order if
they are de-sequenced by H. A. R. Q.
Let’s stop for a second and look at two things.

Firstly, the MAC layer can regroup in the
same transport block
SDUs from different R. L. C instances.

Secondly, when trying to
retrieve the correct sequence of messages,
R. L. C in UM can remain blocked
if an intermediate segment never arrives.
其次,当试图检索正确的消息序列时,R。 如果中间段永远不会到达,则UM中的R.L.C可以保持阻塞。

To avoid this, after a certain time,
R. L. C will eventually consider this packet as lost and
will go on to the next.
为了避免这种情况,经过一段时间后,R。 L. C最终会认为这个数据包丢失了,并将继续下一个。

Acknowledged Mode works in the same way as UM.

But it also manages the repetition of lost messages.

To do that, R. L. C memorizes
the MAC-SDUs it delivers to the MAC layer, so that it
will be able to resend them if necessary.
为此,R. L. C记忆它传递给MAC层的MAC-SDU,以便在必要时能够重新发送它们。

It regularly asks the recipient
to send the status of the messages it has received.

The receiver answers to this request by sending
an R. L. C signaling message tha t is transferred on the data channel.

Let’s note in passing that this is the first time we see
this case in the radio interface.

Until now, all control exchanges were made on
dedicated control channels.

But now, the answer from the recipient must be separated
from the data flow and delivered to the R. L. C controller.
但是现在,收件人的答案必须与数据流分开并传递给R. L. C控制器。

The controller can then erase from its memory the messages
that are being correctly received and resend ones that have not
be delivered to the recipient.

Thus, for Acknowledged Mode, it must be the same body
that manages the transmission and the reception part
while in UM, these processes are independent.

To summaries, the R. L. C layer
is located above the MAC layer.

It takes care of :
Re-sequencing of blocks held up by H. A. R. Q.
It also manage the concatenation and segmentation of
the data to fit the size requested by the MAC layer.
它负责:重新排序由H. A. R. Q.提供的块。

And also handles the retransmission of lost blocks.

Quality of service is a compromise,
notably between reliability and delay.

R. L. C defines three modes:
transparent mode, un-acknowledged mode and acknowledged mode.
R. L. C定义了三种模式:透明模式,未确认模式和确认模式。


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