IP Location

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Comprehensive Coverage of the Breakthrough Technology That Can Find Anyone or Anything--Anywhere

In today's vast world of global commerce with users that are more nomadic than ever, the need for reliable, secure, and efficient access technologies is rapidly increasing. IP Location provides you with a guided tour of location determination, tackling this new technology head on and addressing all aspects of location management, delivery, and conveyance within IP networks. Covering important real-world applications such as emergency (911) services, asset tracking, call routing, navigation, and staff location in hot desk environments, this book gives you all the information you need to fully support this cutting-edge technology.

*Learn how location information is produced, transported, and consumed on the Internet
*Understand the semantics and constructs of the HELD and FLAP protocols
*Discover the three roles of the presence model--presentity, presence service, and watcher
*Explore how the Access Location Entity (ALE) helps determine location within particular types of networks
*Examine in detail the Location Information Server (LIS) including its different types and interfaces
*Determine IP location for devices connected to all types of networks including WiFi and WiMAX
*Get details on location determination and acquisition techniques for residential broadband networks such as DSL and cable
*Find out about privacy controls and considerations for Internet location

