对于二分类分类器,除了得到AUC评价指标,常还需要了解分类器预测概率的准确性。比如分类器预测某个样本属于正类的概率是0.8,那么就应当说明有80%的把握认为该样本属于正类,或者100个概率为0.8的里面有80个确实属于正类。根据这个关系,可以用测试数据得到Probability Calibration curves。
简单来说,Brier分数可以被认为是对一组概率预测的“校准”的量度,或者称为“ 成本函数 ”,这一组概率对应的情况必须互斥,并且概率之和必须为1。 Brier分数对于一组预测值越低,预测校准越好。
引用维基百科的一个例子说明 Brier分数的计算方式:
如果预测为100%(P = 1),并且下雨,则Brier Score为0,可达到最佳分数。
如果预测为100%(P = 1),但是不下雨,则Brier Score为1,可达到最差分数。
如果预测为70%(P = 0.70),并且下雨,则Brier评分为(0.70-1)2 = 0.09。
如果预测为30%(P = 0.30),并且下雨,则Brier评分为(0.30-1)2 = 0.49。
如果预测为50%(P = 0.50),则Brier分数为(0.50-1)2 =(0.50-0)2 = 0.25,无论是否下雨。
精确校准的分类器是概率分类器, 其可以将 predict_proba 方法的输出直接解释为 confidence level(置信度级别). 例如,一个经过良好校准的(二元的)分类器应该对样本进行分类, 使得在给出一个接近 0.8 的 prediction_proba 值的样本中, 大约 80% 实际上属于正类. 以下图表比较了校准不同分类器的概率预测的良好程度:
base_estimator :初始分类函数
method :校准采用的方法。取值‘sigmoid’ 或者 ‘isotonic’
cv :交叉验证的折叠次数。
The experiment is performed on an artificial dataset for binary classification with 100,000 samples (1,000 of them are used for model fitting) with 20 features. Of the 20 features, only 2 are informative and 10 are redundant. The first figure shows the estimated probabilities obtained with logistic regression, Gaussian naive Bayes, and Gaussian naive Bayes with both isotonic calibration and sigmoid calibration. The calibration performance is evaluated with Brier score, reported in the legend (the smaller the better). One can observe here that logistic regression is well calibrated while raw Gaussian naive Bayes performs very badly. This is because of the redundant features which violate the assumption of feature-independence and result in an overly confident classifier, which is indicated by the typical transposed-sigmoid curve.
Calibration of the probabilities of Gaussian naive Bayes with isotonic regression can fix this issue as can be seen from the nearly diagonal calibration curve. Sigmoid calibration also improves the brier score slightly, albeit not as strongly as the non-parametric isotonic regression. This can be attributed to the fact that we have plenty of calibration data such that the greater flexibility of the non-parametric model can be exploited.
The second figure shows the calibration curve of a linear support-vector classifier (LinearSVC). LinearSVC shows the opposite behavior as Gaussian naive Bayes: the calibration curve has a sigmoid curve, which is typical for an under-confident classifier. In the case of LinearSVC, this is caused by the margin property of the hinge loss, which lets the model focus on hard samples that are close to the decision boundary (the support vectors).
Both kinds of calibration can fix this issue and yield nearly identical results. This shows that sigmoid calibration can deal with situations where the calibration curve of the base classifier is sigmoid (e.g., for LinearSVC) but not where it is transposed-sigmoid (e.g., Gaussian naive Bayes).
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