Android Gradle Plugin too old问题解决方法

升级到最新的Android Studio 3.0 PreView后,会提示我们升级Gradle版本,然后就挂掉了。IDE报如下错误:

Error:(1, 0) The android gradle plugin version 3.0.0-alpha1 is too old, please update to the latest version.
To override this check from the command line please set the ANDROID_DAILY_OVERRIDE environment variable to "8d256f619ba96afd1273947e8b8bebea4cb2fd05"
[Upgrade plugin to version 2.3.2 and sync project]


There is a 40 day limit for beta/alpha versions and after that, Android Studio forces you to update to the latest version.

But it doesn't exist (the newest is the alpha with AS 3.0) so a possible solution is setting that environment variable, executing in the command line (in MAC):

launchctl setenv ANDROID_DAILY_OVERRIDE 8d256f619ba96afd1273947e8b8bebea4cb2fd05

And relaunch Android Studio

原来beta/alpha版本有40天限制,在此之后Android Studio就会强制我们升级新版本。但是这个所谓的新版本在引用库中并不存在(最新版是配合Android Studio 3.0使用的alpha版),解决方法是更新一下环境变量ANDROID_DAILY_OVERRIDE,设置为Android Studio中提示的值。

launchctl setenv ANDROID_DAILY_OVERRIDE xxx(Android Studio报错信息中提示的值)


PS:更新完成后记得重启Android Studio

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