代码原始出处: https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost/tree/master/demo/kaggle-higgs
希格斯玻色子(英语:Higgs boson)是标准模型里的一种基本粒子,是因物理学者彼得·希格斯而命名。
2013年10月8日,因为“次原子粒子质量的生成机制理论,促进了人类对这方面的理解,并且最近由欧洲核子研究组织属下大型强子对撞机的超环面仪器及紧凑μ子线圈探测器发现的基本粒子证实”,弗朗索瓦·恩格勒、彼得·希格斯荣获2013年诺贝尔物理学奖。一个粒子的重要特点是它在其他粒子之后延迟多少。CERN用ATLAS进行物理实验来寻找新粒子。实验最近发现一个 Higgs boson延迟在两个tau粒子出现,但是该延迟只是淹没在背景噪声中的小信号。
该竞赛的目的是利用机器学习方法,提高ATLAS实验发现粒子的显著性。竞赛无需粒子物理的背景知识(解决实际问题时背景知识在很大程度上还是有用的)。竞赛数据是根据ATLAS检测到的事件的特征合成的数据,竞赛任务是将事件分类为"tau tau decay of a Higgs boson" 或 "background"
所有变量都是floating point类型,除了PRI_jet_num 为integer
以PRI(PRImitives) 为的前缀特征为检测器测量得到的关于bunch collision“原始” 数据.
以DER( DERived)为ATLAS的物理学家选择的根据原始特征计算得到的数据。
缺失数据记为 −999.0, 与所有特征的正常值不同。
# this is the example script to use xgboost to train
import numpy as np
import xgboost as xgb
test_size = 550000
# path to where the data lies
dpath = './data/'
# load in training data, directly use numpy delimiter为定界符 skiprows为跳过的行头 converters为转换器
dtrain = np.loadtxt(dpath + '/higgsboson_training.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1,
converters={32: lambda x: int(x == 's'.encode('utf-8'))})
print ('finish loading from csv ')
label = dtrain[:,32]
data = dtrain[:,1:31]
# rescale weight to make it same as test set
weight = dtrain[:,31] * float(test_size) / len(label) #数据集中第31列是weight标签,len(label)是250000
# 正负样本权重,为训练集中正负样本的比例
sum_wpos = sum( weight[i] for i in range(len(label)) if label[i] == 1.0 ) #正样本
sum_wneg = sum( weight[i] for i in range(len(label)) if label[i] == 0.0 ) #负样本
# print weight statistics
print ('weight statistics: wpos=%g, wneg=%g, ratio=%g' % ( sum_wpos, sum_wneg, sum_wneg/sum_wpos ))#不是简单的计数
1. objective [默认reg:linear]:
binary:logistic 二分类的逻辑回归,返回预测的概率(不是类别)。
Higgs Boson竞赛是一个两类分类任务,采用二分类的逻辑回归。
2. scale_pos_weight [默认1]:
Higgs Boson竞赛中训练集给出了每个(正/负)样本的权重,所有正/负样本的权重相加,可得到训练集中正负样本的比例。
3. eta [默认0.3]
为学习率。为了防止过拟合,更新过程中用到的收缩步长。在每次提升计算之后,算法会直接获得新特征的权重。 eta通过缩减特征的权重使提升计算过程更加保守。取值范围为:[0,1]
4. max_depth [默认6]
5. eval_metric [默认值取决于objective参数的取值]
rmse 均方根误差
mae 平均绝对误差
logloss 负对数似然函数值
error 二分类错误率(阈值为0.5)
merror 多分类错误率
mlogloss 多分类logloss损失函数
auc 曲线下面积(Area Under Curve):不同阈值下模型的正确率。
6. nthread [默认值为最大可能的线程数]
# construct xgboost.DMatrix from numpy array, treat -999.0 as missing value
dtrain = xgb.DMatrix( data, label=label, missing = -999.0, weight=weight )
# setup parameters for xgboost
param = {}
# use logistic regression loss, use raw prediction before logistic transformation
# since we only need the rank
param['objective'] = 'binary:logitraw'
param['eta'] = 0.1
param['max_depth'] = 6
param['silent'] = 1
train函数的参数: xgboost.train(params,dtrain,num_boost_round=10,evals=(),obj=None,feval=None,maximize=False,early_stopping_rounds=None, evals_result=None,verbose_eval=True,learning_rates=None,xgb_model=None)
params: 这是一个字典,里面包含着训练中的参数关键字和对应的值,形式是params = {‘booster’:’gbtree’,’eta’:0.1}
dtrain 训练的数据
num_boost_round 这是指提升迭代的个数
evals: 这是一个列表,用于对训练过程中进行评估列表中的元素。形式是evals = [(dtrain,’train’),(dval,’val’)]或者是evals = [(dtrain,’train’)]
num_round = 10
# num_round = 1000
print ('running cross validation, with preprocessing function')
# define the preprocessing function 预处理函数
# used to return the preprocessed training, test data, and parameter
# we can use this to do weight rescale, etc.
# as a example, we try to set scale_pos_weight
def fpreproc(dtrain, dtest, param):
label = dtrain.get_label()
ratio = float(np.sum(label == 0)) / np.sum(label==1)
param['scale_pos_weight'] = ratio
wtrain = dtrain.get_weight() 获取测试集合权重
wtest = dtest.get_weight() 获取测试集权重
sum_weight = sum(wtrain) + sum(wtest)
wtrain *= sum_weight / sum(wtrain)
wtest *= sum_weight / sum(wtest)
return (dtrain, dtest, param)
# do cross validation, for each fold 十字交叉验证
# the dtrain, dtest, param will be passed into fpreproc
# then the return value of fpreproc will be used to generate
# results of that fold
cvresult = xgb.cv(param, dtrain, num_round, nfold=2,
metrics={'[email protected]', 'auc'}, early_stopping_rounds=2, seed = 0, fpreproc = fpreproc)
print ('finish cross validation')
print (cvresult)
n_estimators = cvresult.shape[0]. #值是一个数字10
from matplotlib import pyplot
# plot
test_means = cvresult['[email protected]']
test_stds = cvresult['[email protected]']
train_means = cvresult['[email protected]']
train_stds = cvresult['[email protected]']
x_axis = range(0, n_estimators)
pyplot.errorbar(x_axis, test_means, yerr=test_stds ,label='Test')
pyplot.errorbar(x_axis, train_means, yerr=train_stds ,label='Train')
pyplot.title("HiggsBoson n_estimators vs [email protected]")
pyplot.xlabel( 'n_estimators' )
pyplot.ylabel( '[email protected]' )
pyplot.savefig( 'HiggsBoson_estimators.png' ). #保存图片
#pyplot.show() #如果先输出图形结果时,会造成后面输出停止,关闭图形后才会执行后面的代码
#Fit the algorithm on the data, cv 函数没有refit步骤
#alg.fit(X_train, y_train, eval_metric='[email protected]')
print ('train model using the best parameters by cv ... ')
bst = xgb.train( param, dtrain, n_estimators );
# save out model
bst.save_model('higgs_cv.model') #保存模型
print ('train finished')
import numpy as np
import xgboost as xgb
# path to where the data lies
dpath = './data/'
modelfile = 'higgs_cv.model' #生产的模型
outfile = 'higgs.pred.csv' #输出文件
# make top 15% as positive
threshold_ratio = 0.15
# load in test, directly use numpy
dtest = np.loadtxt( dpath+'/higgsboson_test.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1 )
data = dtest[:,1:31]
idx = dtest[:,0]
print ('finish loading from csv ')
测试数据导入DMatrix 模型导入
xgmat = xgb.DMatrix( data, missing = -999.0 )
bst = xgb.Booster({'nthread':8}, model_file = modelfile)
ypred = bst.predict( xgmat )
res = [ ( int(idx[i]), ypred[i] ) for i in range(len(ypred)) ]
rorder = {}
for k, v in sorted( res, key = lambda x:-x[1] ):
rorder[ k ] = len(rorder) + 1
# write out predictions
ntop = int( threshold_ratio * len(rorder ) ) #threshold 入口,门槛
fo = open(outfile, 'w')
nhit = 0
ntot = 0
fo.write('EventId,RankOrder,Class\n') #写入文件title
for k, v in res:
if rorder[k] <= ntop:
lb = 's' #s类
nhit += 1
lb = 'b' #b类
# change output rank order to follow Kaggle convention
fo.write('%s,%d,%s\n' % ( k, len(rorder)+1-rorder[k], lb ) )
ntot += 1
print ('finished writing into prediction file')
# this is the example script to use xgboost to train
import numpy as np
import xgboost as xgb
test_size = 550000
# path to where the data lies
dpath = './data/'
# load in training data, directly use numpy
dtrain = np.loadtxt(dpath + '/higgsboson_training.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1,
converters={32: lambda x: int(x == 's'.encode('utf-8'))})
print ('finish loading from csv ')
label = dtrain[:,32]
data = dtrain[:,1:31]
# rescale weight to make it same as test set
weight = dtrain[:,31] * float(test_size) / len(label)
# 正负样本权重,为训练集中正负样本的比例
sum_wpos = sum( weight[i] for i in range(len(label)) if label[i] == 1.0 )
sum_wneg = sum( weight[i] for i in range(len(label)) if label[i] == 0.0 )
# print weight statistics
print ('weight statistics: wpos=%g, wneg=%g, ratio=%g' % ( sum_wpos, sum_wneg, sum_wneg/sum_wpos ))
# construct xgboost.DMatrix from numpy array, treat -999.0 as missing value
dtrain = xgb.DMatrix( data, label=label, missing = -999.0, weight=weight )
# setup parameters for xgboost
param = {}
# use logistic regression loss, use raw prediction before logistic transformation
# since we only need the rank
param['objective'] = 'binary:logitraw'
param['eta'] = 0.1
param['max_depth'] = 6
param['silent'] = 1
# boost 1000 trees
num_round = 10
# num_round = 1000
print ('running cross validation, with preprocessing function')
# define the preprocessing function
# used to return the preprocessed training, test data, and parameter
# we can use this to do weight rescale, etc.
# as a example, we try to set scale_pos_weight
def fpreproc(dtrain, dtest, param):
label = dtrain.get_label()
ratio = float(np.sum(label == 0)) / np.sum(label==1)
param['scale_pos_weight'] = ratio
wtrain = dtrain.get_weight()
wtest = dtest.get_weight()
sum_weight = sum(wtrain) + sum(wtest)
wtrain *= sum_weight / sum(wtrain)
wtest *= sum_weight / sum(wtest)
return (dtrain, dtest, param)
# do cross validation, for each fold
# the dtrain, dtest, param will be passed into fpreproc
# then the return value of fpreproc will be used to generate
# results of that fold
cvresult = xgb.cv(param, dtrain, num_round, nfold=2,
metrics={'[email protected]', 'auc'}, early_stopping_rounds=2, seed = 0, fpreproc = fpreproc)
print ('finish cross validation')
print (cvresult)
n_estimators = cvresult.shape[0]
from matplotlib import pyplot
# plot
test_means = cvresult['[email protected]']
test_stds = cvresult['[email protected]']
train_means = cvresult['[email protected]']
train_stds = cvresult['[email protected]']
x_axis = range(0, n_estimators)
pyplot.errorbar(x_axis, test_means, yerr=test_stds, label='Test')
pyplot.errorbar(x_axis, train_means, yerr=train_stds, label='Train')
pyplot.title("HiggsBoson n_estimators vs [email protected]")
pyplot.ylabel('[email protected]')
# pyplot.show()
#Fit the algorithm on the data, cv 函数没有refit步骤
#alg.fit(X_train, y_train, eval_metric='[email protected]')
print ('train model using the best parameters by cv ... ')
bst = xgb.train( param, dtrain, n_estimators );
# save out model
print ('train finished')
import numpy as np
import xgboost as xgb
# path to where the data lies
dpath = './data/'
modelfile = 'higgs_cv.model'
outfile = 'higgs.pred.csv'
# make top 15% as positive
threshold_ratio = 0.15
# load in test, directly use numpy
dtest = np.loadtxt( dpath+'/higgsboson_test.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1 )
data = dtest[:,1:31]
idx = dtest[:,0]
print ('finish loading from csv ')
xgmat = xgb.DMatrix( data, missing = -999.0 )
bst = xgb.Booster({'nthread':8}, model_file = modelfile)
ypred = bst.predict( xgmat )
res = [ ( int(idx[i]), ypred[i] ) for i in range(len(ypred)) ]
rorder = {}
for k, v in sorted( res, key = lambda x:-x[1] ):
rorder[ k ] = len(rorder) + 1
# write out predictions
ntop = int( threshold_ratio * len(rorder ) )
fo = open(outfile, 'w')
nhit = 0
ntot = 0
for k, v in res:
if rorder[k] <= ntop:
lb = 's'
nhit += 1
lb = 'b'
# change output rank order to follow Kaggle convention
fo.write('%s,%d,%s\n' % ( k, len(rorder)+1-rorder[k], lb ) )
ntot += 1
print ('finished writing into prediction file')