


  LDAP是轻量目录访问协议,(LDAP, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)LDAP是用于访问目录服务(特别是基于X.500的目录服务),LDAP在TCP/IP或其他面向连接的传输服务上运行。LDAP是IETF标准的跟踪协议。


  1. 读写效率高:可以将LDAP看作是对读操作进行优化的一种"树状数据库",在读写比例大于7:1时,LDAP性能表现很好,比较适合身份认证。
  2. 开放的标准协议:不同于SQL数据库,LDAP客户端是跨平台的,对几乎所有的程序语言都是标准的API接口。
  3. 强认证方式:具有很高的安全级别,在国际化方面,LDAP使用UTF-8编码存储各种语言的字符。
  4. OpenLDAP实现开源:开源软件OpenLDAP包括了很多新功能,最轻便且消耗系统资源最少,可以基于OpenLDAP进行开发新功能。
  5. 灵活添加数据类型:LDAP根据schema的内容定义各种属性之间的从属关系以及匹配模式。在关系型数据库中若要为用户添加一个属性,需要在表中增加一个字段,如果已有的数据表中增加一个字段,需要更改表的结构,变更比较困难。而LDAP只需要在schema中加入新的属性,属性的增加不会影响性能。
  6. 树状结构的数据存储:LDAP底层是B/B+树数据结构,整棵树的任何一个分支都可以单独放在一个服务器中进行分布式管理,这不仅有利于做服务器的负载均衡,也便于跨地域的服务器部署。在查询负载大或者企业在不同区域都设有分公司时进行部署突出优势。


  1. 机器认证
  2. 用户认证
  3. 用户/系统组
  4. 地址簿
  5. 组织代表
  6. 资产追踪
  7. 电话信息存储
  8. 用户资源管理
  9. 电子邮件地址查询
  10. 应用配置存储




Directory 目录

  Directory 目录是用于存放信息的单元,基于域的命名。


  每个Entry都有一个唯一的标识(DN,Distinguished Name),DN在语法上是由多个相对的标识名注册,之间由逗号隔开,如du:cn=Manager,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org,通过这种层次型语法结构,可以很方便表示出条目在LDAP目录树中的位置。



属性 别名 说明
cn common name 通常指一个对象的名称
dn distinguished name 唯一标识名,类似于绝对路径,每个对象都有一个唯一标识名,如cn=Manager,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org
rdn relative distinguished name 相对标识名,类似于相对路径,如cn=Manager
dc domain component 通常指定一个域名,比如org.apache.hadoop写成dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org
ou organizationl unit 指定一个组织单元的名称,如ou=groups
sn sur name 通常指一个人的姓氏,比如sn:Chen







LDIF:LDAP Interchange Format










  • -f:-f file.ldif,从文件file.ldif中读取操作。
  • -x:简单认证。
  • -D:-D binddn,绑定DN。
  • -H:-H URI,通过LDAP统一的资源标识符。
  • -h:-h host,LDAP服务器的ip或者hostname。
  • -W:提示绑定密码,即不在命令上写密码,如ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" -W
  • -w:-w passwd,需要在命令上指定密码进行简单认证,如ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" -w 123456
  • -p:-p port,LDAP服务器的端口。
  • -v:显示运行详情。


如:ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" -W -f init.ldif


如:ldapdelete -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" -w 123456 -h "uid=hdfstest,ou=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org"


如:ldapmodify -a -H ldap:// -D "cn=Manager,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" -w 123456 -f modifybarbara.ldif


如:ldapmodrdn -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" -w123456 "uid=hdfstest,ou=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" "uid=hivetest"


如:ldapsearch -x -h -D "cn=Manager,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" -w 123456



  • -S:交互式提示用户输入新密码
  • -s password:指定新密码,明文的,不建议使用
  • -a oldpasswd :指定旧密码,自动生成新密码
  • -A :提示输入旧密码,自动生成新密码

1)-S 交互式提示用户输入新密
ldappasswd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" -w123456 -h172.0.0.1 "cn=guolitao,ou=mysql,ou=研发中心,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" -S
2)-s 指定新密码,明文的,不建议使用
ldappasswd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" -w123456 -h172.0.0.1 "uid=zhan_z,ou=运维部,ou=研发中心,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" -s 123456
3)-a 指定旧密码,自动随机生成新密码
ldappasswd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" -w123456 -h172.0.0.1 "uid=zhan_z,ou=运维部,ou=研发中心,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" -a 123456
4)-A 提示输入旧密码,自动随机生成新密码
ldappasswd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" -w123456 -h172.0.0.1 "uid=zhan_z,ou=运维部,ou=研发中心,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" -A



$ ldapadd --help

Add or modify entries from an LDAP server

usage: ldapadd [options]
        The list of desired operations are read from stdin or from the file
        specified by "-f file".
Add or modify options:
  -a         add values (default)
  -c         continuous operation mode (do not stop on errors)
  -E [!]ext=extparam    modify extensions (! indicate s criticality)
  -f file    read operations from `file'
  -M         enable Manage DSA IT control (-MM to make critical)
  -P version protocol version (default: 3)
  -S file    write skipped modifications to `file'
Common options:
  -d level   set LDAP debugging level to `level'
  -D binddn  bind DN
  -e [!][=] general extensions (! indicates criticality)
             [!]assert=     (RFC 4528; a RFC 4515 Filter string)
             [!]authzid=   (RFC 4370; "dn:" or "u:")
                     one of "chainingPreferred", "chainingRequired",
                     "referralsPreferred", "referralsRequired"
             [!]manageDSAit         (RFC 3296)
             [!]postread[=]  (RFC 4527; comma-separated attr list)
             [!]preread[=]   (RFC 4527; comma-separated attr list)
             abandon, cancel, ignore (SIGINT sends abandon/cancel,
             or ignores response; if critical, doesn't wait for SIGINT.
             not really controls)
  -h host    LDAP server
  -H URI     LDAP Uniform Resource Identifier(s)
  -I         use SASL Interactive mode
  -n         show what would be done but don't actually do it
  -N         do not use reverse DNS to canonicalize SASL host name
  -O props   SASL security properties
  -o [=] general options
             nettimeout= (in seconds, or "none" or "max")
             ldif-wrap= (in columns, or "no" for no wrapping)
  -p port    port on LDAP server
  -Q         use SASL Quiet mode
  -R realm   SASL realm
  -U authcid SASL authentication identity
  -v         run in verbose mode (diagnostics to standard output)
  -V         print version info (-VV only)
  -w passwd  bind password (for simple authentication)
  -W         prompt for bind password
  -x         Simple authentication
  -X authzid SASL authorization identity ("dn:" or "u:")
  -y file    Read password from file
  -Y mech    SASL mechanism
  -Z         Start TLS request (-ZZ to require successful response)


$ ldapdelete --help

Delete entries from an LDAP server

usage: ldapdelete [options] [dn]...
        dn: list of DNs to delete. If not given, it will be readed from stdin
            or from the file specified with "-f file".
Delete Options:
  -c         continuous operation mode (do not stop on errors)
  -f file    read operations from `file'
  -M         enable Manage DSA IT control (-MM to make critical)
  -P version protocol version (default: 3)
  -r         delete recursively
Common options:
  -d level   set LDAP debugging level to `level'
  -D binddn  bind DN
  -e [!][=] general extensions (! indicates criticality)
             [!]assert=     (RFC 4528; a RFC 4515 Filter string)
             [!]authzid=   (RFC 4370; "dn:" or "u:")
                     one of "chainingPreferred", "chainingRequired",
                     "referralsPreferred", "referralsRequired"
             [!]manageDSAit         (RFC 3296)
             [!]postread[=]  (RFC 4527; comma-separated attr list)
             [!]preread[=]   (RFC 4527; comma-separated attr list)
             abandon, cancel, ignore (SIGINT sends abandon/cancel,
             or ignores response; if critical, doesn't wait for SIGINT.
             not really controls)
  -h host    LDAP server
  -H URI     LDAP Uniform Resource Identifier(s)
  -I         use SASL Interactive mode
  -n         show what would be done but don't actually do it
  -N         do not use reverse DNS to canonicalize SASL host name
  -O props   SASL security properties
  -o [=] general options
             nettimeout= (in seconds, or "none" or "max")
             ldif-wrap= (in columns, or "no" for no wrapping)
  -p port    port on LDAP server
  -Q         use SASL Quiet mode
  -R realm   SASL realm
  -U authcid SASL authentication identity
  -v         run in verbose mode (diagnostics to standard output)
  -V         print version info (-VV only)
  -w passwd  bind password (for simple authentication)
  -W         prompt for bind password
  -x         Simple authentication
  -X authzid SASL authorization identity ("dn:" or "u:")
  -y file    Read password from file
  -Y mech    SASL mechanism
  -Z         Start TLS request (-ZZ to require successful response)


$ ldapmodify --help

Add or modify entries from an LDAP server

usage: ldapmodify [options]
        The list of desired operations are read from stdin or from the file
        specified by "-f file".
Add or modify options:
  -a         add values (default is to replace)
  -c         continuous operation mode (do not stop on errors)
  -E [!]ext=extparam    modify extensions (! indicate s criticality)
  -f file    read operations from `file'
  -M         enable Manage DSA IT control (-MM to make critical)
  -P version protocol version (default: 3)
  -S file    write skipped modifications to `file'
Common options:
  -d level   set LDAP debugging level to `level'
  -D binddn  bind DN
  -e [!][=] general extensions (! indicates criticality)
             [!]assert=     (RFC 4528; a RFC 4515 Filter string)
             [!]authzid=   (RFC 4370; "dn:" or "u:")
                     one of "chainingPreferred", "chainingRequired",
                     "referralsPreferred", "referralsRequired"
             [!]manageDSAit         (RFC 3296)
             [!]postread[=]  (RFC 4527; comma-separated attr list)
             [!]preread[=]   (RFC 4527; comma-separated attr list)
             abandon, cancel, ignore (SIGINT sends abandon/cancel,
             or ignores response; if critical, doesn't wait for SIGINT.
             not really controls)
  -h host    LDAP server
  -H URI     LDAP Uniform Resource Identifier(s)
  -I         use SASL Interactive mode
  -n         show what would be done but don't actually do it
  -N         do not use reverse DNS to canonicalize SASL host name
  -O props   SASL security properties
  -o [=] general options
             nettimeout= (in seconds, or "none" or "max")
             ldif-wrap= (in columns, or "no" for no wrapping)
  -p port    port on LDAP server
  -Q         use SASL Quiet mode
  -R realm   SASL realm
  -U authcid SASL authentication identity
  -v         run in verbose mode (diagnostics to standard output)
  -V         print version info (-VV only)
  -w passwd  bind password (for simple authentication)
  -W         prompt for bind password
  -x         Simple authentication
  -X authzid SASL authorization identity ("dn:" or "u:")
  -y file    Read password from file
  -Y mech    SASL mechanism
  -Z         Start TLS request (-ZZ to require successful response)


$ ldapmodrdn --help

Rename LDAP entries

usage: ldapmodrdn [options] [dn rdn]
        dn rdn: If given, rdn will replace the RDN of the entry specified by DN
                If not given, the list of modifications is read from stdin or
                from the file specified by "-f file" (see man page).
Rename options:
  -c         continuous operation mode (do not stop on errors)
  -f file    read operations from `file'
  -M         enable Manage DSA IT control (-MM to make critical)
  -P version protocol version (default: 3)
  -r             remove old RDN
  -s newsup  new superior entry
Common options:
  -d level   set LDAP debugging level to `level'
  -D binddn  bind DN
  -e [!][=] general extensions (! indicates criticality)
             [!]assert=     (RFC 4528; a RFC 4515 Filter string)
             [!]authzid=   (RFC 4370; "dn:" or "u:")
                     one of "chainingPreferred", "chainingRequired",
                     "referralsPreferred", "referralsRequired"
             [!]manageDSAit         (RFC 3296)
             [!]postread[=]  (RFC 4527; comma-separated attr list)
             [!]preread[=]   (RFC 4527; comma-separated attr list)
             abandon, cancel, ignore (SIGINT sends abandon/cancel,
             or ignores response; if critical, doesn't wait for SIGINT.
             not really controls)
  -h host    LDAP server
  -H URI     LDAP Uniform Resource Identifier(s)
  -I         use SASL Interactive mode
  -n         show what would be done but don't actually do it
  -N         do not use reverse DNS to canonicalize SASL host name
  -O props   SASL security properties
  -o [=] general options
             nettimeout= (in seconds, or "none" or "max")
             ldif-wrap= (in columns, or "no" for no wrapping)
  -p port    port on LDAP server
  -Q         use SASL Quiet mode
  -R realm   SASL realm
  -U authcid SASL authentication identity
  -v         run in verbose mode (diagnostics to standard output)
  -V         print version info (-VV only)
  -w passwd  bind password (for simple authentication)
  -W         prompt for bind password
  -x         Simple authentication
  -X authzid SASL authorization identity ("dn:" or "u:")
  -y file    Read password from file
  -Y mech    SASL mechanism
  -Z         Start TLS request (-ZZ to require successful response)


$ ldapsearch -help

usage: ldapsearch [options] [filter [attributes...]]

Search options:
  -a deref   one of never (default), always, search, or find
  -A         retrieve attribute names only (no values)
  -b basedn  base dn for search
  -c         continuous operation mode (do not stop on errors)
  -E [!][=] search extensions (! indicates criticality)
             [!]domainScope              (domain scope)
             !dontUseCopy                (Don't Use Copy)
             [!]mv=              (RFC 3876 matched values filter)
             [!]pr=[/prompt|noprompt] (RFC 2696 paged results/prompt)
                                         (RFC 2891 server side sorting)
             [!]subentries[=true|false]  (RFC 3672 subentries)
             [!]sync=ro[/]       (RFC 4533 LDAP Sync refreshOnly)
                     rp[/][/] (refreshAndPersist)
                                         (ldapv3-vlv-09 virtual list views)
             [!][=:] (generic control; no response handling)
  -f file    read operations from `file'
  -F prefix  URL prefix for files (default: file:///tmp/)
  -l limit   time limit (in seconds, or "none" or "max") for search
  -L         print responses in LDIFv1 format
  -LL        print responses in LDIF format without comments
  -LLL       print responses in LDIF format without comments
             and version
  -M         enable Manage DSA IT control (-MM to make critical)
  -P version protocol version (default: 3)
  -s scope   one of base, one, sub or children (search scope)
  -S attr    sort the results by attribute `attr'
  -t         write binary values to files in temporary directory
  -tt        write all values to files in temporary directory
  -T path    write files to directory specified by path (default: /tmp)
  -u         include User Friendly entry names in the output
  -z limit   size limit (in entries, or "none" or "max") for search
Common options:
  -d level   set LDAP debugging level to `level'
  -D binddn  bind DN
  -e [!][=] general extensions (! indicates criticality)
             [!]assert=     (RFC 4528; a RFC 4515 Filter string)
             [!]authzid=   (RFC 4370; "dn:" or "u:")
                     one of "chainingPreferred", "chainingRequired",
                     "referralsPreferred", "referralsRequired"
             [!]manageDSAit         (RFC 3296)
             [!]postread[=]  (RFC 4527; comma-separated attr list)
             [!]preread[=]   (RFC 4527; comma-separated attr list)
             abandon, cancel, ignore (SIGINT sends abandon/cancel,
             or ignores response; if critical, doesn't wait for SIGINT.
             not really controls)
  -h host    LDAP server
  -H URI     LDAP Uniform Resource Identifier(s)
  -I         use SASL Interactive mode
  -n         show what would be done but don't actually do it
  -N         do not use reverse DNS to canonicalize SASL host name
  -O props   SASL security properties
  -o [=] general options
             nettimeout= (in seconds, or "none" or "max")
             ldif-wrap= (in columns, or "no" for no wrapping)
  -p port    port on LDAP server
  -Q         use SASL Quiet mode
  -R realm   SASL realm
  -U authcid SASL authentication identity
  -v         run in verbose mode (diagnostics to standard output)
  -V         print version info (-VV only)
  -w passwd  bind password (for simple authentication)
  -W         prompt for bind password
  -x         Simple authentication
  -X authzid SASL authorization identity ("dn:" or "u:")
  -y file    Read password from file
  -Y mech    SASL mechanism
  -Z         Start TLS request (-ZZ to require successful response)


$ ldappasswd --help

Change password of an LDAP user

usage: ldappasswd [options] [user]
  user: the authentication identity, commonly a DN
Password change options:
  -a secret  old password
  -A         prompt for old password
  -t file    read file for old password
  -s secret  new password
  -S         prompt for new password
  -T file    read file for new password
Common options:
  -d level   set LDAP debugging level to `level'
  -D binddn  bind DN
  -e [!][=] general extensions (! indicates criticality)
             [!]assert=     (RFC 4528; a RFC 4515 Filter string)
             [!]authzid=   (RFC 4370; "dn:" or "u:")
                     one of "chainingPreferred", "chainingRequired",
                     "referralsPreferred", "referralsRequired"
             [!]manageDSAit         (RFC 3296)
             [!]postread[=]  (RFC 4527; comma-separated attr list)
             [!]preread[=]   (RFC 4527; comma-separated attr list)
             abandon, cancel, ignore (SIGINT sends abandon/cancel,
             or ignores response; if critical, doesn't wait for SIGINT.
             not really controls)
  -h host    LDAP server
  -H URI     LDAP Uniform Resource Identifier(s)
  -I         use SASL Interactive mode
  -n         show what would be done but don't actually do it
  -N         do not use reverse DNS to canonicalize SASL host name
  -O props   SASL security properties
  -o [=] general options
             nettimeout= (in seconds, or "none" or "max")
             ldif-wrap= (in columns, or "no" for no wrapping)
  -p port    port on LDAP server
  -Q         use SASL Quiet mode
  -R realm   SASL realm
  -U authcid SASL authentication identity
  -v         run in verbose mode (diagnostics to standard output)
  -V         print version info (-VV only)
  -w passwd  bind password (for simple authentication)
  -W         prompt for bind password
  -x         Simple authentication
  -X authzid SASL authorization identity ("dn:" or "u:")
  -y file    Read password from file
  -Y mech    SASL mechanism
  -Z         Start TLS request (-ZZ to require successful response)


$ ldapwhoami --help

Issue LDAP Who am I? operation to request user's authzid

usage: ldapwhoami [options]
Common options:
  -d level   set LDAP debugging level to `level'
  -D binddn  bind DN
  -e [!][=] general extensions (! indicates criticality)
             [!]assert=     (RFC 4528; a RFC 4515 Filter string)
             [!]authzid=   (RFC 4370; "dn:" or "u:")
                     one of "chainingPreferred", "chainingRequired",
                     "referralsPreferred", "referralsRequired"
             [!]manageDSAit         (RFC 3296)
             [!]postread[=]  (RFC 4527; comma-separated attr list)
             [!]preread[=]   (RFC 4527; comma-separated attr list)
             abandon, cancel, ignore (SIGINT sends abandon/cancel,
             or ignores response; if critical, doesn't wait for SIGINT.
             not really controls)
  -h host    LDAP server
  -H URI     LDAP Uniform Resource Identifier(s)
  -I         use SASL Interactive mode
  -n         show what would be done but don't actually do it
  -N         do not use reverse DNS to canonicalize SASL host name
  -O props   SASL security properties
  -o [=] general options
             nettimeout= (in seconds, or "none" or "max")
             ldif-wrap= (in columns, or "no" for no wrapping)
  -p port    port on LDAP server
  -Q         use SASL Quiet mode
  -R realm   SASL realm
  -U authcid SASL authentication identity
  -v         run in verbose mode (diagnostics to standard output)
  -V         print version info (-VV only)
  -w passwd  bind password (for simple authentication)
  -W         prompt for bind password
  -x         Simple authentication
  -X authzid SASL authorization identity ("dn:" or "u:")
  -y file    Read password from file
  -Y mech    SASL mechanism
  -Z         Start TLS request (-ZZ to require successful response)

