

通过Xcode直接upload to AppStore, 页面上提示Upload Successful ,然后登上iTunesConnect,点击活动,发现构建的版本正在处理中,过了几分钟,刷新页面,该构建版本消失,来来回回重复了好几次,网上百度了一下,有说是网络原因的,有说是可能是第三方的私有api会对构建版本有影响,然后我锁定了此项目中引用的库的其中两个
在此期间我打过苹果的客服电话(苹果的客服需要等待很长时间,很尴尬),因为这个开发正好并不是我个人申请的, 是公司的另一个同事申请的个人账号,按照苹果的要求,需要该账号的持有人跟他联系或者将我假如到开发团队中,一番折腾以后,苹果客服那边给出的答案是:虽然在上传的完成以后,页面提示了upload Successful ,但是并不是代表真正的上传成功,针对于我的这个上传失败,原因有很多,叫我提供一堆信息,说是他们需要去查看,需要一些时间。



发件人 Apple

Guideline 5.2.1 - Legal - Intellectual Property

The seller and company names associated with your app do not reflect the name of the government entity in the app or its metadata, as required by Guideline 5.2.1 of the

App Store Review Guidelines.

Next Steps

Your app must be published under a seller name and company name that reflects the government entity’s name. If you have developed this app on behalf of a client, please advise your client to add you to the development team of their Apple Developer account.

Once created, you cannot change your seller name or company name in iTunes Connect. For assistance with changing your company name or seller name, you will need to contact iTunes Connect through the


发件人 Apple

  1. 1 Performance: App Completeness
    Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
    We have started the review of your app, but we are not able to continue because we need additional information about your app.Next StepsTo help us proceed with the review of your app, please provide detailed information to the following questions. The more information you can provide upfront, the sooner we can complete your review.- Who is the target audience of your app?- Is this app intended for internal employees of one company only?- What is the relationship between the developer and the company using this app?- In which country will this app be distributed?- How do users receive a username / password?


发件人 Apple

  1. 1 Performance: App Completeness
    Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
    We have started the review of your app, but we are not able to continue because we need access to a video that demonstrates your app’s background audio feature:in use on a physical iOS device.Please ensure the video you provide shows a physical iOS device (not a simulator).Next StepsTo help us proceed with the review of your app, please provide us with a link to a demo video in the App Review Information section of iTunes Connect and reply to this message in Resolution Center.To provide a link to a demo video:- Log in to iTunes Connect- Click on "My Apps"- Select your app- Click on the app version on the left side of the screen- Scroll down to "App Review Information"- Provide demo video access details in the "Notes" section- Click "Save"- Once you've completed all changes, click the "Submit for Review" button at the top of the App Version Information page.Once this information is available, we can continue with the review of your app.

