1.Server端的程序如下。几乎所有的Netty程序都是先定义一个bossGroup和一个workerGroup,前者用来接收Client请求,后者用来处理Client请求,各司其职。接下来我们来具体分析一下new NioEventLoopGroup();
EventLoopGroup bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();
EventLoopGroup workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();
try {
ServerBootstrap serverBootstrap = new ServerBootstrap();
serverBootstrap.group(bossGroup, workerGroup).channel(NioServerSocketChannel.class)
.handler(new LoggingHandler(LogLevel.WARN))
.childHandler(new MyServerInitializer());
ChannelFuture channelFuture = serverBootstrap.bind(8899).sync();
} finally {
- 进入构造函数
public NioEventLoopGroup() {
- 调用另一个构造函数。在这个构造函数里,传入了线程数为0,null强转为Executor
public NioEventLoopGroup(int nThreads) {
this(nThreads, (Executor) null);
- 调用构造函数,注意这里的构造函数传入了
,SelectorProvider定义了创建selector、ServerSocketChannel、SocketChannel等方法,采用Java的 Service Provider Interface (SPI) 方式实现。
public NioEventLoopGroup(int nThreads, Executor executor) {
this(nThreads, executor, SelectorProvider.provider());
- 在此调用构造函数
public NioEventLoopGroup(
int nThreads, Executor executor, final SelectorProvider selectorProvider) {
this(nThreads, executor, selectorProvider, DefaultSelectStrategyFactory.INSTANCE);
- DefaultSelectStrategyFactory.INSTANCE这个返回一个DefaultSelectStrategyFactory对象,构造方法被私有化,是单例模式,调用newSelectStrategy() 方法,会返回一个DefaultSelectStrategy对象
public final class DefaultSelectStrategyFactory implements SelectStrategyFactory {
public static final SelectStrategyFactory INSTANCE = new DefaultSelectStrategyFactory();
private DefaultSelectStrategyFactory() { }
public SelectStrategy newSelectStrategy() {
return DefaultSelectStrategy.INSTANCE;
static { DEFAULT_EVENT_LOOP_THREADS = Math.max(1, SystemPropertyUtil.getInt( "io.netty.eventLoopThreads", NettyRuntime.availableProcessors() * 2)); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("-Dio.netty.eventLoopThreads: {}", DEFAULT_EVENT_LOOP_THREADS); } }
protected MultithreadEventLoopGroup(int nThreads, Executor executor, Object... args) { super(nThreads == 0 ? DEFAULT_EVENT_LOOP_THREADS : nThreads, executor, args); }
protected MultithreadEventExecutorGroup(int nThreads, Executor executor, Object... args) { this(nThreads, executor, DefaultEventExecutorChooserFactory.INSTANCE, args); }
@Override public EventExecutorChooser newChooser(EventExecutor[] executors) { if (isPowerOfTwo(executors.length)) { return new PowerOfTwoEventExecutorChooser(executors); } else { return new GenericEventExecutorChooser(executors); } }
/** * Create a new instance. * * @param nThreads the number of threads that will be used by this instance. * @param executor the Executor to use, or {@code null} if the default should be used. * @param chooserFactory the {@link EventExecutorChooserFactory} to use. * @param args arguments which will passed to each {@link #newChild(Executor, Object...)} call */ protected MultithreadEventExecutorGroup(int nThreads, Executor executor, EventExecutorChooserFactory chooserFactory, Object... args) { if (nThreads <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("nThreads: %d (expected: > 0)", nThreads)); } if (executor == null) { executor = new ThreadPerTaskExecutor(newDefaultThreadFactory()); } children = new EventExecutor[nThreads]; for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i ++) { boolean success = false; try { children[i] = newChild(executor, args); success = true; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: Think about if this is a good exception type throw new IllegalStateException("failed to create a child event loop", e); } finally { if (!success) { for (int j = 0; j < i; j ++) { children[j].shutdownGracefully(); } for (int j = 0; j < i; j ++) { EventExecutor e = children[j]; try { while (!e.isTerminated()) { e.awaitTermination(Integer.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } } catch (InterruptedException interrupted) { // Let the caller handle the interruption. Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); break; } } } } } chooser = chooserFactory.newChooser(children); final FutureListener
if (executor == null) { executor = new ThreadPerTaskExecutor(newDefaultThreadFactory()); }
protected ThreadFactory newDefaultThreadFactory() { return new DefaultThreadFactory(getClass()); }
public DefaultThreadFactory(Class> poolType) { this(poolType, false, Thread.NORM_PRIORITY); }
public DefaultThreadFactory(Class> poolType, boolean daemon, int priority) { this(toPoolName(poolType), daemon, priority); }
public DefaultThreadFactory(String poolName, boolean daemon, int priority) { this(poolName, daemon, priority, System.getSecurityManager() == null ? Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup() : System.getSecurityManager().getThreadGroup()); }
public DefaultThreadFactory(String poolName, boolean daemon, int priority, ThreadGroup threadGroup) { if (poolName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("poolName"); } if (priority < Thread.MIN_PRIORITY || priority > Thread.MAX_PRIORITY) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "priority: " + priority + " (expected: Thread.MIN_PRIORITY <= priority <= Thread.MAX_PRIORITY)"); } prefix = poolName + '-' + poolId.incrementAndGet() + '-'; this.daemon = daemon; this.priority = priority; this.threadGroup = threadGroup; }
public final class ThreadPerTaskExecutor implements Executor { private final ThreadFactory threadFactory; public ThreadPerTaskExecutor(ThreadFactory threadFactory) { if (threadFactory == null) { throw new NullPointerException("threadFactory"); } this.threadFactory = threadFactory; } @Override public void execute(Runnable command) { threadFactory.newThread(command).start(); } }
children[i] = newChild(executor, args);
protected EventLoop newChild(Executor executor, Object... args) throws Exception { return new NioEventLoop(this, executor, (SelectorProvider) args[0], ((SelectStrategyFactory) args[1]).newSelectStrategy(), (RejectedExecutionHandler) args[2]); }
其中:final SelectorTuple selectorTuple = openSelector();就是获得一个nio的selector,用于Channel的注册。
NioEventLoop(NioEventLoopGroup parent, Executor executor, SelectorProvider selectorProvider, SelectStrategy strategy, RejectedExecutionHandler rejectedExecutionHandler) { super(parent, executor, false, DEFAULT_MAX_PENDING_TASKS, rejectedExecutionHandler); if (selectorProvider == null) { throw new NullPointerException("selectorProvider"); } if (strategy == null) { throw new NullPointerException("selectStrategy"); } provider = selectorProvider; final SelectorTuple selectorTuple = openSelector(); selector = selectorTuple.selector; unwrappedSelector = selectorTuple.unwrappedSelector; selectStrategy = strategy; }
chooser = chooserFactory.newChooser(children);