英文面试四——where do you see yourself in five years


  • make sure that they know that you want to continue working at the company in the future
    et. “i’m going to stay with this company”

  • show your flexible—— you can do different things
    et. ” there’s a couple of different ways that i can move up or get a higher position and it will depend on my future interests and performances and what the company needs”
    “my flexibility has allowed me fill the needs of that company”
    “In addition to the technical background, I have worked as a student union during my undergraduate studies.The hard things for me is that the teacher will let me find some classmates to do some boring work together.But I think I still do a good job.Because I am more enthusiastic first, and have a good relationship with most people.I usually pay attention to the interests and concerns of people around me, so there are things I need to help, I will think of them first. if that is not enough, i will find the guy who have asked me a favor .”

    • show your ambitions
      et.”at the end of five years, i intend to be a leading expert in the field of ~ because your company is at the forefront of this area”

    • home
      “working with tcc would allow me to come back to my hometown,wherer i’d plan to stay for a long time”
