




CORE Computer Science Conference Rankings

Acronym Standard Name Rank
AAAI National Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence A+
AAMAS International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems A+
ACL Association of Computational Linguistics A+
ACMMM ACM Multimedia Conference A+
ASPLOS Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems A+
CAV Computer Aided Verification A+
CCS ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security A+
CHI International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems A+
COLT Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory A+
CRYPTO Advances in Cryptology A+
CSCL Computer Supported Collaborative Learning A+
DCC IEEE Data Compression Conference A+
DSN International Conference on Dependable Systems A+
EuroCrypt International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques A+
FOCS IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science A+
FOGA Foundations of Genetic Algorithms A+
HPCA IEEE Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture A+
I3DG ACM-SIGRAPH Interactive 3D Graphics A+
ICAPS International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling A+
ICCV IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision A+
ICDE IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering A+
ICDM IEEE International Conference on Data Mining A+
ICFP International Conference on Functional Programming A+
ICIS International Conference on Information Systems A+
ICML International Conference on Machine Learning A+
ICSE International Conference on Software Engineering A+
IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence A+
IJCAR International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning A+
INFOCOM Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies A+
InfoVis IEEE Information Visualization Conference A+
IPSN Information Processing in Sensor Networks A+
ISCA ACM International Symposium on Computer Architecture A+
ISMAR IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality A+
ISSAC International. Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation A+
ISWC IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computing A+
IWQoS IFIP International Workshop on QoS A+
JCDL ACM Conference on Digital Libraries A+
KR International Conference on Principles of KR & Reasoning A+
LICS IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science A+
MOBICOM ACM International Conferencem on Mobile Computing and Networking A+
NIPS Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems A+
OOPSLA ACM Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications A+
OSDI Usenix Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation A+
PERCOM IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications A+
PERVASIVE International Conference on Pervasive Computing A+
PLDI ACM-SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design & Implementation A+
PODC ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing A+
PODS ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Conferenceon Principles of Database Systems A+
POPL ACM-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Prog Langs A+
RSS Robotics: Systems and Science A+
RTSS Real Time Systems Symp A+
SENSYS ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems A+
SIGCOMM ACM Conference on Applications, Technologies,Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communication A+
SIGGRAPH ACM SIG International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques A+
SIGIR ACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval A+
SIGKDD ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining A+
SIGMETRICS ACM SIG on computer and communications metrics and performance A+
SIGMOD ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data Conference A+
SODA ACM/SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms A+
SOSP ACM SIGOPS Symposium on Operating Systems Principles A+
STOC ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing A+
UAI Conference in Uncertainty in Artifical Intelligence A+
UbiComp Uniquitous Computing A+
VLDB International Conference on Very Large Databases A+
WWW International World Wide Web Conference A+
ACM-HT ACM Hypertext Conf A
AH International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems A
AID International Conference on AI in Design A
AIED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education A
AIIM Artificial Intelligence in Medicine A
AIME Artificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe A
AiML Advances in Modal Logic A
ALENEX Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments A
ALIFE International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems A
AMAI Artificial Intelligence and Maths A
AMIA American Medical Informatics Annual Fall Symposium A
AOSD Aspect-Oriented Software Development A
APPROX International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems A
ASAP International Conference on Apps for Specific Array Processors A
ASE Automated Software Engineering Conference A
ASIACRYPT International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptology A
ASIS&T Annual conference of American Society for Information Science and Technology A
ATVA International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis A
AVSS Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance A
BMVC British Machine Vision Conference A
BPM International Conference in Business Process Management A
CADE International Conference on Automated Deduction A
CAIP International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns A
CaiSE International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering A
CANIM Computer Animation A
CASES International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems A
CBSE International Symposium Component-Based Software Engineering A
CC International Conference on Compiler Construction A
CCC IEEE Symposium on Computational Complexity A
CCGRID IEEE Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid A
CDC IEEE Conference on Decision and Control A
CGI Computer Graphics International A
CGO Code Generation and Optimization A
CIDR Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research A
CIKM ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management A
CLUSTER Cluster Computing Conference A
COCOON International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics A
CogSci Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society A
COLING International Conference on Computational Liguistics A
CONCUR International Conference on Concurrency Theory A
CoNLL Conference on Natural Language Learning A
CoopIS International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems A
Coordination International Conference on Coordination Models and Lanuguages A
CP International Conference on Principles & Practice of Constraint Programming A
CPAIOR International Conference on Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems A
CSB IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference A
CSCW ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work A
CSFW IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop A
CSSAC Cognitive Science Society Annual Conference A
CVPR IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition A
DAC Design Automation Conf A
DAS International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems A
DASFAA Database Systems for Advanced Applications A
DATE IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference A
DEXA International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications A
DIGRA Digital Games Research Conference A
DIS Designing Interactive Systems A
DISC International Symposium on Distributed Computing (ex WDAG) A
DocEng ACM Symposium on Document Engineering A
DOOD Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases A
DUX Design for User Experience A
EAAI Engineering Applications of Artifical Intelligence A
EACL European Association of Computational Linguistics A
EASE International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering A
EC ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce A
ECAI European Conference on Artificial Intelligence A
ECCV European Conference on Computer Vision A
ECDL European Conference on Digital Libraries A
ECIS European Conference on Information Systems A
ECML European Conference on Machine Learning A
ECOOP European Conference on object-oriented programming A
ECRTS Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems A
ECSCW European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work A
ECWeb International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technology A
EDBT Extending Database Technology A
EKAW International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management A
EMMSAD Exploring Modelling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design A
EMNLP Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing A
EMSOFT ACM Conference on Embedded Software A
ESA European Symposium on Algorithms A
e-science IEEE International Conference on e-science and Grid Computing A
ESEM Internation Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement A
ESOP European Symposium on Programming A
ESORICS European Symposium on Research in Computer Security A
ESQARU International Joint Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Practical Reasoning A
ESWC European Semantic Web Conference A
EuroCOLT European Conference on Computational Learning Theory A
EUROGRAPH European Graphics Conference A
EuroPar International Conference on Parallel Processing A
EuroPVM/MPI Euopean PVM/MPI Uswers' Group Conference A
EuroSpeech European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology A
EuroSPI European SPI A
EuroSys Eurosys Conference A
EWSN European conference on Wireless Sensor Networks A
FCCM IEEE Symposium on Field Programmable Custom Computing Machines A
FLOPS International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming A
FME Formal Methods Europe A
FODO International Conference on Foundation on Data Organization A
FORTE IFIP Joint Int'l Conference on Formal Description Techniques and Protocol Specification, Testing, And Verification A
FPSAC Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics A
FSE ACM Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (inc ESEC-FSE when held joInternationaly [sic]) A
FSR International Conference on Field and Service Robotics A
FST&TCS Foundations of Software Technology & Theoretical Computer Science A
FUZZ-IEEE IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems A
GD Graph Drawing A
Grid International Conference on Grid Computing A
Group ACM Special Interest Group on Supporting Group Work (was SIGGRoup) A
HiPC International Conference on High Performance Computing A
HOTCHIPS (HCS) Symposium on High Performance Chips A
HOTNETS ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks A
HotOS USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems A
HPDC IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing A
Hypertext ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia A
IC3N International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks A
ICADL International Conference of Asian Digital Libraries A
ICALP International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming A
ICALT IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies A
ICARCV International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision A
ICC IEEE International Conference on Communications A
ICCAD International Conference on Computer-Aided Design A
ICCL IEEE International Conference on Computer Languages A
ICCS International Conference on Computational Science A
ICCS International Conference on Conceptual Structures A
ICDAR IEEE International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition A
ICDCS IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems A
ICDT International Conference on Database Theory A
ICECCS IEEE International Conference on Engineering and Complex Computer Systems A
ICER International Computing Education Research Workshop A
ICGG International Conference on Grid Computing A
ICIAP International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing A
ICIP IEEE International Conference on Image Processing A
ICLP International conference on Logic Programming A
ICMAS International Conference on Multi Agent Systems A
ICNN IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks A
ICNP International Conference on Network Protocols A
ICONIP International Conference on Neural Information Processing A
ICPP International Conference on Parallel Processing A
ICPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition A
ICS ACM International Conference on Supercomputing A
ICSC2 International Computer Symposium Conference A
ICSM International. Conferenceon Software Maintenance A
ICSOC International Conference on Service Oriented Computing A
ICSP International Conference on Software Process A
ICSPC International Conference on Security in Pervasive Computing A
ICSR IEEE International Conference on Software Reuse A
ICTL International Coference on Temporal Logic A
IDA Intelligent Data Analysis A
IEEE-Alife IEEE International Symposium on Artificial Life A
IEEE-CEC Congress on Evolutionary Computation A
IEEE-MM IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems A
IEEETKDE IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering A
IFIP_WG 11.3 IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security (was IFIP-DBSEC) A
IJCNLP International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing A
IJCNN IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks A
ILPS International Logic Programming Symposium A
IM IFIP/IEEE Integrated Management (odd years sharing with NOMS) A
IMC Internet Measurement Conference A
INTERACT IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction A
IPCO MPS Conference on integer programming & combinatorial optimization A
IPDPS IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (was IPPS and SPDP) A
ISAAC International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation A
ISD International Conference on Information Systems Development A
ISESE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering A
ISMB Intelligent Systems in Molecular Biology A
ISR International Symposium on Robotics A
ISSCC IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference A
ISSR International Symposium on Robotics Research A
ISSRE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering A
ISSTA Internation Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis A
ISTA International Conference on Information Systems Technology and its Application A
ISTCS Israel Symposium on Theory of Computing and Systems A
ISWC International Semantic Web Conference A
ITiCSE Annual Conference on Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education A
ITS International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems A
IUI Intelligent User Interfaces A
IVCNZ Image and Vision Computing Conference A
JELIA Logics in Artificial Intelligence, European Conference A
JICSLP/ICLP/ILPS International Conference/Symposium on Logic Programming (Joint) A
K-CAP Knowledge capture A
LCN IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks A
LCTES ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Languages, Tools, and Compilers for Embedded Systems A
LPAR Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning A
LPNMR International Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning A
MASCOTS Symposium Model Analysis & Simulation of Computer & Telecommunications Systems A
MASS IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems A
MassPar Symposium on Frontiers of Massively Parallel Processing A
MICRO International Symposium on Microarchitecture A
Middleware ACM/IFIP/USENIX th International Middleware Conference A
MIR ACM SIGMM International Woekshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval A
MMCN ACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking A
MMSP International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing A
MOBIHOC ACM Symposium of mobile and ad hoc computing A
MobileHCI International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services A
Mobiquitous International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networks and Services A
Mobisys ACM SIGMOBILE International Conference on mobile systems, applications and services A
MODELS International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language (formerly UML) A
MSWIM ACM/IEEE International Conference on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems A
NAACL North American Association for Computational Linguistics A
NDSS Usenix Networked and Distributed System Security Symposium A
Net Object Days Includings [sic] MATES, ENASE etc. A
NetStore Network Storage Symposium A
Networking 200X IFIP Networking 200X A
NOSSDAV Network and OS Support for Digital A/V A
NSDI Symposium on Networked Systems, Design and Implementation A
OPENARCH IEEE Conference on Open Architecture and Network Programming A
P2P IEEE International Conference on Peer-toPeer Computing A
PACT International Conference on Parallel Architecture and Compilation Techniques A
PADL Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages A
PADS ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Parallel & Distributed Simulation A
PAKDD Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining A
PDC Participatory Design Conference A
PEPM ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evalutation and Program Manipulation A
PERFORMANCE IFIP International Symposium on Computing Performance, Modelling, Measurement and Evaluation A
PG Pacific Graphics A
PKDD European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases A
PPoPP Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming A
PPSN Parallel Problem Solving from Nature A
PRO-VE IFIP Working Conferences on Virtual Enterprises A
PT Performance Tools - International Conference on Model Techniques & Tools for CPE A
QoSA Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures A
QSIC International Quality Software Conference A
RAID Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection A
RANDOM International Workshop on Randomization and Computation A
RE IEEE Requirements Engineering A
RECOMB Annual International Conferenceon Comp Molecular Biology A
RoboCup Robot Soccer World Cup A
RST International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies A
RTA International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications A
RTAS IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium A
S&P IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy A
SARA Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation A
SAS Static Analysis Symposium A
SAT International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing A
SCA ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation A
SCC IEEE International Conference on Services Computing A
SCG ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry A
SCOPES International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems A
SDM SIAM International Conference on Data Mining A
SDSDI Unix Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation A
SIGCSE ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education Conference A
SMS IEEE International Symposium on Software Metrics A
SPAA Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures A
SPICE Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination A
SRDS Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems A
SSDBM International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Data Base Management A
SSPR Structural and Statistical pattern recognition A
SSR ACM Symposium on Software Reusability A
SSTD International Symposium on Spatial Databases A
STACS Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science A
SUPER ACM/IEEE Supercomputing Conference A
SWAT Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory A
TABLEAUX International Conference on Theorem Proving with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods A
TACAS Tools and Algorithms for Construction and Analysis of Systems A
TARK Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge A
TIME International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning A
TREC Text Retrieval Conference A
UIST ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology A
UM International Conference on User Modelling A
USENIX USENIX Annual Technical Conference A
USENIX-Security Usenix Security A
USITS Unix Symposium on Internet Technologies A
VCIP SPIE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing A
VIS IEEE Visualization A
VL/HCC IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (was VL) A
VLSI IEEE Symposium VLSI Circuits A
VMCAI Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation A
WACV IEEE Workshop on Apps of Computer Vision A
WADS Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures A
WICSA EEE/IFIP Working Conference on Software Architecture A
WISE International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering A
WoWMoM IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks A
WPHOL International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics A
AAAAECC International Symposium on Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes B
AAIM Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management B
ACAL Australian Conference on Artificial Life B
ACCV Asian Conference on Computer Vision B
ACE Australasian Conference on Computer Science Education B
ACIS Australasian Conference on Information Systems B
ACISP Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy B
ACIVS Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems B
ACOSM Australian Conference on Software Metrics B
ACRA Australian Conference on Robotics and Automation B
ACS Australian Supercomputing Conf B
ACSAC Australasian Computer Systems Architecture Conference (now Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference) B
ACSC Australasian Computer Science Conference B
ACSD Application of Concurrency to System Design B
ADBIS Symposium on Advances in DB and Information Systems B
ADC Australasian Database Conference B
ADCS Australasian Document Computing Symposium B
ADHOC-NOW International Conference on AD-HOC Networks & Wireless B
ADTI International Symposium on Advanced DB Technologies and Integration B
AI*IA Congress of the Italian Assoc for AI B
AINA International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (was ICOIN) B
AISP Australasia Conference on Information Security and Privacy B
ALEX Algorithms and Experiments B
ALG ENGG Workshop on Algorithm Engineering B
ALP International Conference on Algebraic and Logic Programming B
ALTAW Australasian Language Techology Association Workshop B
AMCIS Americas Conference on Information Systems B
AMOC Asian International Mobile Computing Conferrence B
ANALCO Workshop on Analytic Algorithms and Combinatorics B
ANNIE Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering Conference B
ANTS International Workshop on Ant Colony B
ANZIIS Australian and New Zealand Intelligent Information Systems Conference B
AofA Conference on Analysis of Algorithms B
AOIR Internet Research B
AOIS Agent-Oriented Information Systems Workshop B
AOSE Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Workshop B
APAMI Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics Conference B
APBC Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference B
APCC IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Communications B
APCHI Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction B
APLAS ASIAN Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems B
APNOMS Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium B
APSEC Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference B
APWEB Asia Pacific Web Conference B
ARA National Conference of the Australian Robot Association B
ARES International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security B
ASADM Chicago ASA Data Mining Conference- A Hard Look at DM B
ASIAN Asian Computing Science Conference B
ASS IEEE Annual Simulation Symposium B
ASWEC Australian Software Engineering Conference B
ASWEC Australian Software Engineering Conference B
AUIC Australasian User Interface Conference B
AusAI Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence B
AusDM Australian Data Mining Conference B
AusWIT Australian Women in IT Conference B
AWOCA Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms B
AWRE Australian Workshop on Requirements Engineering B
AWTI Argentine Workshop on Theoretical Informatics B
BASYS IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems B
BNCOD British National Conference on Databases B
Broadnets International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems B
CAAI Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference B
CAAN Workshop on Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Networking B
CACSD IEEE/IFAC Joint Symposium on Intelligent Control B
CAIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Applications B
CATS Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium B
CCA IEEE International Conference on Control Applications B
CCCG Canadian Conferenceon Computational Geometry B
CCW IEEE Computer Communications Workshop B
CD IFIP/ACM Working Conference on Component Deployment B
CEAS International Conference on Email and Anti-Spam B
CEC/EEE IEEE Conference on Electronic Commerce Technology and Enterprise Computing, e_Commerce and e-Services B
CGA Workshop on Computational Geometry and Applications B
CHES Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems B
CIAA International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata B
CIAC Italian Conference on Algorithms and Complexity B
CICLING Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics B
CISTM Conference on Information Science, Technology and Management B
CITB Complexity and information-theoretic approaches to biology B
COCOA Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications B
COMAD International Conference on Management of Data B
COMMONSENSE Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning B
CompLife International Symposium on Computational Life Science B
COMPSAC International Computer Software and Applications Conference B
CONPAR International Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing B
CPM Combinatorial Pattern Matching B
CSL, 2 th Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic B
DAC Digital Arts and Culture B
DAFX Digital Audio Effects Conference B
DAIS IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Inoperable Systems B
DaWaK Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery B
DB&IS International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems B
DCOSS IEEE Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems B
DICTA Australian Pattern Recognition Society Conference B
DISRA IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Intelligent Simululation and Real-Time Applications B
DITW Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik B
DLT Developments in Language Theory B
DMTCS International Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science B
DNA Meeting on DNA Based Computers B
DSOM IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems Operations and Management B
DS-RT Distributed Simulation and Real-time Applications B
DSS Distributed Simulation Symposium B
DX Diagnostics B
DYSPAN IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks B
ECAIM European Conference on AI in Medicine B
ECAL European Conferene on Artificial Life B
ECBS Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems B
ECCB European Conference on Computational Biology B
ECEG Eurpopean Conference on e-Government B
ECIME European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation B
ECIR European Conference on Information Retrieval B
ED-MEDIA World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications B
EDOC The Enterprise Computing Conference B
EEE IEEE e-technology, e-service and e-commerce conference B
EGC European Grid Conference B
Emnets IEEE Embedded Sensor Networks Worskhop B
EPIA Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence B
ER International Conference on Conceptual Modeling B
ERCIM/CSCLPERCIM Annual Workshop on Constraint Solving and Contraint Logic Programming B
ESEA Euromicro International Conference on software engineering and applications B
ESEC European Software Engineering Conference B
ESM European Simulation Multiconference B
ESS European Simulation Symposium B
EuAda Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies B
EUROGP European Conference on Genetic Programming B
EuroPDP EUROMICRO Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based processing B
EUSIPCO European Signal Processing Conference B
EWLR European Workshop on Learning Robots B
FASE Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering B
FCKAML French Conference on Knowledge Acquisition & Machine Learning B
FCT Fundamentals of Computation Theory B
FEM International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods B
FEWFDB Far East Workshop on Future DB Systems B
FIE Frontiers in Education B
FINCRY Financial Cryptography B
FOSSACS Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures B
FSENCRY Fast Software Encryption B
FTP International Workshops on First-Order Theorem Proving B
FTRTFT Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault Tolerant Systems B
FUN Conference on fun with algorithms B
GECCO Genetic and Evolutionary Computations B
GLOBECOM IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference B
GMP Geometry Modeling and Processing B
GPCE International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering B
HASE IEEE International Symposiumon High Assurance Systems Engineering B
HICSS Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences B
HLT Human Language Technologies B
HPCN International Conference on High Performance Computing and Networking B
HPSR IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing B
IAAI Innovative Applications in AI B
ICA3PP IEEE International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing B
ICAIL International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law B
ICANN International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks B
ICASSP IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing B
ICATPN International Conference on the Application and Theory of Petri Nets B
ICCB International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning B
ICCBSS IEEE International Conference on COTS-Based Software Systems B
ICCE International Conference on Computers in Education B
ICCI International Conference on Computing and Information B
ICDCN IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking B
ICEBE IEEE Conference on e-Business Engineering B
ICEIMT International Confernce on Enterprise Integration and Modelling Technology B
ICEIS International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems B
ICGA International Conference on Genetic Algorithms B
ICGT International Conference on Graph Transformations B
ICICSec International Conference on Information and Communications Security B
ICME IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo B
ICMS International Conference on Multiagent Systems B
ICON IEEE International Conference on Networks B
ICPADS IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems B
ICRA IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation B
ICSC International Computer Science Conference B
ICSEA International Conference on Software Engineering Advances B
ICSEC International Conferenceon Information and Communications Security B
IC-Soft International Conference on Software and Data Technologies B
ICTAC International Colloquium on Theoretical Ascpects of Computing B
ICTAI IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence B
ICWS IEEE International Conference on Web Services B
IDEAS International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium B
IE Interactive Entertainment B
IEAAI International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems B
IEEE RFID IEEE International Conference on Remote Frequency Identification B
IEEE-IV Intelligent Vehicles Conference B
IFM Integrated Formal Methods B
IFSA IFSA World Congress B
IJCNLP2 International Joint Conference on Computational Linguistics B
ILP Inductive Logic Programming B
IN IEEE Intell Network Workshop B
INBS IEEE International Symposium on Intelleligence in Neural & Biological Systems B
INET Internet Society Conference B
INFH Workshop on Information Hiding B
InSITE Informing Science and IT Education Conference B
IPCCC IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference B
IRIS Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia B
IRMA Information Resources Management Association International Conference B
IROS IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems B
ISCC IEEE Symposium on Computers & Communications B
ISCIS International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences B
ISEAT Integration of Software Engineering and Agent Technology B
ISIC IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control B
ISMM International Symposium on Memory Management B
ITC IEEE International Test Conference B
IWANN International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks B
IWCASE International Workshop on Cumpter-Aided Software Eng B
IWCMC ACM International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference B
IWPEC International Workshop on Parameterized and Exact Computation B
JCSC Journal of Computing Science in Colleges (conference proceedings) B
JMLC Joint Modular Languages Conference B
KES International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems B
KI German AI conference B
Koli Calling Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research B
LATIN International Symposium on Latin American Theoretical Informatics B
LDTA Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications B
LENLS Logic & Engineering of Natural Language Semantics B
LFCS Logical Foundations of Computer Science B
LOPSTR International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation B
LPMA International Workshop on Logic Programming and Multi-Agents B
M2VIP Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice B
MATES German conference on Multi-Agent system Technologies B
MCU Universal Machines and Computations B
MDM International Conference on Mobile Data Access/Management (MDA/MDM) B
MEDINFO World Congeress on Medical Informatics B
MEGA Methods Effectives en Geometrie Algebrique B
MFCS Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science B
MLMI Joint workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learnig Algorithms B
MMM Multimedia Modelling B
MPC Mathematics of Program Construction B
MPCS International Conference on Massively Parallel Computing Systems B
MPPOI Massively Parallel Processing Using Optional Interconnections B
NCC National Conference Communications B
NGDB International Symposium on Next Generation Data Base Systems and Applications B
NOMS IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium B
NORDCHI Norwegian Computer Human Interaction B
ODP IFIP International Conference on Open Distributed Processing B
OPODIS International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems B
OZCHI Australian Computer Human Interaction Conference B
PACES Pacific Asian Conference on Expert Systems B
PACIS Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems B
PACLIC Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation B
PACLING Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics B
PAM Passive and Active Measurement Conference B
PASTE ACM SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering B
PATAT Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling B
PDCAT International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies B
PIMRC IEEE International Symposium on Personal and Indoor Mobile Radio Conference B
PKAW Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition Workshop B
PKC Public Key Cryptosystems B
PLILP Symposium on Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming B
PPDP International Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming B
PPIG Annual PPIG Workshop B
PRICAI Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence B
PRIMA Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents B
PROFES Product Focused Software Process Improvement B
PROSim International Workshop on Software Process Simulation and Modeling B
PSI Ershov conference B
Qsine International Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless Networks B
QualIT International Conference on Qualitative Research in IT & IT in Qualitative Research B
REFSQ International Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality B
RIDE International Workshop on Research Issues in Data Engineering B
RSA RSA Conference (a security conference) B
RTCSA International Conference on Real-Time and Embedded Computing Systems and Applications B
SAC ACM Symposium on Applied Computing B
SAFECOMP International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security B
SAFEProcess IFAC Symposioum on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes B
SAGA Symposium on Stochastic Algorithms, Foundations, and Applications B
SBBD Brazilian Symposium on Databases B
SCAI Scandinavian Conference on Artifical Intelligence B
SCRAA Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference B
SCSC Summer Computer Simulation Conference B
SEAL Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution & Learning B
SEC IFIP International Information Security Conference B
SECON IEEE Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks B
SecureComm IEEE/CreateNet International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks B
SECURITY Usenix Security Symposium B
SEEP International Conference on Software Engineering: Education and Practice B
SEFM International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods B
SEKE International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering B
SEQAPP International Conference on Sequences and their Applications B
SIGCHI-NZ International NZ Conference on Computer-Human Interaction B
SIGOPS-EW ACM SIGOPS European Workshops B
SIROCCO Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity B
SMC IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics B
SOFTCOMM Conferenceon Software in Tcomms and Comp Networks B
SoMeT International Conference on Software Methods and Tools B
SPEC Workshop on Security and Privacy in E-commerce B
SPICIS Singapore International Conferenceon Intelligent System B
SPIRE International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval B
SST Australasian Speech Science & Technology B
STEP Software Technology and Engineering Practice Conference B
SWDC International Conference on Software Development B
TOOLS Technology of object-oriented languages and systems B
UKAIS UK Academy of Information Systems conference B
UKSS United Kingdom Systems Society B
UMC Unconventional Models of Computation B
UML Unified Modelling Language B
VAPP Vector and Parallel Processing B
VDB Visual Database Systems B
VEE International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments B
VTC IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference B
WABI Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics B
WAE Workshop on Algorithm Engineering B
WAIS International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics B
WCES World Congress on Expert Systems B
WCNC IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference B
WCNN World Congress on Neural Networks B
WCRE IEEE Working Conference on Reverse Engineering B
WCSS World Congress on Systems Simulation B
WCW Web Caching Workshop B
WDAG Workshop on Distributed Algorithms (DISC since 1998) B
WG Workshop on Graph Theory B
WI IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence B
WiOpt International. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks B
WoLLIC Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation B
WORDS International Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems B
WSC Winter Simulation Conference B
AdCom International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications C
AEN IASTED International Conferenceon AI, Exp Sys & Neural Networks C
AI IASTED International Conference on Applied Informatics C
AIA Artificial Intelligence and Applications Conference C
AIL International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law C
AIS Advances in Intelligent Systems C
AIS SIGED:IAIM International Academy for Information Management) International Conference on Informatics Education & Research C
AISAT International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Science and Technology C
AMAST Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology C
ANNES Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Expert systems C
APCOMin Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Minerals Industries C
APORS Conference of the Association of Asian-Pacific Operational Research Societies C
APPIA/GULP/PRODE Joint Conference on Declarative Programming APPIA-GULP-PRODE C
AQSDT Symposium on Assessment of Quality S/W Dev Tools C
ARTDB Active and Real-Time Database Systems C
ARVLSI Advanced Research in VLSI C
ASC IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing C
ASM IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling C
BC IFIP International Conference on Broadband Communications C
BECC Bled Electronic Commerce Conference C
BIBE IEEE Bioinformatics and Bioengineering C
CAADRIA Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia C
CAINE ISCA International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering C
CATA International Conference on Computers and their Applications C
CATE IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education C
CCRTS International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium C
CCTAF Intelligent Multimedia, Computing and Communications Technologies and Applications of the Future C
CDB Constraint Databases and Applications C
CHPC International Conference on High Performance Computing C
CIBCB IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology C
CIEAEM Conference of the Commission Internationale pour l'Etude et l'Amelioration de l'Enseignement des Mathematiques C
CIMCA International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation C
CIRSYS International Symposium on Circuits and Systems C
CISST International Conference Image Science, Systems and Technology C
CODAS International Symposium on Cooperative Database Systems for Advanced Applications C
CollECTeR Collaborative Electronic Commerce Technology and Research C
COMPDES International Symposium on Computer Design C
COMSWARE te-Net/ICST International Conference on COMmunication System softWAre and MiddlewaRE C
CPD Constraint Programming Day C
CryPAC Cryptography Policy and Algorithms Conference C
CSEE Conference on Software Engineering Education C
CSICC International CSI Computer Conference C
CTAC Computational Techniques and Applications Conference C
CxS International Conference on Complex Systems C
DASD Symposium on Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Distributed Systems C
DASWIS Data Semantics in Web Information Systems C
DBPL Databases and Programming Language C
Dcw Distributed Communities on the Web Workshop C
DMDW Design and Management of Data Warehouses C
DMKD Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery C
DOLAP International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP C
DSAA International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications C
DSI Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute C
DSLSE Domain - Specific Languages for Software Engineering C
DSTKM International Conference on Decision Support Through Knowledge Management C
DTVE Workshop on Database Technology for Virtual Enterprises C
DVAT Information Systems &Technologies /SPIE Conference on Digital Video Compression Algorithms & Techniques C
EFIS/EFDBS Engineering Federated Information (Database) Systems C
EFTF/IFCS Joint Meeting of the European Frequency and Time Forum and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers In C
EICAR European Institute for Computer Anti-Virus ResearchEICAR Conference C
EKM European Conference on Knowledge Management C
EMBC The Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society C
EMCIS European Mediterranean Info Systems C
EP Annual Conference on Evolutionary Programming C
ESCAPE Symposium On Combinatorics, Algorithms, Probabilistic and Experimental Methodologies C
ETHICOMP International Conference on the Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies C
EUFIT European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing C
EuroBot European Workshop on Advanced Mobile Robots C
EWCG European Workshop on Computational Geometry C
FATES A Satellite workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software C
FIRA FIRA Robot World Congress C
FMICS Int. Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems C
FMOOD International Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems C
FMP Formal Methods Pacific C
FMSEDS Formal Methods in Software Engineering and Defence Systems Workshop C
FOOL International Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages C
FQAS Flexible Query-Answering Systems C
FTJP Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java Programs C
FUSION International Conference on Information Fusion C
GeoComp International Conference on GeoComputation C
GOR Conference on Operations Research C
HASKELL Haskell Workshop C
HCI International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction C
HealthCom International Workshop on Enterprise Networking and Computing in Health Care Industry C
HIC Health Informatics Conference C
HLPP International workshop on High-level parallel programming and applications C
HPC International Conference and Exhibition on High Performance Computing in the Asia-Pacific Region C
IADIS AC IADIS International Conference Applied Computing C
IAIF International Workshop on Image Analysis and Information Fusion C
IAIM Annual Conference of the International Academy for Information Management C
IAS IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Conference C
IAT ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology C
IAWTIC International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies, and Internet Commerce C
IBIMA International Business Information Management C
IC International Conference on Internet Computing C
ICA IFAC Conference on Automation C
IC-AI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence C
ICANNGA International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms C
ICAPRDT International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition and Digital Techniques C
ICCIMA International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications C
ICCIT International Conference on Computer and Information Technology C
ICCSA International Conference on Communication Systems and Applications C
ICEB International Conference on e-Business C
ICEC IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation C
ICEComm International Conference on Electronic Commerce C
ICEE International Conference on Engineering Education C
ICIL International Conference on Intelligent Systems C
ICITA International Conference on Information Technology and Applications C
ICMSO International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation C
ICOTA International Conference on Optimization: Techniques And Applications C
ICSRIC International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics C
ICSSEA International Conference "Software and Systems Engineering and their Applications" C
ICTT International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism C
ICVS International Conference on Virtual Storytelling C
IDC IEEE Conference on Information, Decision and Control C
IDEAL International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning C
IDFC IDF Congress C
iEMSs Intenational Environmental Modelling and Software Society C
IFAC International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress C
IGARSS IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium C
IICISA International ICSC Congress on Intelligent Systems and Applications C
IICS Innovative Internet Computer Systems C
IIWAS Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services C
IMSA IASTED International Conference on Internet, Multimedia Systems and Applications C
INAP International Conference on Applications of Prolog C
Interspeech Interspeech C
IPMU International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty C
IPS IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Processing Systems C
IPythC International Python Conference C
IRITA International Information Technology in Regional Areas Conference C
ISAS-SCI World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics C
ISAVIIA International Symposium on Audio, Video, Image Processing and Intelligent Applications C
ISC IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control C
ISDSS Conference of the International Society for Decision Support Systems C
ISECON Information Systems Education Conference C
ISFST International Symposium on Future Software Technology C
ISIMP International Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech Processing C
ISITA IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications C
ISORC IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing C
I-SPAN International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks C
ISSA International Symposium on Static Analysis C
ISSDI International Symposium on Spatial Data Infrastructures C
ISSDQ International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality C
ISSS International Symposium on System Synthesis C
ISW Information Security Workshop C
ITHET International Conference on IT Based Higher Education and Training C
ITiRA Information Technology in Regional Areas Conference C
ITIS Symposium on Information Technology and Information Systems C
ITW IEEE Information Theory Workshop on Detection, Estimation, Classification and Imaging C
IWC International Web conference C
IWCC IEEE International Workshop on Cluster Computing and the Grid C
IWDOM International Workshop on Distributed Object Management C
IW-MMDBMS Int. Workshop on Multi-Media Data Base Management Systems C
JCIS Joint Conference on Information Sciences C
JECGI Joint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information C
JFPLC International French Speaking Conference on Logic and Constraint Programming C
JHPC Workshop On Java For High-Performance Computing C
JURIX International Conference on Legal Knowledge-based Systems C
KAW Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and Management Workshop C
KDDMBD Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining in Biological Databases Meeting C
KDEEW IEEE Knowledge and Data Engineering Exchange Workshop C
KDEX Knowledge and Data Engineering Exchange Workshop C
KRDB Knowledge Representation Meets Databases C
L&L Workshop on Logic and Learning C
LARC NASA LaRC Formal Methods Workshop C
LawTech IASTED International conference Law and Technology C
LCCS International Workshop on Logic and Complexity in Computer Science C
LI Law via the Internet C
LOCALGOS Workshop on Localized Alg. and Protocols for Wireless C
LREC Language Resources and Evaluatin Conference C
MDDS Mobility in Databases and Distributed Systems C
MDSRIA International Workshop on Multimedia Data Storage, Retrieval, Integration and Applications C
METRICS (several conferences of these name - can't rank) C
MEWS Mining for Enhanced Web Search C
MIC IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control C
MME IEEE International Conference on Multimedia in Education C
MobiDE Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access C
MODSIM International Congress on Modelling and Simulation C
MODSS Multiple Objective Decision Support System Conference C
MPOOL Workshop on Multiparadigm Programming with OO Languages C
MS IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation C
MSO IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Optimization C
MTNS International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems C
MVSP Intelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech Processing Symposium C
NAFIPS North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Conference C
NAISO NAISO Congress on Autonomous Intelligent System C
NCCIS National Conference on Computer and Information Systems C
NDB National Database Conference (China) C
NeMLaP Joint Conference on New Methods in Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning C
NFM The Northern Formal Methods Workshops C
NHIC National Health Informatics Conference C
NLDB Applications of Natural Language to Data Bases C
NNSP IEEE International Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing C
NPDP Annual IASTED International Conference on Networks, Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications C
NPSC International Conference on Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations C
NRDM Workshop on Network-Related Data Management C
OASIS Organisations and Society in Information Systems Workshop C
OODBS Workshop on Object-Oriented Database Systems C
OOIS International Conference on Object Oriented Information Systems C
ORPA Conference on Operational Research Practice in Africa C
OTA Optimization: Techniques And Applications C
PAAM Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology Conference C
PADO Symposium on Programs as Data Objects C
PAP/PACT Practical Aspects of PROLOG/Constraint Technology C
PARCO Parallel Computing C
PAWEC Pacific-Asia Workshop on Electronic Commerce C
PCNS SPIE - Conference on Performance and Control of Network Systems C
PCS International Picture Coding Symposium C
PCW International Parallel Computing Workshop C
PDCN IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks C
PDCS IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems C
PDIS Parallel and Distributed Information Systems C
PDP International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium C
PDPTA International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications C
PHYSDES International Symposium on Physical Design C
PMIP IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia C
PPCIS Pan Pacific Conference on Information Systems C
PSB Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing C
PSOR International Conference on Probability, Statistics and Operational Research C
PTPC International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public-Key Cryptography C
QuantCom International Conference on Experimental Implementation of Quantum Computation C
RFF International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics & Factories of the Future C
RM IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Manufacturing C
ROVPIA International Conference on Robotics C
RS Annual Convention for Survey, Mapping and Remote Sensing C
RTDB Workshop on Real-Time Databases C
SARC International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction C
SCW IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding C
SE IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering C
SEA IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications C
SECRYPT International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology C
SEET Software Engineering Education and Training Conference C
SELCRYP Annual Workshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography C
Sensor Networks Sensor Networks C
SFP Scottish Functional Programming Workshop C
SimTecT Simulation Technology and Training Conference C
SInT IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory C
SIP IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing C
SIRC Spatial Information Research Centre Colloquium C
SIST Spatial Information Science and Technology Conference C
SITE Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference C
SPDS ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems C
SQC Software Quality Conference C
SQM International Conference on Software Quality Management C
SREIS Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information Security C
SRIG-ET Software Education Conference C
SSC IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control C
SSGRR International Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic Business, Science, and Education on the Internet C
SSS Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems C
STM International Conference on Systems Thinking in Management C
SYSSYN International Symposium on System Synthesis C
TAKMA Theory and Applications of Knowledge MAnagement C
TE International Conference on Technology Education C
TENCON IEEE Region Ten Conference C
TIDSE Technology for Interactive Digital Storytelling C
VDbS IFIP Working Conference on Visual Database Systems C
VDEA SPIE Conference on Visual Data Exploration and Analysis C
VIIP IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing C
VIP Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing C
VISUAL International Conference on Visual Information Systems C
VLFM Visual Languages and Formal Methods C
VLSID International Conference on VLSI Design C
VSMM International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia C
W2GIS International Workshop on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems C
WAIM Interational Conference on Web Age Information Management C
WALCOM Workshop on Algorithms and Computation C
WAW Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph C
WCC World Computer Congress C
WCCE World Conference on Computers in Education C
WDSI Western Decision Sciences Institute Conference C
WebDB International Workshop on the Web and Databases C
WEBIST International conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies C
WebNet World Conference on the WWW and Internet C
WEC International Workshop on Entertainment Computing C
WFLP International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming C
WHIS Workshop on Hybrid Intelligent Systems C
WICS International Computer Symposium Workshop C
WIDM ACM Workshop on Web Information and Data Mangement C
WMSCI World Multiconfs on Systems, Cybernetics & Informatics C
WoPP IEEE International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops C
WORLDCOMP World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing C
WTASA Workshop on Theoretical and Algorithmic Aspects of Sensor and Ad-hoc Networks C
WWCA International Conference on Worldwide Computing and Its Applications C
ZB International Conference of Z and B Users C
ZUM International Conference of Z Users C
ZUSER International Conference of Z Users C
  Informatics in Education (journal, congress, symposium, etc all under this name - can't rank) C
ACAC Australasian Computer Architecture Conference L
ACCMCC Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing L
ACEC Australasian Computers in Education Conference L
ACID Algorithms and Complexity in Durham L
ACKMIDS Australian Conference for Knowledge Management and Intelligent Decision Support L
ACMA Australasian Computer Music Conference L
ACNN Australian Conference on Neural Networks L
ACSSC Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computing L
AFETE Asia-Pacific Forum on Engineering and Technology Education L
AICE Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference L
AICEC AICEC Conference L
AJWIES Australia-Japan Joint Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems L
AKAW Australian Knowledge Acquisition Workshop L
ANZMODS The Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Meeting L
APCHDL Asia Pacific Conference on Hardware Description Languages L
APDSI Asia Pacific Decision Science Institute Conference L
APRTS Australasian Conference on Parallel and Real-Time Systems L
APSEC/ICSC Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference and International Computer Science Conference L
ARSC Australasian Remote Sensing Conference L
ASCILITE Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education L
ASDAC Asia Pacific Design Automation Conference L
ASIV Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation L
ASOR National Conference of The Australian Society for Operations Research L
ATNAC Australian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference L
AUCADC Apple University Consortium Academic & Developers Conference L
AuCSS Australasian Cognitive Science Society Conference L
AURISA Australasian Urban and Regional Information Systems Association Conference L
AuRW Australasian Refinement Workshop L
AusWeb Australian World Wide Web Conference L
AUUG Australian UNIX Users Group National Conference L
AUUG/APWEB Joint Australian Unix Users' Group and Asia Pacific World Wide Web Conference L
AWOCA Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms L
AWSA Australian Workshop on Software Architecture L
BCS-FMW British Computer Society Formal Aspects of Computing Science Specialist Group Workshop L
CanaDAM Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference L
CEG Computing in Education Group of Victoria Conference L
COMPUMOD Australasian Compumod Users' Conference L
CSR Computer Science Symposium in Russia L
DITAM Doing IT at Melbourne L
DIVC Joint Australia and New Zealand Biennial Conference on Digital Image and Vision Computing L
FlAIRS Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference L
GCCCE Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education L
ICCC International Conference on Chinese Computing L
ICTCS Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science L
IDC(W) International Database Conference (HK CS) L
IDEAW Integrated Data Environments Australia Workshop L
INDOCRYPT International Conference on Cryptology in India L
MADYMO Australian MADYMO Users Meeting L
MATLAB Australian MATLAB Conference L
MCDA Australian Workshop on Mobile Computing, Databases and Applications L
MCSpo Australian Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sport L
MICC/ISPACS Joint IEEE Malaysia International Conference on Communications and IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems L
NACCQ National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications L
NORDSEC Nordic Workshop on Secure IT Systems L
ODLA Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia Bienniel Forum L
PACCS Post-Graduate ADFA Conference on Computer Science L
SCSS Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software L
UWACS University of Western Australia Computer Science Research Conference L
WarSec Australian Information Warfare & Security Conference L
WAWISR Western Australian Workshop on Information Systems Research L
WIC Australasian Women in Computing Workshop L








ACM SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Communication Architectures, Protocols & Apps




IEEE INFOCOM: The Conference on Computer Communications




IEEE International conference on communications




IEEE Globecom: Global Telecommunications Conference




IEEE ITC: International Test Conference




IEEE The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks




ACM MobiCom: International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking




ACM SIGMETRICS: Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems




MOBIHOC: ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing




IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems




IMC: Internet Measurement Conference




ICCV: IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision




CVPR: IEEE Conf on Comp Vision and Pattern Recognition




ECCV: European Conference on Computer Vision




DCC: Data Compression Conference




ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning




NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems




ACM MM: ACM Multimedia Conference




IEEE ICIP: International conference on Image Processing




IEEE ICME: International Conference on Multimedia and Expo




IEEE VR:IEEE Virtual Reality




ACM VRST:ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology




CGI:Computer Graphics International




ACL: The Association for Computational Linguistics




COLING: International Conference on Computational Linguistics




IEEE ICASSP: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing




IJCNLP: International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing




IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference




IEEE VLSI Test Symposium




IEEE/ACM Design, Automation and Test in Europe




IEEE Asian Test Symposium




Ubicomp: International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing




PerCom: IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications




EUC: The IFIP International Conference on Embedded And Ubiquitous Computing




ICPS: IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services




SenSys,ACM Conference on Embedded NEtworked Sensor Systems

ACM主办传感器网络最有影响力的会议,由SIGCOMM, SIGMOBILE, SIGARCH, SIGOPS, SIGMETRICS, SIGBEDACMSpecial Interest Groups提供学术资助。从2003年开始,已经连续举办4届:03年收录24篇;04年收录21篇;05收录21篇文章;0624篇收录文章。目前只能查到2004年的录用率,为14.5%。



SECON, IEEE Communication Society Conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc COmmunications and Networks,

由IEEE发起的会议,基本每年举行一次。近三年的录取率(04,05,06)分别为18.1% 27.2%和25.9%



MASS, IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems

由IEEE、DARPA、 NSF和Army Research Office 发起的国际会议,基本每年举行一次。2006年录用率24%



The International Conference for High Performance Computing and Communication

每年11月举行(始于1989年), Conference on High Performance Networking and Computing , http://www.sc-conference.org/



CLUSTER 4, IEEE Int’l Conf. on Cluster Computing,




HPDC-, th IEEE Int’l Symp. on High-Performance Distributed Computing, Honolulu.




 NASA/IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST4)




SuperComputing:The International Conference for High Performance Computing and Communications

 高性能计算机方向公认的高水平会议之一,第一届会议是1988年,每年11月举行,4、5月份投稿。会议内容包括technical and education programs,workshops,tutorials以及展览的一系列活动供与会者参加。SuperComputing“is the one place that attendees can see tomorrow's technology being used to solve world-class challenge problems today”。官方网站为http://www.sc-conference.org



IEEE Int'l Conf. on Cluster Computing

 该会议一般会以Cluster+年份作为会议名称,比如Cluster 2005。该会议主要讨论商业集群相关技术,包括“To achieve higher performance, scalability, and usability, research and development challenges remain in virtually all areas of cluster computing, including middleware, networking, algorithms and applications, resource management, platform deployment and maintenance, and integration with grid computing”。每年9月份举行,4、5月份投稿。



[ICDCS] International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems

 由IEEE主办,开始于1979年,从84年起每年举办一次。这是分布式计算系统领域中历史最悠久的会议。ICDCS provides a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry, and government to present and discuss their latest research findings on a broad array of topics in distributed computing.



[HPDC] IEEE Int'l Symp. On High Performance Distributed Computing

 This conference is “a forum for presenting the latest research findings on the design and use of highly networked systems for computing, collaboration, data analysis, and other innovative tasks”. 每年6、7月份举行,2月份截稿,3月底确定



International Conference for High Performance Computing and Communications (IEEE/ACM Supercomputing Conference)




ACM International Conference on Supercomputing




IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium

IEEE 和ACM SIGARCH发起的并行处理国际会议。每年一次



IEEE International Conference on Parallel Processing




IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing




ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems.

Performance presents papers on the development and application of state of the art, broadly applicable analytic, simulation, and measurement-based performance evaluation techniques. We are interested in techniques whose aim is to evaluate a system's dependability, security, correctness, or power consumption as well as more traditional performance metrics. Of particular interest is work that furthers the state of the art in performance evaluation methods, or that creatively applies previously developed methods to gain important insights into key design trade-offs in complex computer and communication systems.



IEEE Annual Workshops on Workload Characterization.

The meeting that began as Workshop on Workload Characterization (WWC) in 1998 is becoming a Symposium. New computer applications and programming paradigms are constantly emerging to complement new and improving technology. The design of next generation microprocessors and computer systems should be based on an understanding of today's emerging workloads.



International Symposium on Computer Architecture(ISCA)

ISCA is the premier forum for computer architecture research



International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture(HPCA)




International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO)

The annual MICRO conference (co-sponsored by SIGMICRO) has been a key forum for presenting major breakthroughs in computing architecture, and has established itself as the premier conference on instruction level parallelism.



 FAST: USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies,




NASA/IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST4)




 SNAPI4: International Workshop on Storage Network Architecture and Parallel I/Os, Antibes Juan-les-spins, French,




 IEEE SC: SC-High Performance Computing, Networking and Storage Conference




IEEE International Workshop on Networking, Architecture, and StoragesIWNAS




 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic ComputingICAC

