(6)Other functions

以下内容源自PBC Library 的 英文manual(Chapter 6)。


六. Other functions

  • 6.1 Random bits
  • 6.2 Custom allocation
  • 6.3 Logging

一,Other functions

Random number generation, memory allocation, logging.


6.1. Random bits

The first time PBC is asked to generate a random number, the library will try to open the file /dev/urandom as a source of random bits. If this fails, PBC falls back to a deterministic random number generator (which is of course completely useless for cryptography).

It is possible to change the file used for random bits. Also, explicitly selecting the deterministic random number generator will suppress the warning.

On Windows, by default, PBC uses the Microsoft Crypto API to generate random bits.

第一次要求PBC生成随机数时,库将尝试打开文件/ dev / urandom作为随机位的源。如果失败,PBC将退回到确定性随机数生成器(对于加密术,它当然完全没有用)。


在Windows上,默认情况下,PBC使用Microsoft Crypto API生成随机位。

void pbc_random_set_file(char *filename)

Sets filename as a source of random bytes. For example, on Linux one might use /dev/random.


void pbc_random_set_deterministic(unsigned int seed)

Uses a determinstic random number generator, seeded with seed.


void pbc_random_set_function(void (*fun)(mpz_t, mpz_t, void *), void *data)

Uses given function as a random number generator.


void pbc_mpz_random(mpz_t z, mpz_t limit)

Selects a random z that is less than limit.


void pbc_mpz_randomb(mpz_t z, unsigned int bits)

Selects a random bits-bit integer z.


6.2. Custom allocation

Like GMP , PBC can be instructed to use custom memory allocation functions. This must be done before any memory allocation is performed, usually at the beginning of a program before any other PBC functions have been called.

Also like GMP , the PBC wrappers around malloc and realloc will print a message on standard error and terminate program execution if the calls fail. Replacements for these functions should act similarly.

However, unlike GMP , PBC does not pass the number of bytes previously allocated along with the pointer in calls to realloc and free.




void pbc_set_memory_functions(void *(*malloc_fn)(size_t), void *(*realloc_fn)(void *, size_t), void(*free_fn)(void *))

Set custom allocation functions. The parameters must be function pointers to drop-in replacements for malloc,realloc and free, except that malloc and realloc should terminate the program on failure: they must not return in
this case.


6.3. Logging

int pbc_set_msg_to_stderr(int i)

By default error messages are printed to standard error. Call pbc_set_msg_to_stderr(0) to suppress messages.


void pbc_die(const char *err, . . .)

Reports error message and exits with code 128.


void pbc_info(const char *err, . . .)

Reports informational message.


void pbc_warn(const char *err, . . .)

Reports warning message.


void pbc_error(const char *err, . . .)

Reports error message.

