学习论文 "Edge-Labeling Graph Neural Network for Few-shot Learning"笔记



T = S ∪ Q T=S \cup Q T=SQ,support set and query set, support set S S S in each episode serves as the labeled training set
x i x_i xi and y i ∈ { C 1 , . . . , C N } = C T ⊂ C y_i \in \{C_1,...,C_N\}=C_T \subset C yi{C1,...,CN}=CTC: i i i th input data and its label, C C C is the set of all
classes of either training or test dataset. C t r a i n ∩ C t e s t = ϕ C_{train} \cap C_{test}=\phi CtrainCtest=ϕ
G = ( V ; ξ ; T ) G=(V;\xi;T) G=(V;ξ;T): the graph constructed with samples from the task T T T. V:node set; E: edge set;
y i j y_{ij} yij ground-truth edge-label, defined by the ground-truth node labels
e i j = { e i j d } d = 1 2 ∈ [ 0 , 1 ] 2 \mathbf e_{ij}=\{e_{ijd}\}^2_{d=1} \in [0,1]^2 eij={eijd}d=12[0,1]2: edge feature, representing the (normalized) strengths of the intra- and inter-class relations of the two connected nodes.
e ~ i j d \tilde e_{ijd} e~ijd 归一化的edge feature
f v l f^l_v fvl node feature transformation network
f e ; f^;_e fe; metric network
y ^ i j \hat y_{ij} y^ij probability that the two nodes V i V_i Vi and V j V_j Vj are from the same class
δ ( y j = C k ) \delta(y_j=C_k) δ(yj=Ck) Kronecker delta function


  • GNNs iteratively perform a feature aggregation from neighbors by message passing, and
    therefore can express complex interactions among data instances.
  • Few-shot learning algorithms have shown to require full exploitation of the relationships between a support set and a query set

So the use of GNNs can naturally have the great potential to solve the few-shot learning problem.

1. Problem

The previous GNN approaches in few-shot learning have been mainly based on the node-labeling
, which implicitly models the intra-cluster similarity and inter-cluster dissimilarity

2.Existing Solution and Difficulty
  • For edge-labeling: In correlation clustering field, edge-labeling which indicates whether the associated two nodes belong to the same cluster (class) have been previously adapted in the naive (hyper) graphs,but never applied to a graph for few-shot learning

Contribution of this paper

  1. 提出通过图网络进行信息传播,学出边的信息,也就是节点间相似性和相异性;
  2. 每一层的组成是node-update单元和edge-update单元,利用episodic training架构估计单元参数;


1 Few-shot classification

少样本学习任务,视为训练一个分类器的话,可以将此任务 T T T划分为support set (输入数据和对应标签)和query set(无标签数据集)
作者采用基于元学习(meta-learning based semi-supervision)的少样本学习方法。
元学习是计算类表示形式,然后使用度量函数来度量查询样本和每个类表示形式之间的相似性。As an efficient way of meta-learning, we adopt episodic training

2 Model
Model Define:

G = ( V , E ; T ) \mathcal{G} = (\mathcal{V},\mathcal{E};\mathcal{T}) G=(V,E;T)为一个episode样本 T \mathcal{T} T构建的图, ∣ T ∣ = N K + T \mathcal|{T}| = NK+T T=NK+T ; V = { V i } i = 1 , . . . , ∣ T ∣ \mathcal{V}=\{V_i\}_{i = 1,...,|\mathcal{T}|} V={Vi}i=1,...,T​ 为顶点集, E = { E i } i = 1 , . . . , ∣ T ∣ \mathcal{E}=\{E_i\}_{i = 1,...,|\mathcal{T}|} E={Ei}i=1,...,T为边集。定义 边的ground true edge label

y i yi yi y j yj yj是ground-truth node label; y i j y_{ij} yij是ground-truth edge label; 如果两个node的label相同,边的label = 1

然后定义每条边为一为一个二维向量 e i j = { e i j d } d = 1 2 ∈ [ 0 , 1 ] 2 e_{ij} = \{e_{ijd}\}_{d=1}^2 \in [0,1]^2 eij={eijd}d=12[0,1]2,每一维度是一个0到1的数,和为1,表示的是类内关系和类间关系(也就是两样本类别相似性和相异性)。比如 d = 0 d=0 d=0是一个点, d = 1 d=1 d=1是这条边对应的另一个点。

在这文章里,边的label定义 e i j e_{ij} eij应该是不对称的,也就是 e i j e_{ij} eij e j i e_{ji} eji 是不同的,也就是有向边。举个例子:衡量类间相似度时, e i j 1 e_{ij1} eij1 e i j 2 e_{ij2} eij2进行比较。衡量类内相似度时, e i j 1 e_{ij1} eij1 e j i 1 e_{ji1} eji1进行比较。

接下来是node feature initialized和edge feature initialized:
Node: Node features are initialized by the output of the convolutional embedding network
Edge: are initialized by edge labels


图网络包含 L L L层,更新法则如下:

  1. Node feature更新:
    和attention机制类似,用邻接节点的node信息更新当前节点。分为两部分,一部分是根据相似性提取的信息,一部分是根据相异性提取的信息,concatenate 起来
    但是,这个有着concatenate的操作相当于加权了吗?作者说与attention相似,或者可以理解为待查询的节点,与它对应的边(相当于attention的key)做键值,归一化后在feature transformation net中softmax? 看一下代码:
class NodeUpdateNetwork(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,
                 ratio=[2, 1],
        super(NodeUpdateNetwork, self).__init__()
        # set size
        self.in_features = in_features
        self.num_features_list = [num_features * r for r in ratio]
        self.dropout = dropout

        # layers
        layer_list = OrderedDict()
        for l in range(len(self.num_features_list)):

            layer_list['conv{}'.format(l)] = nn.Conv2d(
                in_channels=self.num_features_list[l - 1] if l > 0 else self.in_features * 3,
            layer_list['norm{}'.format(l)] = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_features=self.num_features_list[l],
            layer_list['relu{}'.format(l)] = nn.LeakyReLU()

            if self.dropout > 0 and l == (len(self.num_features_list) - 1):
                layer_list['drop{}'.format(l)] = nn.Dropout2d(p=self.dropout)

        self.network = nn.Sequential(layer_list)

    def forward(self, node_feat, edge_feat):
        # get size
        num_tasks = node_feat.size(0)
        num_data = node_feat.size(1)

        # get eye matrix (batch_size x 2 x node_size x node_size)
        diag_mask = 1.0 - torch.eye(num_data).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).repeat(num_tasks, 2, 1, 1).to(tt.arg.device)

        # set diagonal as zero and normalize
        edge_feat = F.normalize(edge_feat * diag_mask, p=1, dim=-1)

        # compute attention and aggregate
        # 对于torch.matmul和torch.bmm,都能实现对于batch的矩阵乘法;a.squeeze(N) 就是去掉a中指定的维数为一的维度
        aggr_feat = torch.bmm(torch.cat(torch.split(edge_feat, 1, 1), 2).squeeze(1), node_feat) 

        node_feat = torch.cat([node_feat, torch.cat(aggr_feat.split(num_data, 1), -1)], -1).transpose(1, 2)

        # non-linear transform
        node_feat = self.network(node_feat.unsqueeze(-1)).transpose(1, 2).squeeze(-1)
        return node_feat

输入的 in_feature : { v i l − 1 } \{v^{l-1}_i\} {vil1}, { e i j l − 1 } \{e^{l-1}_{ij}\} {eijl1}

        # compute attention and aggregate
        # 对于torch.matmul和torch.bmm,都能实现对于batch的矩阵乘法;a.squeeze(N) 就是去掉a中指定的维数为一的维度
        aggr_feat = torch.bmm(torch.cat(torch.split(edge_feat, 1, 1), 2).squeeze(1), node_feat) 

        node_feat = torch.cat([node_feat, torch.cat(aggr_feat.split(num_data, 1), -1)], -1).transpose(1, 2)

f v l f^l_v fvl是第L层节点transform网络。在代码中的实现是将原来的feature拼接上去,另外参考了Cade博客中讲到代码中的conv2d可以改成conv1d。实际上那个卷积就是一个线性层,只不过这样处理更加方便。便于后面batchnorm和dropout对特征的每个维度做处理。

  1. Edge Update
class EdgeUpdateNetwork(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,
                 ratio=[2, 2, 1, 1],
        super(EdgeUpdateNetwork, self).__init__()
        # set size
        self.in_features = in_features
        self.num_features_list = [num_features * r for r in ratio]
        self.separate_dissimilarity = separate_dissimilarity
        self.dropout = dropout

        # layers
        layer_list = OrderedDict()
        for l in range(len(self.num_features_list)):
            # set layer
            layer_list['conv{}'.format(l)] = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=self.num_features_list[l-1] if l > 0 else self.in_features,
            layer_list['norm{}'.format(l)] = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_features=self.num_features_list[l],
            layer_list['relu{}'.format(l)] = nn.LeakyReLU()

            if self.dropout > 0:
                layer_list['drop{}'.format(l)] = nn.Dropout2d(p=self.dropout)

        layer_list['conv_out'] = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=self.num_features_list[-1],
        self.sim_network = nn.Sequential(layer_list)

        if self.separate_dissimilarity:
            # layers
            layer_list = OrderedDict()
            for l in range(len(self.num_features_list)):
                # set layer
                layer_list['conv{}'.format(l)] = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=self.num_features_list[l-1] if l > 0 else self.in_features,
                layer_list['norm{}'.format(l)] = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_features=self.num_features_list[l],
                layer_list['relu{}'.format(l)] = nn.LeakyReLU()

                if self.dropout > 0:
                    layer_list['drop{}'.format(l)] = nn.Dropout(p=self.dropout)

            layer_list['conv_out'] = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=self.num_features_list[-1],
            self.dsim_network = nn.Sequential(layer_list)

    def forward(self, node_feat, edge_feat):
        # compute abs(x_i, x_j)
        x_i = node_feat.unsqueeze(2)
        x_j = torch.transpose(x_i, 1, 2)
        x_ij = torch.abs(x_i - x_j)
        x_ij = torch.transpose(x_ij, 1, 3)# 返回输入矩阵input的转置。交换维度dim0和dim1。 

        # compute similarity/dissimilarity (batch_size x feat_size x num_samples x num_samples)
        sim_val = F.sigmoid(self.sim_network(x_ij))

        if self.separate_dissimilarity:
            dsim_val = F.sigmoid(self.dsim_network(x_ij))
            dsim_val = 1.0 - sim_val

        diag_mask = 1.0 - torch.eye(node_feat.size(1)).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).repeat(node_feat.size(0), 2, 1, 1).to(tt.arg.device)
        edge_feat = edge_feat * diag_mask
        merge_sum = torch.sum(edge_feat, -1, True)  #求edge_feat各行的和
        # set diagonal as zero and normalize
        edge_feat = F.normalize(torch.cat([sim_val, dsim_val], 1) * edge_feat, p=1, dim=-1) * merge_sum

        # torch.eye 返回一个行数为node_feat.size(1)的2维张量(nxn,n=node_feat.size(1)),对角线位置全1,其它位置全0
        force_edge_feat = torch.cat((torch.eye(node_feat.size(1)).unsqueeze(0), torch.zeros(node_feat.size(1), node_feat.size(1)).unsqueeze(0)), 0).unsqueeze(0).repeat(node_feat.size(0), 1, 1, 1).to(tt.arg.device)
        edge_feat = edge_feat + force_edge_feat #把零填充上
        edge_feat = edge_feat + 1e-6
        edge_feat = edge_feat / torch.sum(edge_feat, dim=1).unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, 2, 1, 1)

        return edge_feat

其中 f e l f^l_e fel是计算相似度或不相似度的network函数:根据代码,归一化中 e i j l ‾ \overline {e^l_{ij}} eijl=F.norm(sim_val || dsim_val) × e i j l \times {e^l_{ij}} ×eijl其实反映的就是论文中的 f e l f^l_e fel=(sim_val || dsim_val).也就是说 f e l f^l_e fel是将similarity和dissimilarity两个联合一起表示的函数。(woc好神奇,同时表征相似和不相似)
那么(4)的式子写成 ∑ k e i k 1 l = f e l ( v i l , v j l ) e i j 1 l ∑ k f e l ( v i l , v j l ) e i j 1 l \sum_ke^l_{ik1}=\frac{f^l_e(v^l_i,v^l_j)e^l_{ij1}}{\sum_k{f^l_e(v^l_i,v^l_j)e^l_{ij1}}} keik1l=kfel(vil,vjl)eij1lfel(vil,vjl)eij1l ∑ e i k 1 l = ∑ e ‾ i k 1 l ( 归 一 化 ) \sum e^l_{ik1}=\sum \overline e^l_{ik1}(归一化) eik1l=eik1l

  1. 算法


[2019][cvpr]Edge-Labeling Graph Neural Network for Few-shot Learning 笔记
