
elasticsearch query中的minimum_should_match ,字面意思就很清晰了,就是最小匹配度,但是它却有很多种配置方式。
正向匹配度比如 "minimum_should_match":3 官方原文解释是:Indicates a fixed value regardless of the number of optional clauses.
这里要说明一下为什么是optional clauses(翻译为可选的子句),因为对于被analyzer分解出来的每一个term都会构造成一个should的bool query的查询,每个term变成一个term query子句。
例如"query": "how not to be",被解析成:
  "bool": {
    "should": [
      { "term": { "body": "how"}},
      { "term": { "body": "not"}},
      { "term": { "body": "to"}},
      { "term": { "body": "be"}}
    "minimum_should_match": 3
(注:在bool query中minimum_should_match只能紧跟在should的后面,放其他地方会出异常)

或者 "minimum_should_match":75%,可以配置一个一个百分比,至少optional clauses至少满足75%,这里是向下取整的。
比如有5个clause,5*75%=3.75,向下取整为3,也就是至少需要match 3个clause。


组合匹配(Combination)"minimum_should_match": 3<90%,官方的解释有点搞,感觉描述的有点复杂。描述如下:
A positive integer, followed by the less-than symbol, followed by any of the previously mentioned specifiers is a conditional specification. It indicates that if the number of optional clauses is equal to (or less than) the integer, they are all required, but if it’s greater than the integer, the specification applies. In this example: if there are 1 to 3 clauses they are all required, but for 4 or more clauses only 90% are required.
