数据科学 案例2 统计推断基础之房价预测(代码)

数据科学 案例2 统计推断基础之房价预测(代码)

  • 第6讲 统计推断基础
    • 6.1 参数估计
      • 1、进行描述性统计分析
      • 2、置信度区间估计
        • 1、法一(直接计算)
        • 2、法二(定义函数计算)
        • 3、法三(直接调用函数)
    • 6.2 假设检验与单样本T检验
    • 6.3 两样本T检验
    • 6.4 方差分析
    • 6.5 相关分析
    • 6.6卡方检验

第6讲 统计推断基础

  • 数据说明:本数据是地区房价增长率数据
  • 名称-中文含义
  • dis_name-小区名称
  • rate-房价同比增长率
import os
# os.chdir(r"D:\Python_Training\script_Python\6inference")
import pandas as pd

house_price_gr = pd.read_csv(r'.\data\house_price_gr.csv', encoding='gbk')
dis_name rate
0 东城区甘南小区 0.169747
1 东城区察慈小区 0.165484
2 东城区胡家园小区 0.141358
3 东城区台基厂小区 0.063197
4 东城区青年湖小区 0.101528

6.1 参数估计


dis_name rate
count 150 150.000000
unique 150 NaN
top 怀柔区迎宾北路12号院 NaN
freq 1 NaN
mean NaN 0.110061
std NaN 0.041333
min NaN 0.029540
25% NaN 0.080027
50% NaN 0.104908
75% NaN 0.140066
max NaN 0.243743


在统计学中,QQ图 是一种通过比较两个概率分布的分位数对这两个概率分布进行比较的概率图方法。首先选定分位数的对应概率区间集合,在此概率区间上,点对应于第一个分布的一个分位数x和第二个分布在和x相同概率区间上相同的分位数。因此画出的是一条含参数的曲线,参数为概率区间的分割数。

get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline')
import seaborn as sns
from scipy import stats
# sns.distplot(house_price_gr.rate,kde=False,fit=stats.norm)
数据科学 案例2 统计推断基础之房价预测(代码)_第1张图片


import statsmodels.api as sm
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

fig = sm.qqplot(house_price_gr.rate, fit=True, line='45')
# Box Plots
house_price_gr.plot(kind='box') # Box Plots
数据科学 案例2 统计推断基础之房价预测(代码)_第2张图片
数据科学 案例2 统计推断基础之房价预测(代码)_第3张图片



P P P( μ \mu μ−1.96 σ n \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}} n σ μ \mu μ+1.96 σ n \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}} n σ)=0.95


se = house_price_gr.rate.std() / len(house_price_gr) ** 0.5 #均值标准误差
LB = house_price_gr.rate.mean() - 1.96 * se #置信区间下界
UB = house_price_gr.rate.mean() + 1.96 * se #置信区间上界
(LB, UB)
(0.10344632517993363, 0.11667566822391268)


# 如果要求任意置信度下的置信区间的话,可以自己编一个函数
def confint(x, alpha=0.05):
    n = len(x)
    xb = x.mean()
    df = n-1
    tmp = (x.std() / n ** 0.5) * stats.t.ppf(1-alpha/2, df)
    return {'Mean': xb, 'Degree of Freedom':df, 'LB':xb-tmp, 'UB':xb+tmp}
confint(house_price_gr.rate, 0.05)
{'Mean': 0.11006099670192315,
 'Degree of Freedom': 149,
 'LB': 0.10339228338892809,
 'UB': 0.11672971001491822}


# 或者使用DescrStatsW
d1 = sm.stats.DescrStatsW(house_price_gr.rate)
d1.tconfint_mean(0.05) # 
(0.10339228338892814, 0.11672971001491828)

6.2 假设检验与单样本T检验


d1 = sm.stats.DescrStatsW(house_price_gr.rate)
print('t-statistic=%6.4f, p-value=%6.4f, df=%s' %d1.ttest_mean(0.1))
t-statistic=2.9812, p-value=0.0034, df=149.0

6.3 两样本T检验



字段名 中文含义
id id
Acc 是否开卡(1=已开通)
avg_exp 月均信用卡支出(元)
avg_exp_ln 月均信用卡支出的自然对数
gender 性别(男=1)
Age 年龄
Income 年收入(万元)
Ownrent 是否自有住房(有=1;无=0)
Selfempl 是否自谋职业(1=yes, 0=no)
dist_home_val 所住小区房屋均价(万元)
dist_avg_income 当地人均收入
high_avg 高出当地平均收入
edu_class 教育等级:小学及以下开通=0,中学=1,本科=2,研究生=3
creditcard= pd.read_csv(r'.\data\creditcard_exp.csv', skipinitialspace=True)
id Acc avg_exp avg_exp_ln gender Age Income Ownrent Selfempl dist_home_val dist_avg_income age2 high_avg edu_class
0 19 1 1217.03 7.104169 1 40 16.03515 1 1 99.93 15.932789 1600 0.102361 3
1 5 1 1251.50 7.132098 1 32 15.84750 1 0 49.88 15.796316 1024 0.051184 2
2 95 0 NaN NaN 1 36 8.40000 0 0 88.61 7.490000 1296 0.910000 1
3 86 1 856.57 6.752936 1 41 11.47285 1 0 16.10 11.275632 1681 0.197218 3
4 50 1 1321.83 7.186772 1 28 13.40915 1 0 100.39 13.346474 784 0.062676 2

1    70
0    30
Name: Acc, dtype: int64
# creditcard.groupby('Acc') ['Income'].describe()
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
0 30.0 3.149333 1.406482 1.5000 2.285000 2.905000 3.807500 8.40000
1 70.0 7.424706 3.077986 3.4939 5.175662 6.443525 8.494237 16.90015
  • 第一步:方差齐次检验(实际中,不需要管齐不齐)
Suc0 = creditcard[creditcard['Acc'] == 0]['Income']
Suc1 = creditcard[creditcard['Acc'] == 1]['Income']
leveneTestRes = stats.levene(Suc0, Suc1, center='median')
print('w-value=%6.4f, p-value=%6.4f' %leveneTestRes)
w-value=7.1829, p-value=0.0086
  • 第二步:T-test(equal_var的取值不影响结论)
stats.stats.ttest_ind(Suc0, Suc1, equal_var=False)
# Or Try: sm.stats.ttest_ind(gender0, gender1, usevar='pooled')
Ttest_indResult(statistic=-9.529516968736448, pvalue=1.3263066753296544e-15)
female= creditcard[creditcard['gender'] == 0]['avg_exp'].dropna()
male = creditcard[creditcard['gender'] == 1]['avg_exp'].dropna()
leveneTestRes = stats.levene(female, male, center='median')
print('w-value=%6.4f, p-value=%6.4f' %leveneTestRes)
stats.stats.ttest_ind(female, male, equal_var=True)
w-value=0.0683, p-value=0.7946
Ttest_indResult(statistic=-1.742901386808629, pvalue=0.08587122878448449)

6.4 方差分析

  • 单因素方差分析
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) # 设置显示所有列
edu_class 0 1 2 3
avg_exp count 2.000000 23.000000 23.000000 22.000000
mean 207.370000 641.937826 973.321304 1422.280909
std 62.494097 147.577741 229.163196 435.281442
min 163.180000 418.780000 610.250000 816.030000
25% 185.275000 525.595000 807.820000 1166.997500
50% 207.370000 593.920000 959.830000 1343.025000
75% 229.465000 736.140000 1075.270000 1661.412500
max 251.560000 987.660000 1472.820000 2430.030000
# 利用回归模型中的方差分析
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols
sm.stats.anova_lm(ols('avg_exp ~ C(edu_class)',data=creditcard).fit())
df sum_sq mean_sq F PR(>F)
C(edu_class) 3.0 8.126056e+06 2.708685e+06 31.825683 7.658362e-13
Residual 66.0 5.617263e+06 8.511005e+04 NaN NaN
  • 多因素方差分析
sm.stats.anova_lm(ols('avg_exp ~ C(edu_class)+C(gender)',data=creditcard).fit())
df sum_sq mean_sq F PR(>F)
C(edu_class) 3.0 8.126056e+06 2.708685e+06 31.578365 1.031496e-12
C(gender) 1.0 4.178273e+04 4.178273e+04 0.487111 4.877082e-01
Residual 65.0 5.575481e+06 8.577662e+04 NaN NaN
sm.stats.anova_lm(ols('avg_exp ~ C(edu_class)+C(gender)+C(edu_class)*C(gender)',data=creditcard).fit())
df sum_sq mean_sq F PR(>F)
C(edu_class) 3.0 8.126056e+06 2.708685e+06 33.839350 3.753889e-13
C(gender) 1.0 4.178273e+04 4.178273e+04 0.521988 4.726685e-01
C(edu_class):C(gender) 3.0 8.761475e+05 2.920492e+05 3.648543 1.716862e-02
Residual 63.0 5.042862e+06 8.004544e+04 NaN NaN

6.5 相关分析

# 散点图
creditcard.plot(x='Income', y='avg_exp', kind='scatter')


数据科学 案例2 统计推断基础之房价预测(代码)_第4张图片
creditcard.plot(x='Income', y='avg_exp_ln', kind='scatter')

数据科学 案例2 统计推断基础之房价预测(代码)_第5张图片
  • 相关性分析:“spearman”,“pearson” 和 “kendall”
creditcard[['avg_exp_ln', 'Income']].corr(method='pearson') #pearson/spearman/kendall
#import numpy as np
avg_exp_ln Income
avg_exp_ln 1.00000 0.63489
Income 0.63489 1.00000


cross_table = pd.crosstab(creditcard.edu_class, columns=creditcard.Acc)
# Or try this: accepts.pivot_table(index='bankruptcy_ind',columns='bad_ind', values='application_id', aggfunc='count')
Acc 0 1
0 16 2
1 14 23
2 0 23
3 0 22
cross_table_rowpct = cross_table.div(cross_table.sum(1),axis = 0)
Acc 0 1
0 0.888889 0.111111
1 0.378378 0.621622
2 0.000000 1.000000
3 0.000000 1.000000
print('chisq = %6.4f\n p-value = %6.4f\n dof = %i\n expected_freq = %s'  %stats.chi2_contingency(cross_table))
chisq = 50.0930
 p-value = 0.0000
 dof = 3
 expected_freq = [[ 5.4 12.6]
 [11.1 25.9]
 [ 6.9 16.1]
 [ 6.6 15.4]]
