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1.引用:Androulaki, E., Karame, G., Roeschlin, M., Scherer, T. and Capkun, S. Evaluating user privacy in Bitcoin. In Proceedings of FC 2013, 34–51.
摘要:Bitcoin is quickly emerging as a popular digital payment system. However, in spite of its reliance on pseudonyms, Bitcoin raises a number of privacy concerns due to the fact that all of the transactions that take place are publicly announced in the system.In this paper, we investigate the privacy provisions in Bitcoin when it is used as a primary currency to support the daily transactions of individuals in a university setting. More specifically, we evaluate the privacy that is provided by Bitcoin (i) by analyzing the genuine Bitcoin system and (ii) through a simulator that faithfully mimics the use of Bitcoin within a university. In this setting, our results show that the profiles of almost 40% of the users can be, to a large extent, recovered even when users adopt privacy measures recommended by Bitcoin. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that comprehensively analyzes, and evaluates the privacy implications of Bitcoin.
比特币正在迅速成为一种流行的数字支付系统。 然而,尽管比特币依赖于假名,但由于所有发生的交易都是在系统中公开宣布的,因此比特币提出了许多隐私问题。在本文中,我们调查了比特币的隐私条款。 用作支持大学环境中个人日常交易的主要货币。 更具体地说,我们通过分析真正的比特币系统和(ii)通过模拟器来评估比特币(i)提供的隐私,该模拟器忠实地模仿大学内比特币的使用。 在此设置中,我们的结果显示,即使用户采用比特币推荐的隐私措施,近40%的用户的配置文件在很大程度上也可以恢复。 据我们所知,这是第一部全面分析和评估比特币隐私含义的工作。

2.引用:Meiklejohn, S., Pomarole, M., Jordan, G., Levchenko, K., McCoy, D., Voelker, G. M., and Savage, S. A fistful of Bitcoins: Characterizing payments among men with no names. In Proceedings of IMC, 2013, 127–140.
摘要:Bitcoin is a decentralized virtual currency whose usage has skyrocketed since its introduction in January 2009. Like cash, the ownership of bitcoins is anonymous, as participants transact bitcoins using pseudonyms rather than persistent real-world identities. In this article, we examine the limitations of Bitcoin anonymity and discover that the ability to cluster pseudonyms according to heuristics about shared ownership allows us to identify (i.e., associate with a real-world entity or user) a significant and active slice of the Bitcoin economy. Along the way, we explain a lot about how Bitcoin works.

3.引用:Reid, F. and Harrigan, M. An analysis of anonymity in the Bitcoin system. In Proceedings of IEEE PASSAT and SocialCom, 2011, 1318–1326.
摘要:Anonymity in Bitcoin, a peer-to-peer electronic currency system, is a complicated issue. Within the system, users are identified by public-keys only. An attacker wishing to de-anonymize its users will attempt to construct the one to-many mapping between users and public-keys and associate information external to the system with the users. Bitcoinfrustrates this attack by storing the mapping of a user to his or her public-keys on that user's node only and by allowing each user to generate as many public-keys as required. In this paper we consider the topological structure of two networks derived from Bitcoin's public transaction history. We show that the two networks have a non-trivial topological structure, provide complementary views of the Bitcoin system and have implications for anonymity. We combine these structures with external information and techniques such as context discovery and flow analysis to investigate an alleged theft of Bitcoins, which, at the time of the theft, had a market value of approximately half a million U.S. dollars.

4.引用:Ron, D. and Shamir, A. Quantitative analysis of the full Bitcoin transaction graph. In Proceedings of FC 2013, 6–24.
摘要:The Bitcoin scheme is a rare example of a large scale global payment system in which all the transactions are publicly accessible (but in an anonymous way). We downloaded the full history of this scheme, and analyzed many statistical properties of its associated transaction graph. In this paper we answer for the first time a variety of interesting questions about the typical behavior of users, how they acquire and how they spend their bitcoins, the balance of bitcoins they keep in their accounts, and how they move bitcoins between their various accounts in order to better protect their privacy. In addition, we isolated all the large transactions in the system, and discovered that almost all of them are closely related to a single large transaction that took place in November 2010, even though the associated users apparently tried to hide this fact with many strange looking long chains and fork-merge structures in the transaction graph.
比特币计划是大规模全球支付系统的一个罕见例子,其中所有交易都是公开可访问的(但以匿名方式)。 我们下载了该方案的完整历史,并分析了其相关事务图的许多统计属性。 在本文中,我们首次回答了关于用户的典型行为,他们如何获得以及他们如何使用比特币,他们在账户中保留比特币的余额以及他们如何在各种账户之间移动比特币的各种有趣问题。 为了更好地保护自己的隐私。 此外,我们隔离了系统中的所有大型事务,并发现几乎所有事务都与2010年11月发生的单个大型事务密切相关,即使关联用户显然试图隐藏这个事实并且看起来很奇怪 事务图中的长链和fork-merge结构。


5.引用:Koshy P, Koshy D, Mcdaniel P. An Analysis of Anonymity in Bitcoin Using P2P Network Traffic[C]// International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2014:469-485.
摘要:Over the last 4 years, Bitcoin, a decentralized P2P cryptocurrency, has gained widespread attention. The ability to create pseudoanonymous financial transactions using bitcoins has made the currency attractive to users who value their privacy. Although previous work has analyzed the degree of anonymity Bitcoin offers using clustering and flow analysis, none have demonstrated the ability to map Bitcoin addresses directly to IP data. We propose a novel approach to creating and evaluating such mappings solely using real-time transaction traffic collected over 5 months. We developed heuristics for identifying ownership relationships between Bitcoin addresses and IP addresses. We discuss the circumstances under which these relationships become apparent and demonstrate how nearly 1,000 Bitcoin addresses can be mapped to their likely owner IPs by leveraging anomalous relaying behavior
在过去的4年中,比特币是一种分散的P2P加密货币,受到广泛关注。 创建伪匿名的能力使用比特币的金融交易已成为货币对重视隐私的用户有吸引力。 虽然以前的工作有
分析了比特币提供的匿名程度使用聚类和流量分析,没有人证明能够映射比特币地址直接到IP数据。 我们提出了一种创造和创造的新方法仅使用收集的实时交易流量评估此类映射超过5个月。 我们开发了启发式方法来识别所有权比特币地址和IP地址之间的关系。 我们讨论这些关系变得明显的环境演示如何将近1,000个比特币地址映射到他们的地址可能通过利用异常中继行为来拥有IP

6.引用:Herrera-Joancomartí J. Research and Challenges on Bitcoin Anonymity[M]// Data Privacy Management, Autonomous Spontaneous Security, and Security Assurance. Springer International Publishing, 2015:3-16.
摘要:Bitcoin has emerged as the most successful crypto currency since its appearance back in 2009. Besides its security robustness, two main properties have probably been its key to success: anonymity and decentralization. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive description on the details that make such cryptocurrency an interesting research topic in the privacy community. We perform an exhaustive review of the bitcoin anonymity research papers that have been published so far and we outline some research challenges on that topic.
自2009年出现以来,比特币已成为最成功的加密货币。除了安全稳健性之外,两个主要属性可能是其成功的关键:匿名和分散。 在本文中,我们提供了有关细节的全面描述,使这种加密货币成为隐私社区中一个有趣的研究课题。 我们对目前已发布的比特币匿名研究论文进行了详尽的审查,并概述了该主题的一些研究挑战。

7.引用:Feld S, Schönfeld M, Werner M. Traversing Bitcoin’s P2P network: Insights into the structure of a decentralized currency[J]. 2016.
摘要:Bitcoin is a digital currency which relies on a distributed set of miners to mint coins and on a peer-to-peer network to broadcast transactions. The identities of Bitcoin users are hidden behind pseudonyms (public keys) which are recommended to be changed frequently in order to increase transaction unlinkability. We present an efficient method to deanonymize Bitcoin users, which allows to link user pseudonyms to the IP addresses where the transactions are generated. Our techniques work for the most common and the most challenging scenario when users are behind NATs or firewalls of their ISPs. They allow to link transactions of a user behind a NAT and to distinguish connections and transactions of different users behind the same NAT. We also show that a natural countermeasure of using Tor or other anonymity services can be cut-off by abusing anti-DoS countermeasures of the Bitcoin network. Our attacks require only a few machines and have been experimentally verified. The estimated success rate is between 11% and 60% depending on how stealthy an attacker wants to be. We propose several countermeasures to mitigate these new attacks.

8.引用:Saxena A, Misra J, Dhar A. Increasing Anonymity in Bitcoin[C]// International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2014:122-139.
摘要:Bitcoin prevents double-spending using the blockchain, a public ledger kept with every client. Every single transaction till date is present in this ledger. Due to this, true anonymity is not present in bit-coin. We present a method to enhance anonymity in bitcoin-type cryp-tocurrencies. In the blockchain, each block holds a list of transactions linking the sending and receiving addresses. In our modified protocol the transactions (and blocks) do not contain any such links. Using this, we obtain a far higher degree of anonymity. Our method uses a new primitive known as composite signatures. Our security is based on the hardness of the Computation Diffie-Hellman assumption in bilinear maps.
比特币使用区块链防止双重支出,每个客户都保留着分类账。 到目前为止,每笔交易都是出现在这个分类帐中。 因此,在比特中不存在真正的匿名性硬币。 我们提出了一种增强比特币类型密码的匿名性的方法tocurrencies。 在区块链中,每个区块都包含一个事务列表链接发送和接收地址。 在我们修改的协议中事务(和块)不包含任何此类链接。 使用这个,我们获得更高程度的匿名性。 我们的方法使用了一个新的原始被称为复合签名。 我们的安全性基于硬度双线性映射中的计算Diffie-Hellman假设。


9.引用:Conti M, Sandeep K E, Lal C, et al. A Survey on Security and Privacy Issues of Bitcoin[J]. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2017, PP(99):1-1.
摘要:Bitcoin is a popular cryptocurrency that records all transactions in a distributed append-only public ledger called blockchain. The security of Bitcoin heavily relies on the incentive-compatible proof-of-work (PoW) based distributed consensus protocol, which is run by the network nodes called miners. In exchange for the incentive, the miners are expected to maintain the blockchain honestly. Since its launch in 2009, Bitcoin economy has grown at an enormous rate, and it is now worth about 150 billions of dollars. This exponential growth in the market value of bitcoins motivate adversaries to exploit weaknesses for profit, and researchers to discover new vulnerabilities in the system, propose countermeasures, and predict upcoming trends. In this paper, we present a systematic survey that covers the security and privacy aspects of Bitcoin. We start by giving an overview of the Bitcoin system and its major components along with their functionality and interactions within the system. We review the existing vulnerabilities in Bitcoin and its major underlying technologies such as blockchain and PoW-based consensus protocol. These vulnerabilities lead to the execution of various security threats to the standard functionality of Bitcoin. We then investigate the feasibility and robustness of the state-of-the-art security solutions. Additionally, we discuss the current anonymity considerations in Bitcoin and the privacy-related threats to Bitcoin users along with the analysis of the existing privacy-preserving solutions. Finally, we summarize the critical open challenges, and we suggest directions for future research towards provisioning stringent security and privacy solutions for Bitcoin.

10.引用:Fanti G, Viswanath P. Anonymity Properties of the Bitcoin P2P Network[J]. 2017.
摘要:Bitcoin is a popular alternative to fiat money, widely used for its perceived anonymity properties. However, recent attacks on Bitcoin’s peer-to-peer (P2P) network demonstrated that its gossip-based flooding protocols, which are used to ensure global network consistency, may enable user deanonymization the linkage of a user’s IP address with her pseudonym in the Bitcoin network. In 2015, the Bitcoin community responded to these attacks by changing the network’s flooding mechanism to a different protocol, known as diffusion.However, no systematic justification was provided for the change, and it is unclear if diffusion actually improves the system’s anonymity. In this paper, we model the Bitcoin networking stack and analyze its anonymity properties, both pre- and post-2015. In doing so, we consider new adversarial
models and spreading mechanisms that have not been previously studied in the source-finding literature. We theoretically prove that Bitcoin’s networking protocols (both pre- and post-2015) offer poor anonymity properties on networkswith a regular-tree topology. We validate this claimin simulation on a 2015 snapshot of the real Bitcoin P2P network topology.
全球网络一致性,可以使用户去匿名化 - 用户的IP地址与她的假名的链接比特币网络。 2015年,比特币社区做出了回应通过改变网络洪水来应对这些攻击机制到不同的协议,称为扩散。但是,没有提供系统的理由变化,目前还不清楚扩散是否真的改善了系统的匿名性。在本文中,我们对比特币进行建模网络堆栈和分析其匿名属性,两者2015年之前和之后。在这样做时,我们考虑新的对抗性没有的模型和传播机制以前在源头发现文献中研究过。我们理论上证明比特币的网络协议(两者都有2015年之前和之后)在网络上提供差的匿名属性使用常规树拓扑。我们验证了此声明模拟真实比特币P2P的2015年快照网络拓扑结构。

11.引用:Neudecker T, Hartenstein H. Could Network Information Facilitate Address Clustering in Bitcoin?[C]// International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security. Springer, Cham, 2017:155-169.
摘要:Address clustering tries to break the privacy of bitcoin users by linking all addresses created by an individual user, based on information available from the blockchain. As an alternative information source, observations of the underlying peer-to-peer network have also been used to attack the privacy of users. In this paper, we assess whether combining blockchain and network information may facilitate the clustering process. For this purpose, we apply all applicable clustering heuristics that are known to us to current blockchain information and associate the resulting clusters with IP address information extracted from observing the message flooding process of the bitcoin network. The results indicate that only a small share of clusters (less than 8%) were conspicuously associated with a single IP address. Also, only a small number of IP addresses showed a conspicuous association with a single cluster.
地址群集试图通过链接由单个用户创建的所有地址(基于区块链中可用的信息)来破坏比特币用户的隐私。 作为替代信息源,对底层对等网络的观察也被用于攻击用户的隐私。 在本文中,我们评估组合区块链和网络信息是否可以促进聚类过程。 为此,我们将我们已知的所有适用的聚类启发法应用于当前的区块链信息,并将得到的聚类与从观察比特币网络的消息洪泛过程中提取的IP地址信息相关联。 结果表明,只有一小部分集群(小于8%)明显与单个IP地址相关联。 此外,只有少数IP地址与单个群集显示出明显的关联。

12.引用:@incollection{NIPS2017_6735,title = {Deanonymization in the Bitcoin P2P Network},author = {Fanti, Giulia and Viswanath, Pramod},booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30},editor = {I. Guyon and U. V. Luxburg and S. Bengio and H. Wallach and R. Fergus and S. Vishwanathan and R. Garnett},
pages = {1364--1373},year = {2017},publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},url = {http://papers.nips.cc/paper/6735-deanonymization-in-the-bitcoin-p2p-network.pdf}}
摘要:Recent attacks on Bitcoin's peer-to-peer (P2P) network demonstrated that its transaction-flooding protocols, which are used to ensure network consistency, may enable user deanonymization---the linkage of a user's IP address with her pseudonym in the Bitcoin network. In 2015, the Bitcoin community responded to these attacks by changing the network's flooding mechanism to a different protocol, known as diffusion. However, it is unclear if diffusion actually improves the system's anonymity. In this paper, we model the Bitcoin networking stack and analyze its anonymity properties, both pre- and post-2015. The core problem is one of epidemic source inference over graphs, where the observational model and spreading mechanisms are informed by Bitcoin's implementation; notably, these models have not been studied in the epidemic source detection literature before. We identify and analyze near-optimal source estimators. This analysis suggests that Bitcoin's networking protocols (both pre- and post-2015) offer poor anonymity properties on networks with a regular-tree topology. We confirm this claim in simulation on a 2015 snapshot of the real Bitcoin P2P network topology.
最近对比特币的点对点(P2P)网络的攻击表明,其用于确保网络一致性的事务泛滥协议可以实现用户的匿名化 - 用户的IP地址与比特币网络中的假名的链接。 2015年,比特币社区通过将网络洪泛机制更改为不同的协议(称为扩散)来应对这些攻击。然而,目前尚不清楚扩散是否真正改善了系统的匿名性。在本文中,我们对比特币网络堆栈进行建模,并在2015年之前和之后分析其匿名属性。核心问题是关于图的流行病源推断之一,其中观察模型和传播机制由比特币的实施提供信息;值得注意的是,这些模型之前尚未在流行病学检测文献中进行过研究。我们识别并分析近乎最优的源估计器。该分析表明,比特币的网络协议(2015年之前和之后)在具有常规树拓扑的网络上提供了较差的匿名性。我们在2015年真实比特币P2P网络拓扑快照的模拟中证实了这一主张。

13.引用:Author:Jad Wahab,Wednesday 18th April, 2018. Privacy in Blockchain Systems, url:https://arxiv.org/pdf/1809.10642.pdf.
摘要:In this literature review, we first briefly provide an introduction on the privacy aspect of blockchain systems and why it is a difficult quality to achieve, especially using traditional methods. Next, we go over a wide range of different strategies and techniques, along with theirrespective empirical implementations. Starting with approaches that attempted to provide privacy on Bitcoin/existing blockchain systems, then going into more advanced techniques, such as secure multi-party computations, ring signatures, and zero knowledge proofs, that construct a more advanced blockchain system from scratch with the objective of preserving privacy. Finally, we conclude that the current state of privacy on blockchains still needs work for it to be reliable. Nevertheless, the field of privacy in this domain is developing and advancing at a rapid rate.
在这篇文献综述中,我们首先简要介绍一下区块链系统的隐私方面以及为什么它质量很差实现,特别是使用传统方法。 接下来,我们过去各种不同的策略和技巧,以及他们的各自的经验实施。 从那些方法开始试图在比特币/现有区块链系统上提供隐私,然后进入更高级的技术,例如安全的多方构造的计算,环签名和零知识证明一个更先进的区块链系统从头开始与目标保护隐私。 最后,我们得出结论,目前的状态区块链上的隐私仍然需要工作才能保证可靠性。尽管如此,这个领域的隐私领域正在发展和进步

14.引用:Henry R, Herzberg A, Kate A. Blockchain Access Privacy: Challenges and Directions[J]. IEEE Security & Privacy, 2018, 16(4):38-45.
摘要:Privacy, facilitated by a confluence of cryptography and decentralization, is one of the primary motivations for the adoption of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Alas, Bitcoins privacy promise has proven illusory, and despite growing interest in privacy-centric blockchains, most blockchain users remain susceptible to privacy attacks that exploit network-layer information and access patterns that leak as users interact with blockchains. Understanding if and how blockchain-based applications can provide strong privacy guarantees is a matter of increasing urgency. Many researchers advocate using anonymous communications networks, such as Tor, to ensure access privacy. We challenge this approach, showing the need for mechanisms through which non-anonymous users can (i) publish transactions that cannot be linked to their network addresses or to their other transactions, and (ii) fetch details of specific transactions without revealing which transactions they seek. We hope this article inspires blockchain researchers to think beyond Tor and tackle these important access privacy problems head-on.

15.引用:Ouaddah A, Elkalam A A, Ouahman A A. Towards a Novel Privacy-Preserving Access Control Model Based on Blockchain Technology in IoT[J]. 2017.
摘要:Access control face big challenges in IoT. Unfortunately, it is hard to implement current access control standards on smart object due to its constrained nature while the introduction of powerful and trusted third party to handle access control logic could harm user privacy. In this work we show how blockchain, the promising technology behind Bitcoin, can be very attractive to face those arising challenges. We therefore propose FairAccess as a new decentralized pseudonymous and privacy preserving authorization management framework that leverages the consistency of blockchain technology to manage access control on behalf of constrained devices.
访问控制面临着物联网的巨大挑战。 遗憾的是,由于其受约束的性质,很难在智能对象上实现当前的访问控制标准,而引入强大且可信的第三方来处理访问控制逻辑可能会损害用户隐私。 在这项工作中,我们展示了区块链(比特币背后的有前途的技术)如何能够面对这些挑战而非常具有吸引力。 因此,我们建议将FairAccess作为一种新的分散式假名和隐私保护授权管理框架,该框架利用区块链技术的一致性来代表受约束设备管理访问控制。

16.引用:Fan K, Ren Y, Wang Y, et al. Blockchain-based efficient privacy preserving and data sharing scheme of content-centric network in 5G[J]. Iet Communications, 2018, 12(5):527-532.
摘要:Now, the authors life is full of vast amount of information, the era of information has arrived. So the content-centric networks face severe challenges in dealing with a huge range of content requests, bringing protection and sharing concerns of the content. How to protect information in the network efficiently and securely for the upcoming 5G era has become a problem. The authors propose a scheme based on a blockchain to solve the privacy issues in content-centric mobile networks for 5G. The authors implement the mutual trust between content providers and users. Besides, the openness and tamper-resistant of the blockchain ledger ensure the access control and privacy of the provider. With the help of a miner, selected from users, the authors can maintain the public ledger expediently. Also, in return, the authors share the interesting data with low overhead, network delay and congestion, and then achieve green communication.
现在,作者的生活充满了大量的信息,信息的时代已经到来。 因此,以内容为中心的网络在处理大量内容请求时面临严峻挑战,带来内容的保护和共享问题。 如何在即将到来的5G时代有效且安全地保护网络中的信息已经成为一个问题。 作者提出了一种基于区块链的方案,以解决5G内容中心移动网络中的隐私问题。 作者实现了内容提供者和用户之间的相互信任。 此外,区块链分类帐的开放性和防篡改性确保了提供商的访问控制和隐私。 在从用户中选择的矿工的帮助下,作者可以方便地维护公共分类账。 而且,作为回报,作者以低开销,网络延迟和拥塞共享有趣的数据,然后实现绿色通信。

17.引用:Ranshous S, Joslyn C A, Kreyling S, et al. Exchange Pattern Mining in the Bitcoin Transaction Directed Hypergraph[C]// International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security. Springer, Cham, 2017:248-263.
摘要:Bitcoin exchanges operate between digital and fiat currency networks, thus providing an opportunity to connect real-world identities to pseudonymous addresses, an important task for anti-money laundering efforts. We seek to characterize, understand, and identify patterns centered around exchanges in the context of a directed hypergraph model for Bitcoin transactions. We introduce the idea of motifs in directed hypergraphs, considering a particular 2-motif as a potential laundering pattern. We identify distinct statistical properties of exchange addresses related to the acquisition and spending of bitcoin. We then leverage this to build classification models to learn a set of discriminating features, and are able to predict if an address is owned by an exchange with >80% accuracy using purely structural features of the graph. Applying this classifier to the 2-motif patterns reveals a preponderance of inter-exchange activity, while not necessarily significant laundering patterns.
比特币交易在数字和法定货币网络之间运作,从而提供了将现实身份与假名地址联系起来的机会,这是反洗钱工作的一项重要任务。 我们寻求在比特币交易的有向超图模型的背景下,以交换为中心来描述,理解和识别模式。 我们在有向超图中引入了图案的概念,将特定的2图案视为潜在的洗钱模式。 我们识别与比特币的购置和支出相关的交换地址的不同统计特性。 然后,我们利用它来构建分类模型以学习一组区分特征,并且能够使用图的纯结构特征来预测地址是否由具有> 80 %准确度的交换所拥有。 将该分类器应用于2-基序模式揭示了交换活动的优势,而不一定是重要的洗钱模式。

18.引用:Daniel Genkin, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Charalampos Papamanthou Communications of the ACM, June 2018, Vol. 61 No. 6, Pages 78-88 doi:10.1145/3132696
摘要:While blockchain-based cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin do not directly reveal users' identities, they are often prone to deanonymization attacks. By observing the flow of transactions stored in the public blockchain, third parties can make accurate guesses about the identities of involved individuals.Existing privacy-enhancing techniques
for cryptocurrencies mostly come in two flavors: Mixing overlay protocols that can be executed on top of an existing cryptocurrency to hide the flow of funds among a set of participants, and alternative privacy-preserving cryptocurrencies that use advanced cryptographic techniques to achieve strong user privacy by design. We review and compare solutions from both techniques.
而基于区块链的加密货币像比特币不直接透露用户'身份,他们往往倾向于去匿名化攻击。 通过观察存储在中的事务流公共区块链,第三方可以做关于身份的准确猜测涉及的个人。现有的隐私增强技术加密货币主要是进来的两种口味:混合覆盖协议可以在一个上面执行现有的加密货币来隐藏流量一组参与者中的资金,和替代隐私保护使用高级的加密货币加密技术实现强大的用户隐私设计。我们审查并比较来自的解决方案两种技术。


19.引用:Kosba A, Miller A, Shi E, et al. Hawk: The Blockchain Model of Cryptography and Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts[C]// Security and Privacy. IEEE, 2016:839-858.
摘要:Emerging smart contract systems over decentralized cryptocurrencies allow mutually distrustful parties to transact safely without trusted third parties. In the event of contractual breaches or aborts, the decentralized blockchain ensures that honest parties obtain commensurate compensation. Existing systems, however, lack transactional privacy. All transactions, including flow of money between pseudonyms and amount transacted, are exposed on the blockchain. We present Hawk, a decentralized smart contract system that does not store financial transactions in the clear on the blockchain, thus retaining transactional privacy from the public's view. A Hawk programmer can write a private smart contract in an intuitive manner without having to implement cryptography, and our compiler automatically generates an efficient cryptographic protocol where contractual parties interact with the blockchain, using cryptographic primitives such as zero-knowledge proofs. To formally define and reason about the security of our protocols, we are the first to formalize the blockchain model of cryptography. The formal modeling is of independent interest. We advocate the community to adopt such a formal model when designing applications atop decentralized blockchains.
新兴的智能合约系统优于分散的加密货币,允许相互不信任的各方在没有可信第三方的情况下安全地进行交易。在合同违约或中止的情况下,分散的区块链可确保诚实的当事人获得相应的赔偿。然而,现有系统缺乏交易隐私。所有交易,包括假名和交易金额之间的资金流动,均在区块链中公开。我们介绍Hawk,这是一种分散的智能合约系统,不会在区块链中明确存储金融交易,从而保留了公众视角下的交易隐私。 Hawk程序员可以直观地编写私有智能合约,而无需实施加密,我们的编译器会自动生成一种有效的加密协议,其中合同方与区块链交互,使用加密原语,如零知识证明。为了正式定义和推理我们的协议的安全性,我们是第一个正式化密码学的区块链模型。正式建模具有独立的意义。我们主张社区在分散区块链上设计应用程序时采用这种正式模型。

20.引用:Galal H S. Verifiable Sealed-Bid Auction on the Ethereum Blockchain[C]// Finanacial Cryptography. 2018.
摘要:The success of the Ethereum blockchain as a decentralized application platform with a distributed consensus protocol has made many organizations start to invest into running their business on top of it. Technically, the most impressive feature behind Ethereum’s success is its support for a Turing complete language. On the other hand, the inherent transparency and, consequently, the lack of privacy poses a great challenge for many financial applications. In this paper, we tackle this challenge and present a smart contract for a verifiable sealed-bid auction on the Ethereum blockchain. In a nutshell, initially, the bidders submit homomorphic commitments to their sealed-bids on the contract. Subsequently, they reveal their commitments secretly to the auctioneer via a public key encryption scheme. Then, according to the auction rules, the auctioneer determines and claims the winner of the auction. Finally, we utilize interactive zero-knowledge proof protocols between the smart contract and the auctioneer to verify the correctness of such a claim. The underlying protocol of the proposed smart contract is partially privacy-preserving. To be precise, no information about the losing bids is leaked to the bidders. We provide an analysis of the proposed protocol and the smart contract design, in addition to the estimated gas costs associated with the different transactions

