
  • Exposure values (ISO 100) for various lighting conditions

Lighting condition EV100
Light sand or snow in full or slightly hazy sunlight (distinct shadows)a 16
Typical scene in full or slightly hazy sunlight (distinct shadows)a, b 15
Typical scene in hazy sunlight (soft shadows) 14
Typical scene, cloudy bright (no shadows) 13
Typical scene, heavy overcast 12
Areas in open shade, clear sunlight 12
Outdoor, natural light
Clear sky background 15
Cloudy sky background 14
Sunsets and skylines
Just before sunset 12–14
At sunset 12
Just after sunset 9–11
The Moon,c altitude > 40°
Full 15
Gibbous 14
Quarter 13
Crescent 12
Blood 0 to 3[6]
Moonlight, Moon altitude > 40°
Full −3 to −2
Gibbous −4
Quarter −6
Aurora borealis and australis
Bright −4 to −3
Medium −6 to −5
Milky Way galactic center −11 to −9
Outdoor, artificial light
Neon and other bright signs 9–10
Night sports 9
Fires and burning buildings 9
Bright street scenes 8
Night street scenes and window displays 7–8
Night vehicle traffic 5
Fairs and amusement parks 7
Christmas tree lights 4–5
Floodlit buildings, monuments, and fountains 3–5
Distant views of lighted buildings 2
Indoor, artificial light
Galleries 8–11
Sports events, stage shows, and the like 8–9
Circuses, floodlit 8
Ice shows, floodlit 9
Offices and work areas 7–8
Home interiors 5–7
Christmas tree lights 4–5
  • Exposure value vs. luminance (ISO 100, K = 12.5) and illuminance (ISO 100, C = 250)

  EV100     Luminance   Illuminance
  cd/m2  (nt)   fL     lx     fc  
−4 0.008 0.0023 0.156 0.015
−3 0.016 0.0046 0.313 0.029
−2 0.031 0.0091 0.625 0.058
−1 0.063 0.018 1.25 0.116
0 0.125 0.036 2.5 0.232
1 0.25 0.073 5 0.465
2 0.5 0.146 10 0.929
3 1 0.292 20 1.86
4 2 0.584 40 3.72
5 4 1.17 80 7.43
6 8 2.33 160 14.9
7 16 4.67 320 29.7
8 32 9.34 640 59.5
9 64 18.7 1280 119
10 128 37.4 2560 238
11 256 74.7 5120 476
12 512 149 10,240 951
13 1024 299 20,480 1903
14 2048 598 40,960 3805
15 4096 1195 81,920 7611
16 8192 2391 163,840 15,221
  • Illuminance values in lx

Light 10am 12pm 5:30pm
Sky⊥+Sun⊥ 120,000 130,000 90,000
Sky⊥ 20,000 25,000 9,000
Sun⊥ 100,000 105,000 81,000


