

CodeSmith is a template-based code generator that can produce code for any text-based language. Whether your target language is C#, Visual Basic .NET, T-SQL, Java or even FORTRAN, CodeSmith can help you produce higher-quality, more consistent code in less time than writing code by hand. CodeSmith's familiar ASP.NET-based template syntax means that you can be writing your first templates within minutes of installing the package. The advanced CodeSmith Studio integrated development environment (IDE) helps you create and test new templates in a rapid development setting. You can also join in CodeSmith's active online community to download hundreds of ready-made templates for such common development tasks as building strongly-type collection classes or creating data access layers.


CodeSmith默认编码是ASCII,在第一行指令头上加上ResponseEncoding="UTF-8" 可以支持中文
<%@ CodeTemplate Language="C#"  TargetLanguage="Text" ResponseEncoding="UTF-8"  Description="Template description here." %>


对于自定义的一些组件,放置于CodeSmith安装目录下的AddIns 目录或者Bin目录里,重起 CodeSmith即可调用
