复现Cell附图 |类器官的单细胞分析


NGS系列文章包括NGS基础、转录组分析 (Nature重磅综述|关于RNA-seq你想知道的全在这)ChIP-seq分析 ChIP-seq基本分析流程单细胞测序分析 (重磅综述:三万字长文读懂单细胞RNA测序分析的最佳实践教程 (原理、代码和评述))DNA甲基化分析、重测序分析、GEO数据挖掘典型医学设计实验GEO数据分析 (step-by-step) - Limma差异分析、火山图、功能富集等内容


这篇文章发表于2020年4月24日的Cell主刊,题为Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 Infections in Engineered Human Tissues Using Clinical-Grade Soluble Human ACE2,其中作者利用类器官的单细胞分析为整个文章做到了锦上添花!

复现Cell附图 |类器官的单细胞分析_第1张图片

这篇文章发表前,已经有研究报道ACE2(angiotensin converting enzyme 2)是严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒(SARS-CoV)的关键受体,并且ACE2可以保护肺脏免受伤害。ACE2现在也被确定为SARS-CoV-2感染的关键受体,并且有人提出抑制这种相互作用可以用于治疗COVID-19患者的想法。但是,人类重组可溶性ACE2(hrsACE2)是否会阻止SARS-CoV-2的生长还尚不清楚。该团队就这一问题研究发现hrsACE2抑制SARS-CoV-2感染呈现剂量依赖性,SARS-CoV-2可以直接感染人血管类器官和肾脏类器官,并且可以被hrsACE2所抑制。文章总结得到hrsACE2可以显著阻断SARS-CoV-2感染的早期阶段


下面就是本次要复现的图Figure S2

复现Cell附图 |类器官的单细胞分析_第2张图片

Figure S2. Single-Cell RNA-Seq Analysis of Kidney Organoids Reveals ACE2 Expression in Proximal Tubule Cells, Related to Figure 4

(A) UMAP plot displaying the results after unbiased clustering. Subpopulations of renal endothelial-like, mesenchymal, proliferating, podocyte and tubule cells were identified.
(B) Expression of ACE2 projected in the UMAP reduction.
(C) Expression of different cellular markers: SLC3A1, SLC27A2 (Proximal Tubule); PODXL, NPHS1, NPHS2 (Podocyte); CLDN4, MAL (Loop of Henle) and CD93 (Renal Endothelial-like cells).

复现Cell附图 |类器官的单细胞分析_第3张图片

Figure 4. SARS-CoV-2 Infections of Human Kidney Organoids

(A) Representative images of a kidney organoid at day 20 of differentiation visualized using light microscopy (top left inset; scale bar, 100 μm) and confocal microscopy. Confocal microscopy images show tubular-like structures labeled with Lotus tetraglobus lectin (LTL, in green) and podocyte-like cells showing positive staining for nephrin (in turquoise). Laminin (in red) was used as a basement membrane marker. DAPI labels nuclei. A magnified view of the boxed region shows a detail of tubular structures. Scale bars, 250 and 100 μm, respectively.
(B) Recovery of viral RNA in the kidney organoids at day 6 dpi with SARS-CoV-2. Data are represented as mean ± SD.
(C) Determination of progeny virus. Supernatants of SARS-CoV-2 infected kidney organoids were collected 6 dpi and then used to infect Vero E6 cells. After 48 h, Vero E6 cells were washed and viral RNA assessed by qRT-PCR. The data show that infected kidney organoids can produce progeny SARS-CoV-2 viruses, depending on the initial level of infection. Data are represented as mean ± SD.
(D) Effect of hrsACE2 on SARS-CoV-2 infections kidney organoids. Organoids were infected with a mix of 106 infectious viral particles and hrsACE2 for 1 h. 3 dpi, levels of viral RNA were assessed by qRT-PCR. hrsACE2 significantly decreased the level of SARS-CoV-2 infections in the kidney organoids. Data are represented as mean ± SD (Student’s t test: ∗p < 0.05).



1.工具:Chromium Single Cell 3′ Library
2.筛选:668 < UMIs per cell < 23101, 489 < Genes per cell < 5651 and % UMIs assigned to mitochondrial genes < 50.
4.细胞分型:KIT (Kidney Interactive Transcriptomics webpage )(http://humphreyslab.com/SingleCell/).

首先需要下载rawdata:GSE147863(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE147863) (建议使用VPN下载)






KidneyOrganoid <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = KidneyOrganoid, project = "KidneyOrganoid_ACE2", min.cells = 3, min.features = 400)
KidneyOrganoid[["percent.mt"]] <- PercentageFeatureSet(KidneyOrganoid, pattern = "^MT-") # 计算线粒体基因比例


## QC Metrics Plots
VlnPlot(KidneyOrganoid, features = c("nFeature_RNA", "nCount_RNA", "percent.mt"), ncol = 3,pt.size = 0.3)

复现Cell附图 |类器官的单细胞分析_第4张图片

## Get QC Thresholds
quantile([email protected]$nCount_RNA,c(0.025,0.975))
quantile([email protected]$nFeature_RNA,c(0.025,0.975))

复现Cell附图 |类器官的单细胞分析_第5张图片

QC plots

## QC Plots
plot([email protected]$nCount_RNA,[email protected]$nFeature_RNA,pch=16,cex=0.7,bty="n")

复现Cell附图 |类器官的单细胞分析_第6张图片


## Filtering based on QC parameters
KidneyOrganoid <- subset(KidneyOrganoid, subset = nFeature_RNA > 488 & nFeature_RNA < 5653 & nCount_RNA > 667 & nCount_RNA < 23108 & percent.mt < 50)


## Log Normalization

## Scale Data
KidneyOrganoid <- ScaleData(KidneyOrganoid, features = rownames(KidneyOrganoid))


## Cell Cycle Effect
KidneyOrganoid<-CellCycleScoring(KidneyOrganoid,s.features = cc.genes$s.genes,g2m.features = cc.genes$g2m.genes)
KidneyOrganoid <- RunPCA(KidneyOrganoid, features = unlist(cc.genes))
DimPlot(KidneyOrganoid, reduction = "pca",dims = c(1,2),group.by = "Phase")

复现Cell附图 |类器官的单细胞分析_第7张图片



## SCTransform
KidneyOrganoid<-SCTransform(KidneyOrganoid,vars.to.regress = c("S.Score","G2M.Score","percent.mt","nFeature_RNA"))


## PCA
KidneyOrganoid <- RunPCA(KidneyOrganoid, features = VariableFeatures(object = KidneyOrganoid))
DimPlot(KidneyOrganoid, reduction = "pca",dims = c(1,2))

## Some Plots
VizDimLoadings(KidneyOrganoid, dims = 1:2, reduction = "pca")
DimPlot(KidneyOrganoid, reduction = "pca",dims = c(1,2))

复现Cell附图 |类器官的单细胞分析_第8张图片


## Selecting PCA Components
ElbowPlot(KidneyOrganoid,ndims = 30)

复现Cell附图 |类器官的单细胞分析_第9张图片


## Clustering
KidneyOrganoid <- FindNeighbors(KidneyOrganoid, dims = 1:20)
KidneyOrganoid <- FindClusters(KidneyOrganoid, resolution = 0.4)

# Non Linear Dimensional Reduction
KidneyOrganoid <- RunUMAP(KidneyOrganoid, dims = 1:20)

# UMAP plot
colss<-c("#A6CEE3", "#1F78B4", "#08306B", "#B2DF8A", "#006D2C", "#8E0152",
         "#DE77AE", "#CAB2D6", "#6A3D9A", "#FB9A99", "#E31A1C", "#B15928",

DimPlot(KidneyOrganoid, reduction = "umap",label = T,cols=colss)

复现Cell附图 |类器官的单细胞分析_第10张图片


# Feature Plots on interesting genes
FeaturePlot(KidneyOrganoid,c("ACE2"),cols = c("lightgray","red"),order = T)
FeaturePlot(KidneyOrganoid,c("SLC3A1","SLC27A2","PODXL","NPHS2","NPHS1","CLDN4","MAL","CD93"),cols = c("lightgray","red"),order = T)

复现Cell附图 |类器官的单细胞分析_第11张图片

复现Cell附图 |类器官的单细胞分析_第12张图片

# 寻找高变基因
KidneyOrganoid.markers <- FindAllMarkers(KidneyOrganoid, only.pos = TRUE, min.pct = 0.25, logfc.threshold = 0.25)

作者将源代码放在https://github.com/jpromeror/SC_KidneyOrganoid_ACE2 ,大家可以试一试哈!


Monteil, Vanessa, et al. “Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 infections in engineered human tissues using clinical-grade soluble human ACE2.” Cell (2020).


  • 复现原文(一):Single-cell RNA sequencing of human kidney(step by step)

  • 复现原文(二):Single-cell RNA sequencing of human kidney(step by step)

  • 复现nature communication PCA原图|代码分析(一)

  • 这篇Nature子刊文章的蛋白组学数据PCA分析竟花费了我两天时间来重现|附全过程代码



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