转:emacs org-mode如何设置文字颜色,设置文字前景色?


  1. In org-mode you can use word to get word in bold face, /word/ to get word in italics and word to get word underlined.
  2. You can re-define the characters for emphasizing via “Options->Customize Emacs->Specific Option”,then input “org-emphasis-alist”. That is permanent in the sense that if you save and kill the buffer and reload the file into emacs you have the same high-lighting again.

M-x hi-lock-mode 使能后,Edit菜单会多出一项,如图1所示:
转:emacs org-mode如何设置文字颜色,设置文字前景色?_第1张图片

"highlight-regexp" will ask you for a regexp to highlight and a color (there are some combinations of background and foreground).
"highlight-lines-matching-regexp" does what it means.
you can enable or disable it with "hi-lock-mode".

and you can permanently save them with “hi-lock-write-interactive-patterns (M-s h w)”. Emacs will write a bit of lisp in a commented line in your buffer.

See more tricks here: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Highlight-Interactively.html


Enjoy !

转:emacs org-mode如何设置文字颜色,设置文字前景色?_第2张图片

在 .org 文件最顶部, “C-x w b”,保存。

在 .emacs file 中,加入:
;; – 像pdf文件一样高亮某些字符
(global-hi-lock-mode 1) ; 使能高亮
(setq hi-lock-file-patterns-policy #’(lambda (dummy) t)) ; 加载高亮模式

