







CMake Error at cmake/OpenCVUtils.cmake:895 (file):

file DOWNLOAD HASH mismatch


for file: [D:/Program Files(x86)/opencv/sources/3rdparty/ffmpeg/downloads/35fe6ccdda6d7a04e9056b0d73b98e76/opencv_ffmpeg_64.dll]

expected hash: [35fe6ccdda6d7a04e9056b0d73b98e76]

actual hash: [f112aef8bcfad76757e2ebf06c7cf6e5]

status: [28;"Timeout was reached"]


Call Stack (most recent call first):

3rdparty/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.cmake:15 (ocv_download)

cmake/OpenCVFindLibsVideo.cmake:206 (include)

CMakeLists.txt:536 (include)


CMake Error at cmake/OpenCVUtils.cmake:899 (message):

Failed to download opencv_ffmpeg_64.dll. Status=28;"Timeout wasreached"

Call Stack (most recent call first):

3rdparty/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.cmake:15 (ocv_download)

cmake/OpenCVFindLibsVideo.cmake:206 (include)

CMakeLists.txt:536 (include)


读一下这几行,可以大致了解如下,在编译过程中,程序下载了一个文件,它的hash值与所期待的不一致,所以导致了错误,接下来到CMakeLists.txt文件(在…...\opencv\sources)中去定位,然而看不懂。。。。。。于是去网上搜索opencv_ffmpeg_64.dll下载至....../opencv/sources/3rdparty/ffmpeg/downloads/35fe6ccdda6d7a04e9056b0d73b98e76/  下载链接:



CMake Error at cmake/OpenCVUtils.cmake:895 (file):

file DOWNLOAD HASH mismatch


for file: [D:/Program Files(x86)/opencv/sources/3rdparty/ffmpeg/downloads/89c783eee1c47bfc733f08334ec2e31c/opencv_ffmpeg.dll]

expected hash: [89c783eee1c47bfc733f08334ec2e31c]

actual hash: [3de6314883587d538b4864070e0a749d]

status: [28;"Timeout was reached"]


Call Stack (most recent call first):

3rdparty/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.cmake:10 (ocv_download)

cmake/OpenCVFindLibsVideo.cmake:206 (include)

CMakeLists.txt:536 (include)


CMake Error at cmake/OpenCVUtils.cmake:899 (message):

Failed to download opencv_ffmpeg.dll. Status=28;"Timeout wasreached"

Call Stack (most recent call first):

3rdparty/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.cmake:10 (ocv_download)

cmake/OpenCVFindLibsVideo.cmake:206 (include)

CMakeLists.txt:536 (include)



然后开始Downloading ippicv_windows_20151201.zip我知道肯定下载不了,继续自己下载,

放到/opencv/sources/3rdparty/ippicv/downloads/windows-04e81ce5d0e329c3fbc606ae32cad44d/ 继续configure。。。。。。如下图,Configuring done

A CMake 3.6.2 - D:/Program Files (x86)/OpencvBuild  File Tools Options Help  Where is the source code:  Where to build the binaries:  D: / Program  D: / Program  Files (x86) / opencv/sources  Files (x86) /OpencvBui1d  Value  Grouped  Advanced  Add Entry  x  Browse Source.  Browse Build..  Remove Entry  Search:  Name  UILD  UILD  UILD  UILD  UILD  UILD  UILD  UILD  opencv  opencv  opencv  opencv  opencv  opencv  opencv  opencv  calib3d  core  features2d  flann  highgui  imgcodecs  Imgproc  ml  Press Configure to update and display new values in red,  Generate Current Generator: Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64  then press Generate to generate selected build files.  Confi gure  Python 2 :  Interpreter :  Python 3 :  Interpreter :  Python (for bu  Java :  Java wrappers :  Java tests:  Mat I :  Document at I on :  Doxygen :  PlantUML:  Tests and samples:  Tests:  Performance tests :  C/C++ Examples :  Install path :  cvconfig.h is In:  Conf done  Mat lab not found or implicitly disabled  D: / program Files  D: / program Files  (x86) /OpencvBuiId/instaII  (x86) / OpencvBuiId


然后进行第二次Configure(配置),直接点击Configure,几秒钟后,Configuring done

File Tools Options Help  Where is the source code:  Where to build the binaries:  Search:  Name  ANT EXECUTABLE  BUILD CUDA STUBS  BUILD EXAMPLES  BUILD JASPER  BUILD JPEG  BUILD OPENEXR  BUILD PACKAGE  BUILD PERF TESTS  BUILD  PNG  A CMake 3.6.2 - D:/Program Files (x86)/OpencvBuild  BUILD DOCS  D: / Program  D: / Program  Files (x86) / opencv/sources  Files (x86) /OpencvBui1d  Value  ANT EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND  Grouped  Advanced  Add  x  Browse Source.  Browse Build.  Remove Entry  Entry  files.  Press Configure to update and display new values in red,  Generate Current Generator: Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64  then press Generate to generate selected build  Confi gure  Python 2 :  Interpreter :  Python 3 :  Interpreter :  Python (for bu  Java :  Java wrappers :  Java tests:  Mat I :  Document at I on :  Doxygen :  PlantUML:  Tests and samples:  Tests:  Performance tests :  C/C++ Examples :  Mat lab not found or implicitly disabled  Instal I  path :  D: / program Files  D: / program Files  (x86) /OpencvBuiId/instaII  (x86) / OpencvBuiId  cvconfig.h is In:  Conf done


最后,单机Generate,成功生成项目,几秒钟完成,显示Generating done。大功告成也!


tes t _ operati ons. cpp  test_ptr. cpp  test _ rand. cpp  test_rotatedrect. cpp  test_u_mat. cpp  test_utils. cpp  test_ari thin. cpp  — > D: \Program Files (x86) \OpencvBui1d\bin\Debug\opencv_test_cored. exe  opencv_test_core. vcxproj  - ALL_BUILD, Debug -  Building Custom Rule D: / Program Files (x86) / opencv/sources/CMakeLists. txt  CMake does not need to re—rum because D: \Program Files (x86) \OpencvBui1d\CMakeFi1es\generate. stamp is up—to—date.  = 55 4, o -T, o -T, o -T =


Microsoft Visual Studio  Files  BUILD',  x



FEFÜ(E)  Efiß(D)  NuGet  iQhEi.fiIäS (A)  )encv perf tests  )encv tests  'les  libraries  accuracy  performance  Ctrl+Shift+X  Ctrl+X

