

Dust Storms Blanket Beijing and Northern China

Dust storms enveloped[1]parts of northern China for a second day on Friday,reducing visibility in cities like Beijing and threatening the health of millions of people.


[1]envelop/ɪnˈveləp/:to cover or surround something completely 覆盖;包住;围绕;笼罩

The graveyard looked ghostly,envelopedin mist.


Such storms have becomean increasingly common phenomenonforthe region, asChina's deserts expandbygobbling up[2]roughly 1,300 square miles a year. A half-century ago, such storms happenedevery seven or eight years; now they arean annual occurrence.


[2]gobble up:to use a lot of your supply of something, usually money 很快地用掉(通常指钱)

The mounting legal costs quicklygobbled uptheir savings.


The storms typically happen in the spring, as strong winds send soil and sand fromthe Gobi Desertovernorthern China and even the Korean Peninsula.


This week's dust storms led to the cancellation ofscores of[3]flights and caused pollution in northern China to soar. Beijing'sair-quality indexhit a dangerous level of623 on Thursday; the United States governmentratesreadings[4]above 200as "very unhealthy" and 301 to 500 as "hazardous."


[3]scores of:a lot of things or people 许多,大量

Jack received cards fromscores oflocal well-wishers.


*by the score:in large numbers 大量地,大批地

People are leaving the organizationby the score.


[4]reading:[C] the number or amount that a piece of measuring equipment shows 读数(一件测量设备所显示的数字或量值)

a thermometerreading温度计读数

Expertstiethe problemtothe rapid urbanization of northern China, deforestation and climate change. The government has spent billions of dollars planting forests to stopthe creeping desertification, but some experts havequestioned whetherit has been effective enough in doing so.


The state news media in China said that children and the elderly should stay indoors during the storms. On both Thursday and Friday, the storms wereat their worstin the morning, with cities like Beijing clearing later in the day.


Sand and dust stormstake placewhen hot air over the desertdestabilizesthe lower atmosphere,whipping up[5]strong winds that send huge amounts of sand hundreds or even thousands of miles.


[5]whip up:to encourage or cause people to have strong feelings about something 煽动;激起

She criticized the organization for trying towhip upanti-immigrant prejudice.


He was trying towhip upsome enthusiasm for the project.


The storms have been linked not only torespiratory illnessesbut also tolethal epidemicsbecause of the spread ofpotentially harmfulbacteria, viruses andfungal spores.


The dust storms typicallyhit[6]northern China after the region is afflicted by high wintertime smog, which is caused by coal-burning power plants, factories and vehicle emissions.


[6]hit:If something hits a person, place, or thing, it affects them very badly. 对…造成严重影响

About two hundred people died in the earthquake whichhitnorthern Peru.


The plan to charge motorists to use the motorway is going tohitme hard.

