46. 婴儿一出生就能理解世界吗?


优秀人才出走,最大的损失不是学校,而是学生。研究型大学重视科研无可厚非,但不要忘了,大学的第一要务是人才培养,只有科研院所的第一要务是科学研究。然而,重科研轻教学的现象在研究型大学再正常不过了。难怪,四川大学教师周鼎的一封“自白书”在网上迅速火起来。再后来,这所大学设立了一项最高奖金达100万元的大奖,评选“卓越教学奖”。众所周知,大学教师要想在支撑上有所突破,发表论文那是必须的。老师也要为自己考虑,于是科研成了硬性标尺。人的时间毕竟有限,重科研,自然轻教学。有些老师更是为了养家糊口,在外面代课,自己本课堂的教学自然轻视了。最终,损失最大的还是学生。不要口口声声说人才培养、人才培养,也不要冠以各种响亮的口号。看看老师们在干什么,  课堂上到底怎么样。很多学生满怀憧憬地慕名而来,都是好苗子,可是经过四年的培养,到底结果如何呢?优秀的那些固然优秀,然而能把那些基础薄弱的培养好了,那才叫本事。


Can Babies Understand the World From Birth?《婴儿一出生就能理解世界吗?》

46. 婴儿一出生就能理解世界吗?_第1张图片

Rebecca Saxe’s first son, Arthur, was just a month old when he first entered the bore of an MRI machine to have his brain scanned. Saxe, a cognitive scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, went headfirst with him: Lying uncomfortably on her stomach,her face near his diaper, she stroked and soothed him as the three-tesla magnet whirred around them. Arthur, unfazed,promptly fell asleep.
Rebecca Saxe的第一个儿子亚瑟的第一次进入核磁共振仪进行大脑检测的时候,他在一个月大。Saxe是麻省理工学院的一名认知科学家。她和他一起进入核磁共振仪,她把头先放进去,身子再进去。她把儿子放在肚子上,脸贴近儿子的尿布,然后轻轻抚摸他。三特斯拉的地铁在他们周围旋转起来。亚瑟很快就睡着了,也没有不舒服。


stroke英文释义为:to move your hand or an object gently over something,usually repeatedly。轻轻地、反复地用手或者物体在某个物体上面移动。

soothe的英文释义为:to make someone feel calm or less worried让人感到镇定。


But her due date in September 2013 put an impetus on getting everything ready.


本句中学习一个词Impetus,意思是 something that encourages a particular activity or makes that activity more energetic or effective指的是激发某个活动或者让这个活动更加有力,有效的东西。

例如,The recent publicity surrounding homelessness has given (a) fresh impetus to the cause.


But fMRI requires subjects to lie perfectly still lestthe image become hopelessly blurred.


学习一个小词Lest,意思是 in order to prevent any possibility that something will happen 以免,唯恐

例句:They were afraid to complain about the noise lest they annoyed the neighbours.他們不敢對噪音有任何抱怨,唯恐惹惱了鄰居。

Babies are jittering bundles of motion when not asleep, and they can’t becajoled or bribed into stillness.

该句中注意一个词Jitter,意思是 to move or shake slightly in an uncontrolled way不受控制地轻轻移动或摆动。

例句:This caused the film to jitter.

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