关于 Golang 2.0 的泛型

今天看到HN的一篇关于 Go2 Generics 的讨论。有网友说到:

Ken Thompson and Rob Pike are mostly out not at all involved with Go anymore. They are 2/3 of the original creators. It’s different people making the decisions now.

我找到如下两个链接基本证实了Rob Pike确实已经淡出Golang的核心开发组:

  • https://github.com/golang/go/issues/33892
  • https://github.com/golang/go/issues/33502

Rob Pike最近两年仅提交了4k行无关紧要的代码;Ken Thompson就更不用说了,许多年前就已经淡出;Russ Cox似乎也不太参与Go2相关的决策。如此看来,对于Go2的泛型而言,非技术方面的障碍已不存在,剩下只是技术性障碍。

Ian Lance Taylor 上周(2020年2月13日)说到:

We’re working on it. Some things take time.

