在上一个步骤中,已经获得了图Text proposal所示的一串或多串text proposal,接下来就要采用文本线构造法,把这些text proposal连接成一个文本检测框。
为了说明问题,假设某张图有上图所示的2个text proposal,即蓝色和红色2组Anchor,CTPN采用如下算法构造文本线:
def detect(self, text_proposals, scores, size):
# 删除得分较低的proposal
keep_inds = np.where(scores > TextLineCfg.TEXT_PROPOSALS_MIN_SCORE)[0] # 获取文本框得分大于0.7的索引
text_proposals, scores = text_proposals[keep_inds], scores[keep_inds] # 根据索引获得文本框信息和得分
# 按得分排序
sorted_indices = np.argsort(scores.ravel())[::-1]
text_proposals, scores = text_proposals[sorted_indices], scores[sorted_indices]
# 对proposal做nms
keep_inds = nms(np.hstack((text_proposals, scores)), TextLineCfg.TEXT_PROPOSALS_NMS_THRESH)
text_proposals, scores = text_proposals[keep_inds], scores[keep_inds]
# 根据预测的碎片框,及其得分,图像宽高进行文本行合并
# utils/text_connector/text_proposal_connector.py
text_recs = self.text_proposal_connector.get_text_lines(text_proposals, scores, size)
# 按一定条件过滤合并后的文本行
keep_inds = self.filter_boxes(text_recs)
return text_recs[keep_inds]
def get_text_lines(self, text_proposals, scores, im_size):
# tp=text proposal
tp_groups = self.group_text_proposals(text_proposals, scores, im_size) # 返回值里存放着每行的相似框,每个子图是一行
text_lines = np.zeros((len(tp_groups), 5), np.float32)
for index, tp_indices in enumerate(tp_groups):
text_line_boxes = text_proposals[list(tp_indices)] # 取一行相似碎片框
x0 = np.min(text_line_boxes[:, 0]) # 获取x的最小值
x1 = np.max(text_line_boxes[:, 2]) # 获取x的最大值
offset = (text_line_boxes[0, 2] - text_line_boxes[0, 0]) * 0.5 #第一个相似框宽度的一半,其实每个框宽度都等于16
lt_y, rt_y = self.fit_y(text_line_boxes[:, 0], text_line_boxes[:, 1], x0 + offset, x1 - offset) # 左上y, 右上y
lb_y, rb_y = self.fit_y(text_line_boxes[:, 0], text_line_boxes[:, 3], x0 + offset, x1 - offset) # 坐下y,右下y
# the score of a text line is the average score of the scores
# of all text proposals contained in the text line
# 文本行的分数是该文本行中包含的所有文本碎片框的分数的平均分数
score = scores[list(tp_indices)].sum() / float(len(tp_indices))
text_lines[index, 0] = x0
text_lines[index, 1] = min(lt_y, rt_y) # y0
text_lines[index, 2] = x1
text_lines[index, 3] = max(lb_y, rb_y) # y1
text_lines[index, 4] = score # 得分
text_lines = clip_boxes(text_lines, im_size) # 保证文本框在图像内
text_recs = np.zeros((len(text_lines), 9), np.float)
index = 0
for line in text_lines: # 得到每一文本行四个角坐标
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = line[0], line[1], line[2], line[3]
text_recs[index, 0] = xmin # 左上点x
text_recs[index, 1] = ymin # 左上点y
text_recs[index, 2] = xmax # 右上点x
text_recs[index, 3] = ymin # 右上点y
text_recs[index, 4] = xmax
text_recs[index, 5] = ymax
text_recs[index, 6] = xmin
text_recs[index, 7] = ymax
text_recs[index, 8] = line[4] # 得分
index = index + 1
return text_recs # 返回各个文本行及其得分
def build_graph(self, text_proposals, scores, im_size):
self.text_proposals = text_proposals # 预测的文本框碎片
self.scores = scores # 得分
self.im_size = im_size # 图像宽高
self.heights = text_proposals[:, 3] - text_proposals[:, 1] + 1 # 文本框的高度
# 下面这段代码的功能是将所有的预测框,按左上点x坐标进行归类
boxes_table = [[] for _ in range(self.im_size[1])] # im_size[1] = w 图像宽度
for index, box in enumerate(text_proposals): # text_proposals shape(?,4)
boxes_table[int(box[0])].append(index) # box[0]是预测碎片框的左上点x坐标
self.boxes_table = boxes_table
# graph类型 n*n n是预测框的大小
graph = np.zeros((text_proposals.shape[0], text_proposals.shape[0]), np.bool)
for index, box in enumerate(text_proposals): # 遍历预测出的碎片框
successions = self.get_successions(index) # 在当前索引左上点x坐标一定区间范围内找与当前索引相似的预测碎片框作为返回值
if len(successions) == 0: # 没有与当前索引相似的碎片框
# 往右找相似碎片框
succession_index = successions[np.argmax(scores[successions])] #取出所有相似碎片框中scores最大值所对应的索引
if self.is_succession_node(index, succession_index): # 往左找相似碎片框,左右相互相似
# NOTE: a box can have multiple successions(precursors) if multiple successions(precursors)
# have equal scores. 一个预测框可能有多个得分一样的相似框
graph[index, succession_index] = True # 当前索引和其相似索引标记为True,形成对应关系
return Graph(graph)
# 往右边寻找
# 根据当前索引,判断当前预测碎片框左上点x坐标+1,到当前预测碎片框左上点x坐标+1+最大间隙值(20)与图像宽度中取较小值
# 在这个区间范围内找与当前索引相似的预测碎片框作为返回值
def get_successions(self, index): # index 是当前预测碎片框的索引
box = self.text_proposals[index] # 根据索引获得预测碎片框坐标 x1,y1,x2,y2
results = []
# left 范围是当前预测碎片框左上点x坐标+1,到当前预测碎片框左上点x坐标+1+最大间隙值(20)与图像宽度中取较小值
for left in range(int(box[0]) + 1, min(int(box[0]) + TextLineCfg.MAX_HORIZONTAL_GAP + 1, self.im_size[1])):
adj_box_indices = self.boxes_table[left] # 所有左上点x坐标为left的索引
for adj_box_index in adj_box_indices: # 遍历左上点x坐标为left的索引
if self.meet_v_iou(adj_box_index, index): # 判断两个预选框的偏差,如果差别较小则加入结果
if len(results) != 0:
return results # 返回相关索引
return results
# 往左边寻找相似框,思路和向右的一样
def get_precursors(self, index):
box = self.text_proposals[index]
results = []
for left in range(int(box[0]) - 1, max(int(box[0] - TextLineCfg.MAX_HORIZONTAL_GAP), 0) - 1, -1):
adj_box_indices = self.boxes_table[left]
for adj_box_index in adj_box_indices:
if self.meet_v_iou(adj_box_index, index):
if len(results) != 0:
return results
return results
# 右边是左边的相似框,反过来判断左边是不是右边的相似框
def is_succession_node(self, index, succession_index):
precursors = self.get_precursors(succession_index) # 得到左边与右边相似的碎片框
if self.scores[index] >= np.max(self.scores[precursors]):
return True
return False
# 判断两个预选框的偏差,高度的偏差和y坐标差与最小高度的比值
def meet_v_iou(self, index1, index2): # index1 左上点x坐标为left的索引 index2 是当前预测碎片框的索引
# 计算两个预选框y方向坐标差与最小高度的比值
def overlaps_v(index1, index2):
h1 = self.heights[index1]
h2 = self.heights[index2]
y0 = max(self.text_proposals[index2][1], self.text_proposals[index1][1]) # 获取两个索引左上点y坐标的最大值
y1 = min(self.text_proposals[index2][3], self.text_proposals[index1][3]) # 获取两个索引右下点y坐标的最小值
return max(0, y1 - y0 + 1) / min(h1, h2)
# 计算两个预选框高度的比例,横小于1的情况小越接近1 说明越相似
def size_similarity(index1, index2):
h1 = self.heights[index1]
h2 = self.heights[index2]
return min(h1, h2) / max(h1, h2)
return overlaps_v(index1, index2) >= TextLineCfg.MIN_V_OVERLAPS and \
size_similarity(index1, index2) >= TextLineCfg.MIN_SIZE_SIM