1) 发电:比单相电源可提高功率50%
2) 输电:比单相输电节省钢材25%
3) 配电:三相变压器比单相变压器经济且便于接入负载
4) 用电设备:具有结构简单、成本低、运行可靠、维护方便等优点
u A N = 2 U c o s ω t u_{AN} = \sqrt2Ucosωt uAN=2Ucosωt
1) 电源提供的电压=负载的额定电压
2) 单相负载尽量均衡地分配到三相电源上
负载的额定电压 = 电源的线电压 Δ联结
负载的额定电压 = 1 3 \frac{1}{\sqrt {3}} 31电源线电压 Y 联结
Y -Y接对称三相电路的计算:
1) 画单相等效电路(一般为A相)
2) 由单相等效电路计算待求的电压、电流
3) 由对称性推出其它二相的电压、电流
按线相电压关系进行等效:设三相电 源用Y接电源替代,保证其线电压不变
Z Y = 1 3 Z Δ Z_Y=\frac{1}{3}Z_Δ ZY=31ZΔ
1) 将三相电源、负载都等效看成Y联接;
2) 画出单相等效电路,求出一相的电压、电流;
3) 求解单相等效电路,根据线(相)电压及线(相)电流的关系,求出原电路的电流、电压;(要回到原电路)
4) 由对称性,写出其它两相的电压、电流。
简 单 照 明 系 统 的 线 电 压 为 380 V , 若 灯 泡 R A = R B = R C = 5 Ω ( 1 ) 求 线 电 流 及 中 性 线 电 流 I N ( 2 ) R A = 5 Ω , R B = 10 Ω , R C = 20 Ω , 求 线 电 流 及 I N ( 3 ) A 相 短 路 , 中 性 线 断 开 ( 未 断 ) 时 , 求 负 载 相 电 压 ( 4 ) A 相 断 路 , 中 性 线 断 开 ( 未 断 ) 时 , 求 负 载 相 电 压 简单照明系统的线电压为380V,若灯泡R_A=R_B= R_C = 5Ω\\ (1)求线电流及中性线电流I_N\\ (2)R_A=5Ω,R_B=10Ω,RC=20Ω,求线电流及I_N\\ (3)A相短路,中性线断开(未断)时,求负载相电压\\ (4)A相断路,中性线断开(未断)时,求负载相电压 简单照明系统的线电压为380V,若灯泡RA=RB=RC=5Ω(1)求线电流及中性线电流IN(2)RA=5Ω,RB=10Ω,RC=20Ω,求线电流及IN(3)A相短路,中性线断开(未断)时,求负载相电压(4)A相断路,中性线断开(未断)时,求负载相电压
p = p A + p B + p C p=p_A+p_B+p_C p=pA+pB+pC
P = P A + P B + P C P=P_A+P_B+P_C P=PA+PB+PC
Q = Q A + Q B + Q C Q=Q_A+Q_B+Q_C Q=QA+QB+QC
S = P ² + Q ² S=\sqrt {P²+Q²} S=P²+Q²
p = p A + p B + p C = 3 p A p=p_A+p_B+p_C=3p_A p=pA+pB+pC=3pA
P = P A + P B + P C = 3 P A P=P_A+P_B+P_C=3P_A P=PA+PB+PC=3PA
Q = Q A + Q B + Q C = 3 Q A Q=Q_A+Q_B+Q_C=3Q_A Q=QA+QB+QC=3QA
S = P ² + Q ² = 3 S A S=\sqrt {P²+Q²}=3S_A S=P²+Q²=3SA
1) 对称三相电路瞬时功率的特点
p = p A + p B + p C = 3 U I c o s φ p=p_A+p_B+p_C=3UIcosφ p=pA+pB+pC=3UIcosφ
2) 对称三相电路平均功率的特点
P = 3 P A = 3 U p I p c o s φ P =3P_A = 3U_p I_pcosφ P=3PA=3UpIpcosφ
三 相 电 动 机 的 每 相 等 效 电 阻 R = 29 Ω , 等 效 感 抗 X L = 21.8 Ω , 试 求 电 动 机 的 功 率 1 ) 绕 组 联 成 星 形 接 于 U L = 380 V 的 三 相 电 源 上 2 ) 绕 组 联 成 三 角 形 接 于 U L = 220 V 的 三 相 电 源 上 三相电动机的每相等效电阻R = 29Ω,等效感抗X_L=21.8Ω,试求电动机的功率\\ 1)绕组联成星形接于U_L =380 V的三相电源上\\ 2)绕组联成三角形接于U_L=220 V的三相电源上 三相电动机的每相等效电阻R=29Ω,等效感抗XL=21.8Ω,试求电动机的功率1)绕组联成星形接于UL=380V的三相电源上2)绕组联成三角形接于UL=220V的三相电源上
如果电动机有两种额定电压, 如220/380 V:
当电源电压为380 V时, 电动机的绕组应联结成星形
当电源电压为220 V时, 电动机的绕组应联结成三角形
Δ和Y两种联结法中, 相电压、相电流和功率都未改变
工程应用2 电机星三降压启动
接成Y,加载绕组上的启动电压为三角形直接启动的 1 3 \frac{1}{\sqrt {3}} 31
1. I ˙ A + I ˙ B + I ˙ C = 0 时 , 才 能 用 二 表 法 2. 两 表 读 数 的 代 数 和 为 三 相 总 功 率 , 每 表 的 单 独 读 数 无 意 义 3. 两 表 法 的 接 线 方 式 有 三 种 , 注 意 极 性 端 的 正 确 接 法 ( 电 压 线 圈 的 同 名 端 必 须 接 电 流 线 圈 所 在 的 那 一 条 火 线 ) 4. 按 正 确 极 性 接 线 时 , 可 能 有 一 表 的 读 数 为 负 ( 两 表 读 数 一 般 相 差 很 大 ) 1. \dot{I}_A+\dot{I}_B+\dot{I}_C=0时,才能用二表法\\ 2. 两表读数的代数和为三相总功率,每表的单独读数无意义\\ 3. 两表法的接线方式有三种,注意极性端的正确接法(电压线圈的同名端必须接电流线圈所在的那一条火线)\\ 4. 按正确极性接线时,可能有一表的读数为负(两表读数一般相差很大) 1.I˙A+I˙B+I˙C=0时,才能用二表法2.两表读数的代数和为三相总功率,每表的单独读数无意义3.两表法的接线方式有三种,注意极性端的正确接法(电压线圈的同名端必须接电流线圈所在的那一条火线)4.按正确极性接线时,可能有一表的读数为负(两表读数一般相差很大)
P 1 = U A C I A c o s ( φ − 30 ° ) φ ≤ − 60 ° P 1 ≤ 0 P 2 = U B C I B c o s ( φ 2 + 300 ° ) φ 2 ≥ 60 ° P 2 ≤ 0 P_1=U_{AC}I_Acos(φ-30°)~φ≤-60°~P_1≤0\\ P_2=U_{BC}I_Bcos(φ_2+300°)~φ_2≥60°~P_2≤0 P1=UACIAcos(φ−30°) φ≤−60° P1≤0P2=UBCIBcos(φ2+300°) φ2≥60° P2≤0
A single-phase ac power system consists of a generator connected through a pair of wires(a transmission line)to a load.
What is more common in practice is a single-phase three-wire system.It contains two identical sources(equal magnitude(量级) and the same phase)that are connected to two loads by two outer wires and the neutral.
The normal household system is a single-phase three-wire system because the terminal voltages have the same magnitude and the same phase.
Circuits or systems in which the ac sources operate at the same frequency but different phases areknown as polyphase(多相的).
The three-phase system is by far the most prevalent and most economical polyphase system.
➢Nearly all electric power is generated anddistributed in three-phase.
➢The instantaneous power in a three-phase system can be constant(not pulsating).
➢For the same amount of power,the three-phasesystem is more economical than the single-phase.
A typical three-phase system consists of three voltage sources connected to loads by three or four wires(or transmission lines).
Three-phase voltages are often produced with a three-phase ac generator(or alternator).
A three-phase generator
A rotating magnet(called the rotor)surrounded by a stationary winding(called the stator).
Three separate windings or coils with terminals and are physically placed 120° apart around the stator.
As the rotor rotates,its magnetic field “cuts” the flux from the coil and induces voltages in the coil.
A two-phase system is produced by a generator consisting of two coils placed perpendicular to each other so that the voltage generated by one lags the other by 90%.
The three-phase load and connections
A balanced load is one in which the phase impedances are equal in magnitude and in phase.
A three-phase load is said to beunbalanced if the phase impedances are not equal in magnitude or phase.
A typical three-phase system consists of three-phase voltage sources connected to three-phase loads by transmission lines.
Fourpossible connections:
➢Y-Y(Y-connected source with a Y-connected load).
Balancedthree-phase system:Sources and loads are both balanced.
The phase voltage is the voltage of each phase of the source or load.
The phase current is the current in each phase of the source o rload.
The line voltage is the voltage between each pair of lines.
The line current is the current in each transmission line(from the generator to the load).
A balanced Y-Y system is a three-phase system with a balanced Y-connected source and abalanced Y-connected load.
The single-phase analysis
A balanced Y-A system consists of a balanced Y-connected source feeding a balanced A-connected load.
A balanced Δ-Δ system is one in which boththe balanced source and balanced load are Δ-connected.
Convert both the source and the load to their Y equivalents.
A balanced Δ-Y system consists of a balanced Δ-connected source feeding a balanced Y-connected load.Replace the delta-connected source with its equivalent wye-connected source.
The easiest way to analyze a balanced three-phase circuit is to transform both the source and the load to a Y-Y system and then analyze the single-phase equivalentcircuit.
Understand the formulas for phase currents and voltages and line currents and voltages for the four possible configurations.
P = P 1 + P 2 = U A C I A c o s φ 1 + U B C I B c o s φ 2 = P A + P B + P C P=P_1+P_2=U_{AC}I_Acosφ_1+U_{BC}I_Bcosφ_2=P_A+P_B+P_C P=P1+P2=UACIAcosφ1+UBCIBcosφ2=PA+PB+PC