标题为:Image Quality Assessment: From Error Visibility to Structural Similarity
SSIM的输入就是两张图像,我们要得到其相似性的两张图像。其中一张是未经压缩的无失真图像(即ground truth),另一张就是你恢复出的图像。所以,SSIM可以作为super-resolution质量的指标。
S S I M ( x , y ) = [ l ( x , y ) ] α [ c ( x , y ) ] β [ s ( x , y ) ] γ − − − ( 1 ) SSIM(x,y)=[l(x,y)]^\alpha[c(x,y)]^\beta[s(x,y)]^\gamma ---(1) SSIM(x,y)=[l(x,y)]α[c(x,y)]β[s(x,y)]γ−−−(1)
α > 0 \alpha>0 α>0, β > 0 \beta>0 β>0,and γ > 0 \gamma>0 γ>0.
l ( x , y ) = 2 μ x μ y + c 1 μ x 2 + μ y 2 + c 1 , l(x,y)=\frac{2\mu_x\mu_y+c_1}{\mu_x^2+\mu_y^2+c_1}, l(x,y)=μx2+μy2+c12μxμy+c1,
c ( x , y ) = 2 σ x y + c 2 σ x 2 + σ y 2 + c 2 , c(x,y)=\frac{2\sigma_{xy}+c_2}{\sigma_x^2+\sigma_y^2+c_2}, c(x,y)=σx2+σy2+c22σxy+c2,
s ( x , y ) = σ x y + c 3 σ x σ y + c 3 s(x,y)=\frac{\sigma_{xy}+c_3}{\sigma_x\sigma_y+c_3} s(x,y)=σxσy+c3σxy+c3
其中l(x, y)是亮度比较,c(x,y)是对比度比较,s(x,y)是结构比较。 μ x \mu_x μx和 μ y \mu_y μy分别代表x,y的平均值, σ x \sigma_x σx和 σ y \sigma_y σy分别代表x,y的标准差。 σ x y \sigma_{xy} σxy代表x和y的协方差。而 c 1 c_1 c1, c 2 c_2 c2, c 3 c_3 c3分别为常数,避免分母为0带来的系统错误。
在实际工程计算中,我们一般设定 α = β = γ = 1 \alpha=\beta=\gamma=1 α=β=γ=1,以及 c 3 = c 2 / 2 c_3=c_2/2 c3=c2/2,可以将SSIM简化为下:
S S I M ( x , y ) = ( 2 μ x μ y + c 1 ) ( σ x y + c 2 ) ( μ x 2 + μ y 2 + c 1 ) ( σ x 2 + σ y 2 + c 2 ) SSIM(x, y)= \frac{(2\mu_x\mu_y+c_1)(\sigma_{xy}+c_2)}{(\mu_x^2+\mu_y^2+c_1)(\sigma_x^2+\sigma_y^2+c_2)} SSIM(x,y)=(μx2+μy2+c1)(σx2+σy2+c2)(2μxμy+c1)(σxy+c2)
tf.image.ssim(x, y, 255)
def ssim(img1, img2, max_val):
"""Computes SSIM index between img1 and img2.
This function is based on the standard SSIM implementation from:
Wang, Z., Bovik, A. C., Sheikh, H. R., & Simoncelli, E. P. (2004). Image
quality assessment: from error visibility to structural similarity. IEEE
transactions on image processing.
Note: The true SSIM is only defined on grayscale. This function does not
perform any colorspace transform. (If input is already YUV, then it will
compute YUV SSIM average.)
- 11x11 Gaussian filter of width 1.5 is used.
- k1 = 0.01, k2 = 0.03 as in the original paper.
The image sizes must be at least 11x11 because of the filter size.
# Read images from file.
im1 = tf.decode_png('path/to/im1.png')
im2 = tf.decode_png('path/to/im2.png')
# Compute SSIM over tf.uint8 Tensors.
ssim1 = tf.image.ssim(im1, im2, max_val=255)
# Compute SSIM over tf.float32 Tensors.
im1 = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(im1, tf.float32)
im2 = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(im2, tf.float32)
ssim2 = tf.image.ssim(im1, im2, max_val=1.0)
# ssim1 and ssim2 both have type tf.float32 and are almost equal.
img1: First image batch.
img2: Second image batch.
max_val: The dynamic range of the images (i.e., the difference between the
maximum the and minimum allowed values).
A tensor containing an SSIM value for each image in batch. Returned SSIM
values are in range (-1, 1], when pixel values are non-negative. Returns
a tensor with shape: broadcast(img1.shape[:-3], img2.shape[:-3]).
_, _, checks = _verify_compatible_image_shapes(img1, img2)
with ops.control_dependencies(checks):
img1 = array_ops.identity(img1)
# Need to convert the images to float32. Scale max_val accordingly so that
# SSIM is computed correctly.
max_val = math_ops.cast(max_val, img1.dtype)
max_val = convert_image_dtype(max_val, dtypes.float32)
img1 = convert_image_dtype(img1, dtypes.float32)
img2 = convert_image_dtype(img2, dtypes.float32)
ssim_per_channel, _ = _ssim_per_channel(img1, img2, max_val)
# Compute average over color channels.
return math_ops.reduce_mean(ssim_per_channel, [-1])